Grove City College, being the unique Christian college it is, has many opportunities to offer. The College has many doors available to help bring more people to faith on this campus, being just one opportunity. One way this is done is by the accessibility of resources. This year, Grove City College gifted an English Standard Version of The Holy Bible to every student, along with the option to take multiple Bibles to hand out to friends, strangers, peers, and family members. Opportunities such as this are very unique and can touch the lives of many people, but it does not stop there.
After these Bibles were distributed, many Young Life (a club on campus that leads groups of adolescents to Jesus Christ) leaders took multiple Bibles to hand out to the young students in various Young Life schools and programs. With the idea of drawing more people to Christ, these College leaders, and friends of the leaders, took it a step further. Students began to paint these Bibles, with bright eye-catching colors, designs, a Bible verse, or an encouraging quote, which made it that much more intriguing and encouraging to the ones who will be using that specific Bible.
After speaking with some of these leaders, their desire was to not only use these Bibles for themselves in their walk of faith, but provide others with the gift they were given. Not only did the leaders get to engage in fellowship with one another by spending time together while painting, but they were able to put their work to use by taking these Bibles to Young Life club and outings.
With all of the opportunities available in ministry here on campus, gifting free Bibles to the student body was just one more step to help encourage students, and those surrounding, to be able to seek Christ further.