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Author Archive | Samantha Funderlich


Sorority Spotlight: The Sisters of Sigma Delta Phi

Elizabeth Becherer, a junior accounting and finance major, is an active student at Grove City College. She has a radio show on WSAJ-FM 91.1 in the evenings, participates in weekly meetings and events with SEAD (Students Excited About Diversity), is a member of the accounting society, and, since freshmen year, is an active member of […]

Brenne Wenk, middle right,  enjoying spending time with her fellow sisters of Phi Sigma Chi.

Sorority Spotlight: The Sisters of Phi Sigma Chi

Soon to be pediatrician Breanne Wenk is a current Biology/Health major with a minor in Exercise Science. Breanne is a busy athlete on campus, participating in club Ultimate Frisbee, twirling for the Wolverine Marching Band, being a tour guide on campus, and is an active member of the Phi Sigma Chi sorority. The students who […]

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