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Sorority Spotlight: The Sisters of Sigma Delta Phi

Elizabeth Becherer, a junior accounting and finance major, is an active student at Grove City College. She has a radio show on WSAJ-FM 91.1 in the evenings, participates in weekly meetings and events with SEAD (Students Excited About Diversity), is a member of the accounting society, and, since freshmen year, is an active member of […]

Brenne Wenk, middle right,  enjoying spending time with her fellow sisters of Phi Sigma Chi.

Sorority Spotlight: The Sisters of Phi Sigma Chi

Soon to be pediatrician Breanne Wenk is a current Biology/Health major with a minor in Exercise Science. Breanne is a busy athlete on campus, participating in club Ultimate Frisbee, twirling for the Wolverine Marching Band, being a tour guide on campus, and is an active member of the Phi Sigma Chi sorority. The students who […]


New Life Ministry – Helping At-Risk Youth

            New Life Ministries at Grove City College is an organization that sends groups of six or seven students to George Junior Republic each week, to go into cottages of the boys living in the residential treatment facilities. There are about 10 boys living in each cottage. A cottage is […]

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