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Author Archive | Tiffany Seitz

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Crimson & White Society

One of the many things that Grove City College prides itself in is its plethora alumni connections disbursed throughout the United States. Grove City College is one of the few schools in the nation that has a unique relationship with its alumni, and one of the ways that relationship is maintained is through the Crimson […]

poodle girls

Spring Dance Company

Over my four years here, Grove City has been what I like to call “a land of opportunity.” Countless positions to fill and committees to serve on has really made my time here at Grove City worthwhile. Spring Dance Company was another incredible opportunity that fell into my lap in quite a unique way; it’s […]


Major (Life) Changes – My Switch From Communication Studies to Entrepreneurship

When it comes to your college career – maybe you’ve got it all figured out, maybe not. I know I certainly didn’t upon entering college, and I’ve learned that’s perfectly okay! The college experience is uniquely different for everyone – no two experiences will be identical. I’ve learned so much throughout the change that I’ve […]

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