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Thankful for Thanksgiving Break

Dear Reader,

Ask any student, and they will tell you: Grove City keeps you busy. For the most part, it’s a good thing and a natural result of being at a rigorous school that also has many extracurricular opportunities — from clubs to IM sports to competitions to speakers to concerts. I am a tiny bit jealous, for instance, to have missed out on Os Guiness and Keith and Kristyn Getty. But only a tiny bit.

Of course, the main cause of the busyness is classes and associated assignments — which is a good thing, because students are in college to learn.

Grove City understands, however, that from time to time what we need as students — more than another paper to write or exam to take — is a nice long break. It’s actually a biblical idea:

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV)

In the fall, the big break is Thanksgiving break, and it lasts a week. The dorms close and everyone goes somewhere, usually home. (We also get a few days off earlier in the term, but the dorms remain open so a small minority of students stay on campus — usually those for whom travel would not make sense.) In the spring, we have a short and a long break as well; this year, Easter is the short break and we have the week-long spring break in early March. It’s a time to relax and see family and friends, and maybe catch up on some work if needed.

When I came to France for the semester, I knew I would miss Thanksgiving at home. But I also knew I would get the opportunity to see more of Europe. It proved to be a most extraordinary break.

* * *

It all began Friday morning with a quick run to the laundromat. I’d had an extremely busy week, culminating in a Control Systems exam the day before. Dr. Bright, our department chair, had been with us the entire week and so the electrical engineers had some class exercises to do with him that we hadn’t been able to do remotely. On Wednesday, Dr. Bright took us on a field trip to La Rochelle.

Unfortunately, I gave my traveling partners a little scare, as they checked to see if I was ready to go and found the room vacant. It all worked out, however; I folded and packed my laundry and was ready to roll in short order, and somehow did not forget anything important.

We started our break in Munich, Germany. The flight there was uneventful, though we had a layover in England and the folks there were confused as to why we were going to Germany and not the motherland. We said nothing of the Revolution. In fact, I would have loved to visit on a weekend trip, but it didn’t pan out; when I heard my friend Sam, who had taken some German in high school, was planning a trip to Germany, I knew I wanted to tag along. I have heard great things from friends about Germany, and it was definitely a good choice.

By Friday at 11 p.m., we had found our Airbnb and made a game plan for the next day.

Over the next three days, we hit a lot of highlights in Munich: We dined at the Hofbrauhus, visited the Dutchess Museum, saw the BMW Welt, walked through the Olympic Park, and visited the concentration camp at Dachau — a sobering experience. (The entrance to the camp proclaims, in German, “Work will set you free.”)

Strolling through Olympic Park in Munich
Strolling through Olympic Park in Munich
German Sausages at a Christmas Market
I’m a big fan of Christmas markets, and got this German sausage with sauerkraut and a pretzel. Delicious!

On Sunday, I went with one of my friends to Munich International Community Church. It is always encouraging to me to see faithful churches all across the world — the pastor certainly didn’t pull any punches unpacking the second half of Colossians 3. Afterwards, I joined some of the young people at that church for dinner at the nearest Subway. We came from all over the world, but shared a common bond in Christ, and had an enjoyable hour together.

On Tuesday, we went to Neuchwanstein, a castle that inspired Disney. For this day, we met with four other friends who were passing through Germany. The trip took all day, as we had to take a train to Füssen and then a bus to the castle. It was definitely worth it! I found it particularly interesting to see how much Ludwig II had been influenced by Wagner; he was obsessed with the Ring Cycle and a surprising amount of the art in the castle reflected this style.

Behold Neuchwanstien Castle!
Behold Neuchwanstien Castle!

On Wednesday, our traveling band of six was cut in half. We all had different plans for the rest of break. I was with a group of three headed for Salzburg, where we arrived around 10 a.m.

Salzburg was my favorite city of the semester. The city is literally set in the Alps. It is also where The Sound of Music was filmed. (Of course, we had to watch the movie the following evening!) We spent the day walking around: We spent a good bit of time in the Salzburg Cathedral, which I think was the most elaborate cathedral I have ever seen; we stopped at the Christmas market, where we got some great food and I got a Christmas ornament; and we took a little hike up into the mountain, which afforded a beautiful view of the city, and of the surrounding mountains.

An afternoon view of the city of Salzburg
We watched the sun set on Salzburg.
We watched the sun set behind the Alps.

That night, we took a train to Vienna. We arrived to our Airbnb at a reasonable hour, and spotted the Aldi a block away. The weather was not great on Thursday, but we walked around the island and I got some pictures. On Friday, we went to an art museum, and I could not believe my eyes: three self-portraits of Rembrandt, a room filled with Pieter Bruegel’s works… it was almost too good to be true!

Later on Friday, our friend from Italy arrived and we prepared dinner for everyone at our Airbnb before heading out for a concert.

On Saturday, I left my camera behind. I forgot it and remembered just down the street, but decided to leave it behind; there is more to a memorable break than a camera could ever capture, anyway, and sometimes it is more of a drag than an aid. I do not want to always see the world through the lens of my DSLR.

We went to Schönbrunn Palace and then visited some other spots. As evening came, we visited one of the Christmas markets, where we got dinner (spätzle for one of us and sausages for the others) and did a little gift shopping. I found some nice things for family members.

On Sunday, we flew back, but took advantage of our layover in Brussels. It was a little crazy, but we managed to get from the airport into the city and then back without missing our flight. One person on the trip knew two high school friends who were studying there and were happy to show us around. If we had figured out the luggage-storage spots or the ticket machines faster, we might have had more than an hour downtown, but it worked out and was certainly more fun than sitting in the airport for a couple hours. Plus, who doesn’t like adrenaline?

Of the three Thanksgiving breaks I’ve had during my time at Grove City, this was certainly the most unconventional. There was no family, no turkey, and no football. But what a break it was!

However, I’m also glad to be back: As I write, I have just less than two weeks here in France. I’m committed to making the most of it! I’ve got homework, yes, and finals… but also thirteen more days to say bonjour, to go downtown, and to thank God for this incredible opportunity.

Back to the stacks,


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Grove City Isn’t Church

One of my favorite things about life at Grove City is my circle of Christian friends. They encourage me and point me to Christ. Having friends in this stage of life who can give advice and walk with us is so important. But I believe there is something even more important for our spiritual walk. In his book, Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life, Stephen Nichols writes:

[Dietrich] Bonhoeffer stressed the community of peer groups, like the community at Finkenwalde and in earlier such communities as the ‘Thursday Circle.’ These, like the church, are genuine communities. … [But] they do not, for Bonhoeffer, replace the church of even take priority over the church. They are a poor substitute for the church. The church is the institution God promises to bless in the pages of the New Testament. And it is our personal connection to the local church that is paramount in our living the Christian life. These communities — part of the church universal — support the church local. When they supplant the church, something crucial is amiss. (Kindle Locations 1057-1072)

So as important as it is to find Christian friends, it is also important to find a good church — and each endeavor should support the other. (Your friends can recommend churches to you and if you find a good church, you will eventually get to know the other students who attend). Some of my best friends at Grove City are those who I met at church.

Fortunately, the College values local churches and encourages students to get involved. For instance, Harbison Chapel does not offer a Sunday morning service. The College provides a helpful listing here of nearby churches.

Practically, there are lots of ways to serve at church as well: I have friends who have helped with youth group, worked in the sound booth, taught Sunday School, and prepared food for events.

I took the first month or so of freshman year to visit a few churches in my denomination, and then prayed about it and did some thinking and chose one. I have been attending there since. Additionally, I have participated in a college Bible study that our pastor leads, as well as weekly lunches where our pastor comes to one of the dining halls.

If you are looking at colleges, I encourage you to make sure that you can find a church nearby where you can worship and serve over the next four years. One of the blessings of being at Grove City is the abundance of nearby churches — some of my friends literally walk across the street on Sunday mornings to go to church. I’m looking forward to returning to campus in January and seeing everyone at my church again; it’s been quite a while!

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Under the Microscope: Biology at Grove City

Biology at Grove City College

Dr. Steve Jenkins is chair of the Department of Biology, and exudes energy for the discipline. In biology, he gets to “see creatures that God has put together and that spring from his mind.” He has been teaching at the College for years and clearly enjoys the post. Our discussion centered on three topics: new majors in the department, interesting research from two former professors, and why Grove City is an excellent choice for studying biology.

The new majors offered to freshmen for the first time this year are Biology/Health, Molecular Biology, and Conservation Biology. The majors allow students to explicitly focus their biological studies as preparation for a career in health, or to focus the scope in a “small bio” or “big bio” direction — either focusing on the chemistry of life in more detail or focusing on nature and the diversity of creatures. As students progress through the new majors and graduate, the department will continue to evaluate and improve the sequencing. This is an exciting time and place to study the science of life. Two courses being taught for the first time this year are Advanced Genetics and Cancer Biology.

Dr. Jenkins did not downplay the traditional biology major, however, and noted that all of the biology majors are essentially identical for the first two years of study. He also believes that studying biology is excellent preparation for many career paths.

When I asked why students would study biology at Grove City, Dr. Jenkins said, “I tell students that STEM Hall is a beautiful hall, but the physical building is not the most beautiful part. It’s what happens inside. In STEM, we have Christian faculty teaching from a Christian perspective of the created order, and students see that the Creator has his imprint on everything.”

Dr. Jenkins is an entomologist, and says he knows that the privilege of seeing and understanding so many wonders is undeserved, a gift from a gracious Creator. He also defended biology itself, as the study and not as the application: While we admire people who go into medicine and will help human society, learning and teaching are also ways to glorify God. As a Christian entomologist, he has a metaphorical “leg up” on fellow entomologists, because he knows that every insect he studies has been made by God and reveals something about the Maker.

Our Lord Jesus himself points us to biological metaphors and lessons rather often: Look at the birds of the air. Consider the lilies of the valley. See how your Father feeds and clothes these, with so much splendor? So do not be anxious. (Matthew 6:26-34) And do not forget that the Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31); though it is foolishness to the world, the church will grow while nations rise and fall, and the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).

I have had a few classes in STEM Hall myself, and it is an amazing building. But Dr. Jenkins loves the quotes engraved in the stone most of all. His favorite is from Louis Pasteur: “The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.” Dr. Jenkins concurs with Pasteur, admitting he has had many mountaintop experiences studying even the smallest creatures within the course of his career.

From the discussion, I was reminded again of the privilege of studying under professors who are not only sharp but wise, men and women who love their discipline and, in loving it, grow in love for their God. Here are teachers who are also disciples, leaders who are also servants, intellectuals whose loves are fanned by their knowledge.

Whether studying biology or literature, philosophy or engineering, I suggest that the community of Christian teachers and students makes Grove City the gem that it is. Together we look, whether through the lens of a microscope or through the text of a Shakespearean sonnet, and see that “the world is charged with the grandeur of God,” as Gerard Hopkins put it. We are also gathered in his name, and he is surely here among us (Matthew 18:20).