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College Life in Quarantine

Grove City College is blessed that we were all able to return to campus this fall and that we made it to the end! Everyone is really excited to return home and finish up the semester. We will not return until the end of January, which means that after Thanksgiving there was a week of online classes and also finals. The reason that we are n0t returning to campus after break is because it is risky to have people returning from all over the country. We have been so thankful that we have been able to stay on campus all semester!

The College only had two spikes of cases this semester. Several students tested positive for the coronavirus, and many students were placed in isolation and quarantine, just to be safe. Luckily, nobody has been super sick. When a student is tested positive, those who were around that person are immediately put into isolation. Also, those who were around the primary contact are also put into isolation as secondary contacts. When you are in isolation, you must attend classes online and must to stay in your room. You are still allowed to get food from the cafeterias, but you must take it back to your room to eat. Those who test positive are either put into a single dorm room or if those rooms are all taken, they go to a hotel near campus.

I recently talked with a few friends about their time in quarantine. All of them said that though it was not ideal, they made the best of it and were thankful that they were not super sick. My one friend said, “Being alone all day got a little bit boring, but I spent a lot of time on the phone and was able to binge watch a bunch of shows that I have always wanted to watch! I did miss going to classes in person, but online classes are very convenient and I was still able to follow the lectures. The College is very accommodating to those in isolation or quarantine and it is obvious that they want what is best for the students!”

Nobody knows how long the pandemic will last, but no matter what, Grove City College is a special place to be. This semester has been very different, but it was still a lot of fun and lots of memories were made. This semester is one to remember!

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College and COVID-19

In March 2020, everything seemed to get crazy. Students were sent home in the middle of March due to the coronavirus. Students, parents, teachers and employees were all panicked because it was such a strange and uncertain time. We did not end up returning until the fall of 2020. Since returning in August, things have certainly been different at Grove City College. Though it is such a different and stressful time, I learned a lot about myself and have also been able to try things that I have never tried.

As an introvert, social-distancing and not attending functions with large groups is no sacrifice for me. I prefer to hang out with a few close friends, and especially this semester, my friends and I have become closer than ever. Since many College events were cancelled this semester, there was lots of extra time (especially during the weekends) to just sit back and chill out together. Having nothing to do was actually a lot of fun! My friends and I have talked so much more this semester and we were able to form a tighter bond. The pandemic taught my friends and I that no matter what we do, we have fun! There were many movie nights and game nights this semester. We never really did simple stuff like that before, but since a lot of things were cancelled this year, we were able to just sit back and relax together.

The pandemic has also allowed me to appreciate the College’s beauty so much more. Grove City College is truly a beautiful campus and this semester I was able to appreciate its beauty more than ever. Because it is safer, I spent a lot of time outside playing games or hanging out with friends. I also have taken more walks this semester than any other semester in my college career! It is fun to get off of campus and discover new places.

Yes, college life in a pandemic is a stressful combination. Though this semester was full of changes, I was able to make the best of it by spending extra time with my friends and appreciating the College’s beauty. As students, we are thankful that we were able to be on campus this fall, despite the craziness of the world.