Soon to be pediatrician Breanne Wenk is a current Biology/Health major with a minor in Exercise Science. Breanne is a busy athlete on campus, participating in club Ultimate Frisbee, twirling for the Wolverine Marching Band, being a tour guide on campus, and is an active member of the Phi Sigma Chi sorority. The students who join Greek Life are more than their affiliation, but Greek Life is always interesting to learn about. I sent Breanne some questions regarding her sisterhood. Here are her responses:
How is Phi Sigma Chi unique?
I think our sorority is unique in how diverse we are, yet united. We are all very different and involved in so many different things on campus, but when we are together, we are all one. Not divided into separate cliques, actually a group that everyone gets along, which I think is pretty rare.
What philanthropy does your sorority participate in every year?
Our main philanthropy event that we host every year is our Phi Sigma Chi 5k “Sunset Sprint.” The benefits go to help the Grove City Medical Center. We also do two annual bake sales for Children’s Miracle Network as well as a kickball tournament for ASPCA.
What was your experience like as a rush (someone who participates in activities to join a Greek group)? How is being an active member of a group?
As a rush, as well as an active, my experience has been great. I never thought I’d join a sorority coming to college, but when I met the Phi Sigs I knew they were different. All of the girls were so real and down to earth, and I could tell they liked me for me. I wasn’t just another number or another girl rushing, I was their genuine friend and I know that they will always be there for me no matter what.
How has your sorority grown you over the past three year?
I have had the opportunity to serve as chaplain for the Phi Sigs for the past year, and it has really helped me to develop in my faith and as a leader. As the spiritual leader of our group, I was pushed to be more confident and outspoken about my faith in God and all of our blessings, as well as pushed to be a better listener and friend when mediating conflicts within the group. Aside from being the chaplain, the group has helped me improve on conflict resolution skills and organization skills for all campus events.
What would you tell a prospective student who is considering rushing?
I would highly encourage any prospective student to Grove City to rush. Even if they do not have any intention at all of joining a sorority, they may find a group that they fit in to, and if not, it is still an amazing way to meet upper classmen students and make friends. After rush, campus felt so much more like home and friendly, because I recognized so many faces and people.
*To attain eligibility to join Greek Life you must have a 2.0 grade point average. You also must be a full time student (at least 12 credits per semester).