Grove City College has a multitude of sororities that students can choose from upon arrival. One of the eight sororities on campus is Gamma Sigma Phi, often referred to as Gamma Sig.
Sophomore Gamma Sig Becca Cloyd is extremely honest regarding her thoughts on sororities coming into college and more specifically her group on campus. When asked to describe how the Gamma Sigs have affected her since arriving at Grove City, Becca said, “I was very apprehensive about sororities in general at the beginning of freshman year, but on

ce I met the Gamma Sigs I started to really be interested. Since joining the Gamma Sigs, I have felt more love and certainty in friendships than I ever have before.”
Becca continued explaining the specifics of how the Gamma Sig sorority has impacted her faith journey as well as providing her with life-long skills. “I think that I have grown in my faith. It has also taught me a lot about community and living with people who don’t always share the same thoughts and opinions…and since I am a Management major and will have to work with people who have different views than me at some point.”
Sororities, specifically the Gamma Sigs, provide an ample amount of opportunities for girls to be welcomed into the group. Friendships that last are found within this group on campus. Becca describes her experience of how she struggled with friendships her entire life but joining a sorority and living on a hall with her fellow sisters has proven to provide relationships below the surface level.
Becca’s experience with the Gamma Sigma Phi sorority at Grove City, has provided her with the opportunity to become immersed into the student body, host events on campus, and experience mentor-ship within the group. When asked to describe the Gamma Sigs in three words, Becca says, “community, laughter, and joy.”