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Archive | Internship Spotlight


Rob Kunst – Balancing Football & School

Rob Kunst, a senior Finance major and Analytics minor, has played football all four years during his time at Grove City College. He began playing his junior year of high school, sparking his passion for the sport. Rob’s decision to play college football was inspired by his two uncles, alumni football players from Grove City. […]


Internship Opportunities: Engineer Edition

Are you a Mechanical Engineering major? Electrical Engineering major? Looking for a summer internship? There is hope for you, just talk to Shannon Stovar! Shannon Stovar is a senior Mechanical Engineering major at Grove City College. She is from Butler, Pa. and the first person in her family to attend Grove City College. Shannon was […]

GCC Career Fair, 9/26/18

Career Fair 2018

Grove City College hosts a Career Fair every year, which provides an awesome opportunity for students to network for potential jobs and for employers to find potential employees. It is a win-win situation for both sides in the business world.                 This year, the college celebrated 20 years […]


My Summer Internship – Work Relationships

This previous summer I had the opportunity to work at my parents’ business, Keystone Ridge Designs, an expertise site furniture manufacturing company.  It was a comforting image to know that before I started my senior year at Grove City College, I had an internship to add to my resume.  I mainly looked at the internship […]


Grove City College Internship Opportunities – CCO

As a freshman at Grove City College, I never anticipated the opportunities that would come my way during my next four years here. During my sophomore year, I started networking with Grove City alumni. Networking for me meant talking to parents of my friends at school who either are alumni or know alumni of the […]

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How to be Successful in Your Internship

During the summer of 2016, I had an internship at Covestro. Covestro is a material science company located in Robinson, PA. This company has three product categories: polycarbonates, polyurethanes, and coatings/adhesives. I was working in polycarbonates in industrial marketing. At first I was a little bit nervous. I had never been very interested in science […]

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Student Spotlight: Mechanical Engineering and Girl Power

Junior Paige Foley might not fit the mold of your stereotypical engineer, but that’s ok. She can engineer her own. As one of 13 girls out of 65 total Mechanical Engineers in her class, Paige has experienced first-hand the interesting challenges of being a woman in a male-dominated field. I was fortunate enough to be […]


Internship Spotlight: Holly Ahrens

Holly Ahrens, ’18 is an English Major with a Technical Writing minor. She interned at Armory Publishing Groups LLC during the summer of 2016.  1.Where did you intern last summer and what was your position title? My internship was at Armory Publishing Groups LLC in Aurora, Colorado. Armory Publishing is a small company that publishes […]


Internship Spotlight: Abigail Cunningham

Abigail Cunningham, ’17, is a Communications major from State College, Pennsylvania. She interned at Hope for New York in New York City during the summer of 2016. 1. Where did you intern last summer and what was your position title? I was the communications intern at Hope for New York in New York City. Hope […]


Internship Spotlight: Lindsay Neumann

Lindsay Neumann, ’18 is a Biblical and Religious Studies Major with a double minor in Christian Ministries and Business. She interned during the summer of 2015 at Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  1. Where did you intern and what was your position title? I interned at Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a College Financial […]

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