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10 Ways to Be the Best Roommate

After three years of rooming experience, here are my tips on how to be the best roommate. (Please note that I know for a fact I am not the best roommate, but my past two roommates have been incredible, and I learned a lot from them!) Be forward. If you have a problem, deal with […]


How to Deal with Stress

Everybody experiences stress. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Stress pushes us to stay on task, to make good use of our time, and to be productive. However, stress can easily become unhealthy when it causes sleepless nights, anxiety, worry, poor diet, and number of other side effects. It’s normal to experience stress in college. […]


Beginner’s Guide to Studying on Campus

Wondering where you can settle down with some textbooks and get work done other than your dorm room? Here is a beginner’s guide to the best places for studying on campus! Let’s begin. The Study-Between-Classes Student – Sometimes you have 50 minutes of spare time between classes and don’t want to walk across campus to […]


One Acts: Low Risk, High Reward

According the laws of economics, the higher the risk involved in an investment, the greater you can potentially get out of it… or at least that’s how I understand it as a Communications major and English minor who’s spent most of his time in the theatre over his four years at Grove City College. However, […]

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Five Best Views on Campus to Watch the Sunset

At the end of a planner-full day at Grove City College, one of the best ways for a student to unwind and be still is going to a spot on campus, sit down and watch the sun disappear into the horizon. GCC has a high reputation of always having the best sunsets. On a spring evening […]

Female college student tired from studying

5 Study Break Ideas

We’ve all had that super long week, where the majority of your time is spent studying. Whether its finals, or you are just hit with five exams, two quizzes, and a 20-page paper in a single week. Some weeks you just may not leave the library. However, during weeks like these, it is absolutely necessary […]

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