Sophomore student Lilly Klein knows what it is like to come into college without being set on a major. Although being undeclared can be stressful, Lilly says she does not regret the decision.
Sophomore student Lilly Klein knows what it is like to come into college without being set on a major. Although being undeclared can be stressful, Lilly says she does not regret the decision.
Sigma Theta Chi, also referred to as the Sig Thets, is one of eight sororities on Grove City’s campus. Junior Sig Thet Samantha Funderlich only has wonderful things to say about her experience joining this sorority.
When asked to describe her sorority in three words, Samantha said, “The sisters of Sigma Theta Chi are loyal, sincere, and fun.” I could not think of a more accurate description for the Sig Thets. Sig Thet members are striving to uphold the ideals in their constitution as well as create a space for disciple making in the sorority. Samantha expressed how her group on campus has affected her walk with Christ when she said, “…I have become a better person and a strong Christian, specifically through the women in my family line. I would not have asked for a better experience at Grove City College.”
In addition, Samantha described her experience and what that has been like since being an active member of the group, commonly referred to as “actives.” She said, “Since my first experience with the girls, I have formed deep friendships and mentor relationships with the other actives. Having all of the older actives pour advice and love into our relationships was a great experience being a junior, I have loved every part of being able to guide the younger women to becoming who God wants them to be.”
Grove City provides its students with ample opportunity to find community, discipleship, and life-lasting friendships. One way to find all three of these things is by joining Greek life on campus. Sororities at Grove City give students the chance to meet new people, specifically through the process called Rush. Not only are these groups at Grove City incredible for community within the group, but Greek Life is also amazing for community building with other groups on campus. Samantha Funderlich has experienced this first hand through joining the Sigma Theta Chi. Samantha would recommend joining a sorority because “they are great for benefiting the community through philanthropy/charity work, provide you with leadership opportunities, networking through actives and alumni, and above all else: creating fun memories and relationship.”
Every semester students are given the opportunity to participate in an ICO, which stands for Inner-City Outreach. ICO trips are held over just about every break during the school year and take place in cities all over the world. The trips are completely student led, with a team of students running the individual trips. Each fall there is an ICO Fair where information about the trips as well as application forms are provided. The teams are hand selected by the students running the team after much prayer and consideration. A unique part about ICOs compared to other missions trips is that an application is necessary to even be considered for the trip. This allows the people planning the trip to choose the right students for the team. Over Christmas break we have three teams going out for anywhere between 11-14 days. These teams will be serving and doing missions work in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Jamaica. While the location of the trip is different, the mindset of the people going on them is the same: Serve the Lord and make an impact for his kingdom. Between the three trips there will be a variety of work being done. Some will work in schools and run a VBS program, others will minister through sports, and others will serve by building houses and helping with construction related things. ICO trips are a great way to get involved for a greater cause, meet new people, travel the country and most importantly learn more about the Lord. The most common thing people say coming back from trips like these is that they went in hoping to make an impact on the people and found that a greater impact was made on them by the people they went to serve.
There are roughly 10 trips that take place each year, with opportunities to serve both in and out of the United States. Although the same trips take place year to year, there is always opportunity for the beginning of new trips. For example, this Thanksgiving a team of students went to Rhode Island (pictured to the right) to serve at a completely new location in hopes to start a trip that would continue to happen for years to come. Other trips are held within the same country, but find new missions opportunities each year. The Ecuador trip, for example, is going to a completely new location this year and is focusing more on serving the missionaries than serving the people in the community, which is different than their previous tips. Although there is room for new additions, many of the trips that are offered have been going to the same location for years and are able to for close relationships with both the children and missionaries that they serve. The Jamaica trip has been going to Robins Nest Children Home for roughly five years now, and will continue to go there as long as they are able to. These three trips are just a small example of the impact ICOs are making globally. If given the opportunity to go on one I would not pass it up. Serving the kingdom alongside your classmates and learning about the Lord together grows people in a unique way and offers an experience that not many people will get.
The swimming and diving program at Grove City College is centered on competing for each other and for God’s glory. We all work hard together to build each other’s strength, skill and faith to pursue our best selves both in the pool and in the classroom.
Here at Grove City, we are a Division III team. What that means for the program is that the athletes cannot be paid to train, and the program has restrictions on how much it can train the athletes, but what it means for us as swimmers and divers is that our motivation goes beyond money or status. When we chose to come to Grove City for swimming, we came looking for a community of people striving for two goals: success in the classroom and success in the pool. The entire team then strives to build each other up to achieve these goals.
We achieve success in the classroom by putting studies first. When freshmen first come to Grove City, we require them to attend study tables twice a week for their first semester. This helps them build solid study habits for the rest of their time here. However, it is not just the freshmen that go to these work nights. The entire team makes an effort to come and study alongside each other. The juniors and seniors often are scholastic support systems to underclassmen that are going through the same courses they once went through. In addition to study tables, classes and exams always come first before practices and swim & dive meets. Whether it is an interview for a job, a big exam, or an extra lecture, practice will always be second.
Our success in the pool stems from our dedication to push each other in every training aspect we pursue. At lifting, dryland workouts, and swim or dive practices, each member of the team is pushing themselves to make every set count. When each individual is dedicated to pushing themselves, they can push their teammates that are working right alongside them. Since both the men’s and women’s team trains together, the entire team works together and builds an amazing community. We get meals together, study together, go on fun outings together, join other groups together, and even room with each other. All of the bonding we do through our sports in the pool helps create a community of people who care for each other and pursue greatness together.
Our motivation outside of our individual and team success is the desire to put our best out for the glory of God. Alongside our training together and studying together, both the men’s and women’s teams host Bible studies. These studies are lead by juniors on the teams and help to encourage each other throughout the season. Whether the team has a tough practice, a big meet, or a big paper due, we all remind each other that God will carry us through.
While we are very dedicated to our time in training and studying, we do not forget to have a little bit of fun on the side! The team does all kinds of traditional fun things outside of work. We go on annual outings to corn mazes, bowling, and Chipotle. On the weekends after meets or practice we will have game nights, movie nights, or just time to hang out and laugh together.
The Grove City Swim and Dive Team are a support and a family that come together to do a sport we love, study as hard as we can, and love God with all our hearts.
Check out our feature video below!
Grove City students were visited this week by representatives of Cameron Energy Company. Cameron Energy is an company that is unique for the industry that they find themselves in. They operate as a small scale fracking company with a strong commitment to improving the environment.
The representatives that visited Grove City spoke to Dr. Stephen Jenkins’ Environmental Science class to give his students a basic understanding of the fracking process. However, they also talked about some of the precautions they take to ensure that they leave the environments of the sites they frack minimally influenced.
Later in the week, Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Kriley escorted several of their students to a live Cameron Energy fracking site. Twenty-four Grove City students, accompanied by their professors made the trip to the woods of Allegheny National Forrest to observe the fracking site. This unique opportunity allowed students to get a first hand look at the fracking process, and allowed them to become better informed in regards to the effects that fracking has on the environment.
Dr. Jenkins said, “I was blown away by the response that we got. I expected only two or three students would be able to find the time in their schedule for this sort of thing, but I am very pleased with the turnout we got.” Despite this field trip being completely optional, many students made the effort to be able to attend.
Fracking is a very hot button topic not only in Pennsylvania, but in the national discussion of our dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels. By simply hearing from the Cameron Energy representatives in class, our students were becoming better versed in a highly debatable issue, which is very beneficial. However, presented with an opportunity to see firsthand what goes into this process is a testament to students taking a real interest in their studies, and expanding their learning opportunities to outside of the classroom.
The process of selecting a college is stressful, with its seemingly endless applications and interviews and paperwork. For transfer students, the excitement of going to college for the first time has worn off, and going through this process twice can seem overwhelming. It can be intimidating to think about leaving a school, a friend group, and familiar studies to start fresh somewhere else. However, seeking advice and learning as much as possible about potential schools is crucial.
Hannah, Larisa, Gab, Julia, and Tara have stepped in to make your transfer process as easy as possible. These ladies, all first-year Grovers, have offered to give you a peek into what it was like for them to join the Grove City College community as a transfer student. Their advice is an insider’s perspective on things like how to make friends as a transfer, how they chose their roommates, and how to get involved on campus.
Larisa Steiner, a sophomore, transferred from Indiana Wesleyan University and enjoys studying Management with an HR concentration. Finding a school with this specific field of study and a reputable business program was key in her transfer search. Also a sophomore, Hannah Kaufmann, an English major, was interested in Grove City because it aligned with her Christian values. Tara Pierce, as a junior, finds herself in the rare position of being an upperclass transfer student. She previously studied at a local community college, and enjoys the new Social Work major at Grove City. Julia Helmich will graduate in 2021 as an Elementary/Special Education major. She enjoys the on-campus preschool, where Education students are able to get hands-on work experience. Gab Capaldo, a sophomore, studies Communication and edits for The Collegian, the campus newspaper, in her free time.
Though none of these ladies would say that being a transfer student anywhere is easy, they are adjusting to life as a Grover and getting involved on campus. Intramural sports, Greek life, and Orientation Board events are just some of what they mention as ways to find friends and make connections at Grove City College.
After the Grove City College Career Fair on Sept. 26, the Business Department offered a career networking mixer and panel discussion. This event offered an insider’s perspective into the business world and insight on how to gain a competitive advantage in interviews. Students had an opportunity to mingle with business professionals over hors d’oeuvres before hearing from speakers at the panel session.
David Durfee ’13, returned to the Career Fair as a sales executive with Armstrong World Industries. His degree in Marketing prepared him for this career, but he said that the services offered to current students has improved since his college years. Durfee explained that the annual career fair – a school-wide event – attracts more marketing and management firms now, which provides more networking opportunities to business students. In addition, he has seen improved professor interaction during the fair; students can now find guidance from their professors on which firms to approach, how to start a career conversation, and how to increase self-marketability.
Grossman Yanak & Ford (GY&F), a Pittsburgh accounting firm, regularly sends representatives to recruit Grove City College students. Colleen Febbraro, HR Director at GY&F, says that the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firm seeks Grovers because they have found that Grove City graduates are well-rounded compared to their peers. In addition, the graduates have been prepared by their education to work well on their own and in groups. She mentioned that GY&F has found Grovers to have “superb” communication skills and advanced technical training – attributes that are evidence of thorough preparation by trained faculty. Though GY&F has a familiarity with the quality of a Grove City College education, Febbraro said that Grove City’s exceptional Accounting program – which graduates students with a CPA passing rate at nearly 30% higher than the national average – is making a name for itself as ninth in the nation for CPA success rates.
Emily Miller, who graduated from Grove City College in 2015, now works with Grossman Yanak & Ford and returned to the Career Fair to help with recruitment. She says that Grove City College left her prepared to excel in the CPA exam and her future career. Though she was not expecting the volume of writing that her job demands, she says that the Grove City humanities core adequately prepared her to handle this challenge.
The business mixer representatives offer not only career placements, but also higher education opportunities. Alexander Lowry represented Gordon College as the executive director of its Financial Analytics program, explaining that this program would be ideal for Grove City students studying a variety of disciplines. For students interested in a career involving finance, statistics, or data analysis, the Boston school offers a Master of Science in Financial Analysis. Entering a fast-paced career after college can be intimidating to undergraduate students, but Gordon College offers insight into the Boston financial scene. Lowry, who has experience in executive management at JP Morgan, explains that students can expect networking and internship opportunities during the 12-class program – Gordon has long-standing ties with financial powerhouses like Liberty Mutual, Fidelity Investments, and Putnam Investments.
The question and answer panel, which featured several Grover alumni, consisted of several businessmen giving advice and feedback to the students about launching a career. After the event, there was a tangible atmosphere of excitement and anticipation about preparing for the future, with many students discussing what they liked about the panel. One student noted that it was encouraging to see Grove City College alumni in such high positions at their firms – evidence that a Grove City degree is highly marketable. Another observation was an appreciation that the speakers went very in-depth in giving advice on how to prepare for a full-time interview. Interviewing for a part-time job in high school, the student said, is very different from the process for a “real” career, and so he enjoyed the tips for interview preparation. Overall, the Business Mixer was a huge success, providing not only opportunities for students to network with prospective employers and fellow members of the Business department, but also opportunities for students to hear relevant advice for career preparation during the panel.
At any home football game, a common phrase attendees hear is “Schools on the Run.” This is, of course, in reference to junior running back Wesley Schools, who recently became the second running back in school history to reach 3,000 yards. The Wolverines have faced their fair share of challenges the past few seasons but are looking at a bright future for the program. Schools has had a huge impact on rebuilding in the past few years and offers unique perspective on the team’s vision, challenges, and goals moving forward. In their game against Carnegie Mellon, Schools said they shifted their game plan to run the ball more and then throw to one-on-one matchups to wide receivers. Adjustments to the Wolverines’ game plans come in light of a quarterback change. Former quarterback Randall Labrie is out for the season, this is not a new challenge for the team as they lost their starting quarterback early in the season last year as well. In the face of this challenge Schools noted that Labrie is “very much still a leader on the team, he’s sent out emails and is still actively involved as a captain.”
The vision for the team is not dependent on its personnel, the culture that Coach Andrew DiDonato has created is one in which every member plays a role supporting the team’s vision, whether they are on the field, the bench, or as in Labrie’s case, off the field for the season. Schools said that he has not ever seen the likes of DiDonato in terms of individual player development. Schools stated that “DiDonato cares more about the person than the player, he practices what he preaches, and teaches the team ownership, vision, and work ethic no matter what obstacles we face.” The rest of the season will be an uphill battle and yet Schools is optimistic that the Wolverines can still finish at their projected 7-3 record and even move past the regular season. The team is looking fresh and put together moving into the latter half of their season and Schools is ready to keep on running.
Grove City College hosts a Career Fair every year, which provides an awesome opportunity for students to network for potential jobs and for employers to find potential employees. It is a win-win situation for both sides in the business world.
This year, the college celebrated 20 years of a successful event. Last year, around 170 employers and graduate schools along with 1,200 students attended for an abundance of professional socialization.
Students of all years and majors attend the Career Fair. Even the freshmen who are not necessarily looking for a job; it is a great way to practice one’s elevator pitch, interview skills, and speaking ability with business people. For seniors, it can serve as the way to land a job for directly after graduation. With the event being around September every year, it can put senior students at ease for the rest of the academic year if they know they already have a job in place for post-graduation. Even if a job is not found directly at the Career Fair, students can build relationships with business people to meet others down the road.
Students engage with businesses to understand their company goals, meanings, and morals. With a variety of businesses showcased at the Career Fair linked to specific majors, like Accounting, Finance, Engineering, Business, Biblical and Religious Studies, and more, students have the ability to meet their potential employer or network to eventually reach another company.
Overall, the Career Fair is a wonderful way to look for jobs. Even if it does not specifically cater to a specific major or job interest, making connections with people can be the start of finding the perfect career. Many students can attest to the potential of Grove City College’s Career Fair with the ability to connect people and expand one’s professional circle into the real world after college.
This previous summer I had the opportunity to work at my parents’ business, Keystone Ridge Designs, an expertise site furniture manufacturing company. It was a comforting image to know that before I started my senior year at Grove City College, I had an internship to add to my resume. I mainly looked at the internship as a “check off the list” of things to do before graduation. Although, after a summer of a great deal of hard work, knowledge gained, some family tension, and strengthened relationships, I can say that working was so much more than just an internship.
Keystone Ridge Designs has been around ever since I was born, existing as a purely family business since around 1995. My grandpa worked hard raising his family that would soon be raising me, along with building a company ever since his early 20s. Since then, the business has excelled in terms of profitability, customer relationships, and building its brand.
The major concept I took away from my “job” was how important family businesses are and how they function in a world full of the idea of pure profit, no matter the ethics. I appreciated the relationships between employees and their bosses, essentially my family members, except they were personal. I watched as my family could ask their employees specific questions about their home lives because they genuinely cared to listen. When meaningful work relationships are developed, work becomes easier. It is more straightforward to work together, be efficient in the tasks they do, along with authenticity in the work completed. The employees took responsibility for their actions, whether good or bad and were not purely focused on their individual career. The collaborative atmosphere made for better problem solving and the generation of new product ideas to grow the business. The selflessness that came from these work relationships goes to show that it is possible to profit in a business, while still caring about the needs of each employee.
Hearing about large corporations treat their employees like they are just another person working under them is something I personally could never work for, especially after seeing the relationships at Keystone Ridge Designs. Similar to Grove City College’s ethics about faith and education, keeping them unseparated, my family’s business functioned to serve a greater purpose. Working hard, helping others, extending generosity, and accomplishing business in a loving manner are simply four ideologies I want in any potential company I would work with.