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Clubs on Campus: Part Two

If you’re interested in a particular activity, sport, or game, Grove City offers an abundance of campus-wide groups to get involved. With over 130 student organizations on campus, there are plenty of ways to join and meet great people in the process. Going off of my previous post on “Clubs on Campus Worth Trying,” here are some more student stories about the unique clubs and activities they are involved in on campus.

There are many clubs that are designed to fight for social injustices. Senior Trevor Smith is involved with LINK, a club that stands for Liberty in North Korea. This organization rescues, relocates, and rehabilitates North Korean refugees. He explained, “They find refugees…typically [upon relocation] they require education on how banks work, what electronics are – all the everyday tasks we take for granted are totally new to these refugees.” This club is known as the “rescue team.” They raise awareness of refugee crises and plan fundraising events. The “rescue team” also sells authentic South Korean snacks and drinks.

 campus radio station clubOne of the larger clubs on campus is the WSAJ radio station. Students are given the opportunity to host their own radio shows and DJ new music on a live broadcast. Senior Brad Warmhold has been involved with WSAJ since freshman year. He explained, “I do radio because I personally enjoy being recorded in a live atmosphere working with music. There is a good degree of freedom in choosing music, and the fact that I get to do it with my closest friends is an added bonus.” The radio station is a great opportunity for students to learn public speaking and broadcasting skills, as well as listen to their favorite music and spread it across campus.


Junior Abby Hassinger has been passionate about horseback riding well before college began, and was excited to get involved with the equestrian club on campus. While we do not have any stables on campus, the equestrian club participates in horse shows with other schools all across the region. As the president of the equestrian club, Abby and her fellow club members co-host horse shows, as well as attend and participate in other events at nearby schools. The equestrian club participates in various types of shows that require different skill sets, allowing each student to perform in areas that are best equipped.

It is amazing to be a part of a campus that recognizes the diverse interests of its students. Each of these clubs and organizations strive to create a community where students are accepted for their interests and passions. Getting involved on campus with a club or organization is an easy way to get plugged in to student life.

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Clubs on Campus Worth Trying Out: Part 1

clubs on campus

Did you know there are over 130 student clubs and organizations to get involved in at Grove City College? Not only are there the typical intramural sports clubs such as lacrosse, soccer, basketball, and volleyball, but there are also unique organizations such as euchre, fencing, hiking, and horseback riding. With all the options to play sports, sing, or learn something new on campus, students surely find a way to act on their passions to create opportunities for people with similar interests to come together.

I was able to talk with a few students about some interesting clubs they a majority of college campuses do not offer. Junior Connor Monahan is studying Mechanical Engineering and is involved with the Newman Club. Connor said, “The Newman Club is a Catholic Campus Ministry group on campus. We have weekly meetings where we bring in local speakers or campus faculty. We also participate in community service projects.” This is a club for students who are either Catholic or want to understand more about Catholicism. The Newman Club is an awesome opportunity to branch out on campus.GCC Martial Arts club

We also have a club focused on martial arts and various types of fighting and wrestling. Sophomore Nathan Smith is involved with this program, and explained, “The martial arts program has primarily turned into a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club. We meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday…we learn some new techniques, drills, and then we grapple. We have a lot of dedicated people in the club who have even joined Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academies back at their homes!” Unlike other campus groups, the martial arts program can be expanded on and off campus. According to Smith, “We recently invited my instructors from my gym back in Ohio to put on a seminar here at GCC. The program had an excellent turn out and everyone had an amazing time. We plan on doing another seminar next semester.” Martial arts programs provide students with great opportunities to include previous involvement in similar extracurricular activities into their college life.

 Grove City Outing ClubNot all Grove City clubs are on the College’s campus. For example, the outing club meets on campus, but mainly consists of hiking, camping, and other outdoors-related activities. Senior Philip Dudt who has been involved since freshman year said, “We enjoy God’s creation on trips over breaks (backpacking especially), fellowship with friends at the club’s cabin, and lasting memories made during car rides to these remote locations we hike.” This is an ideal club for those who enjoy hiking and backpacking, and a great opportunity to get to know the area around Grove City.

With all these great organizations being offered to Grovers of all grades, it is a difficult decision to choose one specific organization. Subsequently, there will be another post discussing students’ experiences with more unique clubs. Along with what is listed on our GCC website, there are many other groups and clubs that you can learn about at the Organization Fair. The fair takes place during the first few weeks of school and provides Freshman with the chance to meet members from each club and learn about what they do throughout the semester. These are great opportunities to get involved and meet new people as you start your Grove City College career.