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Archive | October, 2017


What to Know: Breen Student Union

At the heart of the Grove City College campus is the Breen Student Union, a well-used and loved location where students come together. The Student Union is a popular place where students meet for meals, work on projects, and hang out with friends. There are large windows, lots of tables, a small cafeteria that offers […]


Forefront: In Faith We Create

Recently, creatively-minded Christians have produced art that, while not intentionally bad, speaks only to the redeemed. This movement has managed to appeal to Christians but has altogether remained unappealing to those who do not feel welcome to the church. This does not mean the art is bad; again, I think it has tremendous value to […]


5 Easy Ways to Stay Organized in College

One of the biggest lessons you learn when living the dorm life, making decisions for yourself and working out your own schedule is the importance of being organized. The struggles of staying organized are amplified in college, when your schedule is full and there are never enough hours in the day. Giving priority to organization […]

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