There is no doubt that Grove City College has one of the most beautiful campuses in the nation. If you were like me as a prospective student, my favorite part of visiting a college was taking that “hey I’m at this college” photo. The struggle is trying to figure out where is the BEST place to get that Instagram-able/ Facebook-able photo. So I have decided to make it a little easier with the TOP 12 places to get that photo at Grove City College. I mean, it was hard to limit it to 12 as there are so many “perfectly picturable” locations around, but these are a great place to start. Also, all photos were taken on your average mobile device, so if I could take these photos, you can too. Click on the photos to enlarge and find out more info about the spots:
1. Hall of Arts and Letters
2. Science Technology Engineering Math Building
3. STEM Courtyard
4. Rockwell Hall
5. Mary Anderson Pew Courtyard
6. Harbison Chapel
7. The Quad
8. Lower Campus Overlook
9. Stairs to Rainbow Bridge
10. Rainbow Bridge
11. Grove City College Sign by Memorial
12. Robert E. Thorn Field
If it helps at all, here is an attachment to a PDF that you can print out to find your perfect Grove City College Photo Op:
The BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology) competition presented by Elliott Group was hosted by Grove City College on October 13-14. The BEST competition is a “middle and high school robotics competition whose mission is to engage and excite students about engineering, science, and technology as well as inspire them to pursue careers in these fields” ( The teams worked for the past six weeks to create a functioning robotic machine that can complete certain tasks in three minutes. This year, 22 teams and approximately 400 students competed at the Arena in the Physical Learning Center at Grove City College.
Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy at the competition.
Naomi Keicher, a freshman International Business Major, discusses her experience at the BEST competition.
Coming from Cornerstone Christian Prep, had you heard about Grove City before?
Yes, Grove City was very commonly discussed at Cornerstone. Our founder, principal, and teacher, Brandon McCall, graduated from Grove City and often regaled stories of his time here and always spoke positively of the college and its faculty.
Primarily, the college was spoken of in reference to its being the location of the local hub for BEST Robotics.
What made you decide to participate in the BEST robotics challenge?
Cornerstone was a very small school when I joined in eighth grade. A few sports were available and I did play soccer, but the whole school buzzed constantly with talk of the BEST Robotics Competition. The majority of the school was involved to some extent. I was unable to attend kickoff that year, but my brother, Bobby, stayed after school most days to help the team. I simply started staying too. It was one of the best decisions I made in my high school career and one of the most impactful.
What did you enjoy most about the competition?
Where do I begin? I was on the build team for the first two and a half years of my participation and the marketing team for the second two and a half. During these times, I was able to be participate in designing the robot, lead a team of builders, and drive the robot in the competition, locally and regionally. During the second part of my time with BEST, I worked on the engineering notebook, helped in the design and building of the booth, presented for the formal marketing presentation, and acted as Head of Marketing. I enjoyed each challenge as much as possible. I learned how to take direction, lead, cooperate with others, delegate, manage time, prioritize, negotiate, be professional, manage stress, and laugh at myself. I don’t think the BEST Robotics experience can fully be conveyed in simple words. They say BEST is a free competition because they want everyone to be able to participate, but I say it’s free because it would be impossible to assign a monetary value to the priceless education and experience gained from participating.
It’s impossible to pick a favorite moment. So I would say the part I enjoyed most was the opportunity to watch myself and my friends develop into more experienced people and grow closer together.
Did participating in the competition help you make a decision on whether or not to attend Grove City College?
Absolutely! Familiarity with the campus endeared me to it, but the way the college presented itself through hosting the competition made an impression on me. The emphasis placed on opening in prayer is not something that every school would be comfortable with, especially in regard to a secular competition. I appreciated their resolution to continue with it, regardless of status quo. In addition to this, I developed a respect for the college that was interested in hosting a competition that was so well rounded. BEST isn’t just for engineering students – it’s a holistic approach that includes everything from strategic planning to manufacturing to marketing – an entire business model. An institution that sees value in such a program is an institution I wanted to be a part of. BEST Robotics was a contributor to my decision to apply, but by no means was it the only reason. I am so glad to be attending.
Ben is a junior computer science major who is involved in a ton on campus. He is the head of the robotics club, the director of media for and a dedicated player on Grove City College’s Ultimate Frisbee team, and a member of the Alpha Sigma housing group. He is also a devoted student. Ben is a classic “Grove-er achiever,” as we say here at Grove City College.
I wanted to get this interview of Ben out to you, because I think Ben is a great example of how to strike a balance between extracurricular and academic life. He also has a unique attentiveness to and memory of funny class stories. Besides that though, Ben is a great guy and friend to many. He is fully integrated here at Grove City College, to say the least. Before he got here though, he had to make the choice between The Grove and Penn State. I ask him a bit about that decision in this video, so you can understand the reasoning that ultimately led him to decide on Grove City College.
If you are on the fence in your college search, I hope this video will give you some added insight into what campus life can be like here. I also want it to show you a look into the type of student you could be here if you want to. Ben is taking full advantage of his college years, and it is certainly worth listening to his perspective. Enjoy, and if you are interested, feel free to check out other episodes of Reel Life for videos similar to this.
From left to right: David Post, Colonel Chris Miller, and Dr. Bruce Ketler
Veterans Day is a time to remember those who have served our country. To spend a day commemorating the sacrifices of the military seems like such a small token to show my gratitude. I believe the men and women serving, both actively and those who are veterans, should be remembered and prayed for daily. My family is very involved in the military and when I see a military member in uniform, I go up to them, shake their hand, and thank them for their service. It is the least I can do. We cannot understand the horrors of war if we have not experienced them. Thankfully, there are those brave enough to answer the call to serve others and our country before themselves.
At Grove City College, there have been many graduates who have answered that call to serve. For Veterans Day 2017, the Delta Iota Kappa fraternity at Grove City College sponsored a Veterans Day Assembly. The assembly was held on Friday, November 10th in Sticht Lecture Hall. When I saw the poster in the Student Union announcing the assembly, I knew I wanted to go. My brother-in-law is currently an Air Force pilot, my uncle went to West Point, my dad was an Air Traffic Controller, and my great-uncle died in Iwo Jima at age 19. Having family directly involved in the military makes me appreciate their sacrifice even more.
The assembly began with a showing of a Vietnam War documentary film by Liam Hughes. The film was very informative about the sequence of events leading up to, during, and after the Vietnam war. There was also historical footage and scenes of the war itself. Seeing the footage makes the war come to life. When I read about wars in textbooks, it seems just like a story. Watching footage of bombings and the causalities of war makes me realize the horrors that occurred and the strength that it took to endure.
After the documentary, three Grove City College graduates and all members of the United States Air Force, spoke about their experiences serving. Colonel Chris Miller attended Grove City College from 1978-1982 and was a member of the ROTC. He served 25 years as a C-130 navigator. The C-130 was used mostly for tactical airlift operations. Colonel Miller shared many stories from his years of service. Dr. Bruce Ketler is a veteran Air Force pilot. He served in the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and Iraqi Freedom. David Post graduated from Grove City College in 2014 and is a 1st Lieutenant and a C-130 navigator in the Air Force. Hearing their stories and some of the close calls and dangerous situations they have been in was really an eye-opening experience.
So, make sure to thank a veteran or anyone in the military. I do not think that we should wait for one day a year to show our appreciation for those who serve. What are some ways to show your gratitude? First, you can approach anyone you see in their military uniform, or if they are wearing a veteran hat. Thank them for their service and shake their hand. It means so much to them. In airports, I often see military members in their uniform, so that is a great opportunity to approach them. Secondly, look online for websites that do service projects for veterans and military members. Many accept care packages, handmade scarfs and hats, and paracord bracelets. Once, I ordered some paracord and taught myself how to make the bracelets and then send them to a military care package facility. Thirdly, write a thank you note. A heartfelt note can brighten someone’s day! Lastly, pray for our military daily. Prayer is so important and it is the least that we can do to show our support.
Going into my undergrad degree in business management, I knew that I wanted to graduate faster than the typical four-year plan. I knew that financially, it made more sense to graduate sooner, so that I could begin my career. I also did not want to spend four more years in school! I always like a good challenge, and when I set my mind to accomplish something, I go for it.
I was told by my advisor that I could graduate early. I contacted the Registrar’s office as well to make sure my classes lined up. I was able to plan my schedule to graduate in 2.5 years and take off three semesters. I did not have any credits from post-secondary or AP courses, so I was starting with 0 credits and needed 128 credits to graduate.
Every summer, Grove City College offers over 60 courses either online or on-campus. The on-campus courses take place for two weeks before classes begin in January and two weeks after the spring semester ends in May. It is called “intercession” and I was able to take a four-credit Chemistry course in just two weeks! Grove City College also allows students to take a maximum of 21 credit hours every semester, so taking overage classes is another option to get more classes out of the way.
My plan was to take full-time summer courses, while working part-time. I would focus on taking major related courses while on campus, and do most electives during the summer. I would take intersession courses if needed. There are also some online courses during winter break, so I signed up for a Business Law course and then came back early to campus to complete the chemistry course during intersession. The great thing about the summer courses is that you can take multiple courses at one time and they are usually four weeks in length for three credits. There are both early and late summer courses, so it is staggered. Usually the same courses are offered every year, so I was able to plan out my schedule accordingly.
There are many options of classes to take over the summer and during intersession. Some examples of the variety of online classes I was able to take included: Intro to Graphic Design, Accounting, Business Ethics, and Medical Terminology. The wide variety and flexibility the online courses offered was the selling point for me. I was able to go on vacation and work ahead in most classes so that I was not behind. Some classes opened up all the coursework on the first day, and I was able to go at my own pace and knew that I could finish the course sooner than the four weeks offered if I wanted to.
Graduating early offers many benefits. For those ready to join the workforce and get out of an academic setting, Grove City College offers an opportunity to do so. The money saved on room and board is also another benefit. Some might criticize that graduating early means that you cannot enjoy college life because you are so focused on school. I would argue that is not true. If a person is good at time management, then they should be able to have a great college experience and graduate early.
I would tell new students who are looking to graduate early, that “Yes, you can!” The thing you have to do is plan ahead. Look at what classes are required and when those classes are offered. Go talk to your academic advisor if you need help. It might seem overwhelming at first, but dedication and hard work will pay off in the long run!
For this episode of Reel Life, I wanted to finish off the conversation I started about my favorite Grove City College study spots. As I said in Part 1 of this series, beautiful study spaces have always been important to me. When I was a high school junior and senior looking for colleges I could potentially call home, I wondered about their capacities to have pleasant, quiet spaces to study in. It was hard to get a firm read on this aspect of a campus, though. Most college tours or overnights happened too quickly to allow for detailed conversations on ‘hidden gem study spots’ or ‘best places to study’—at least not in as much depth as I would have liked.
If you are interested in Grove City College, you probably care a lot about academics. You are probably dedicated to your classes and to the studying they require. You might, like me, feel strongly that having a good place to study matters. All of that is part of the reason I wanted to get this topic—”Best Campus Study Spots”—on video for you. But more than that, I wanted to make it a two-part series for a few reasons. Firstly, we all study differently. Some people like to have friends and people around them while they study, whereas some like any quiet, accessible room, whereas others need complete silence and isolation. I covered six study spots in the last video, and I cover six more in this one, because I wanted to give as full a look as possible at the variety of spaces Grove City has to offer. I hope watching gives you a better idea of whether Grove City College can meet your specific needs when it comes to study spots.
To me, as a high school student searching for the college I would end up at, knowing that the place I chose would have top-notch study spaces was incredibly important. I love having serene, beautiful places to study. Finding out that Grove City College excelled in that area made a big difference to me when I visited for the first time. I live far away though—all the way over in the greater New York City area. I did not get a chance to visit Grove City until April before my first semester freshman year. Even though this trip was awesome enough to make me sure I wanted to attend, it was unfortunately not long enough to answer some more detailed questions I had about the campus—”What kind of study spots are available?” for example.
That is the question I want to address for you here in this video. I have gathered over a dozen study spots from around campus that I love. In this video, I talk about the first eight. I have a second part on the way where I will talk about the remaining spots. From HAL to Pew to the SAC, Grove City College’s campus proves beautiful and functional, for all my viewing and studying needs. Let’s go through them one by one together. I hope these videos will give you a better idea of the awesome resources Grove City College has for studying.
There are a wide variety of on-campus jobs at Grove City College. Coming in as a freshman, I knew that I wanted to work part-time while in school. There were so many options to choose from. I could work in the cafeteria‘s bakery or dishroom, work a desk shift, be a lifeguard, work at the library, and the list goes on and on. One position that had a particular interest to me was working on the chapel staff.
Chapel staff is a group of three men and three women who assist Dr. Keehlwetter, the Dean of the Chapel, in running chapel services. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, chapel staff will eat breakfast with the guest speaker. Then, we will pray or read scripture during the service. At the end of chapel, some of the chapel staff are stationed at the doors to make sure no latecomers try to sneak in and get a chapel credit. There are Sunday night services, called Vespers, that we hand out programs, pray, read scripture, and also scan student’s ID cards at the end so they receive a chapel credit. During the week, there are special chapel events that we can sign up to work. The schedule is rotated so that we do not have to attend every chapel service. There are over 50 chapel services every semester!
The most memorable experience for me on chapel staff is the Christmas Candlelight Service. The chapel is decorated and filled with Christmas cheer. There is a large Christmas tree at the front and garland strewn throughout the chapel. During the service, the lights are turned out, and everyone is given a candle. Last year, on chapel staff, I helped to light the choir’s candles. Once the lights are turned off and the candles are glowing, we sing some Christmas carols. It is amazing to see the hundreds of people, students and community members, holding their candles and singing.
My favorite part of being on chapel staff is the opportunity to be involved in chapel services. I have always enjoyed attending chapel, and being able to participate has been a great experience. I also enjoy talking with the guest speakers and hearing about their stories and what they have accomplished. We have had a variety of guest speakers, from pastors to missionaries and professors. I like that there are different speakers for every chapel, the variety makes me look forward to the message.
There are many positives to being on chapel staff and very few negatives for me. For some who are not a morning person, meeting for breakfast with the chapel speaker at 8:30 may be an issue. Also, if someone does not actually enjoy going to chapel, than this is not the right job. Public speaking skills are necessary because often times, I am speaking in front of the majority of the 2,500 students. Working Sunday nights can be difficult if I choose to go home, I have to be back at the chapel by 5:45, so I have to leave my house early to be back in time. There are also evening chapels throughout the semester that could interfere with other campus activities. The schedule is flexible though, and we can get other chapel staff to cover for us, if needed.
Chapel staff is a great campus job. It has been a great learning experience for me to go behind the scenes and see how chapel is run like clockwork. I also get paid to be involved in something that I enjoy. Even if you are not interested in working on chapel staff, I would encourage students to attend more chapels, even if they do not need the chapel credits. It is a great time to focus on what really matters and to take a break from focusing on schoolwork.
Today, I talked to Tara about her life at Grove City College. If you have ever met Tara, you know how kind, welcoming, and warm she is. She is a wonderfully sweet person. Her academic life is awesome, too. Tara was originally a biology major but then switched to a communications major in her sophomore year. She has a minor in studio art and spends a ton of time in the Pew Fine Arts studios because of it. Honestly—I always see her there.
She is also passionate about growing in her walk with Christ. A leader on Grove City College’s Intervarsity group, Tara is no stranger to high levels of extracurricular responsibility. I have seen her lead in group settings many times. It is a joy to watch.
I wanted to introduce you to Tara because she has a lot of insight on cross-departmental academic life, being in Studio Arts and Communications. Plus, I do not know anyone as good and consistent at organizing fun activities for friends as Tara. In this video, I asked her about her involvement with Intervarsity, talked with her about some of her favorite professor moments, and got her advice on making friends when you get to college (something she excelled at). I hope you will watch and get a better feel for the type of campus Grove City College is, and the opportunities we have here. Tara is certainly a great example of how multi-faceted a student on this campus can be.
Grove City College has recently added the option of a Robotics minor for engineering students. The minor was started largely based on student interest in robots. The Robotics minor offers a more in-depth experience with robots than the BEST (Boosting Engineering Science and Technology) competition. The BEST competition is completed by middle and high school students and is hosted at Grove City College. Some students who compete at BEST choose to attend Grove City College, and this minor gives them and any other interested students a more in-depth experience with robots.
The robot made by Kinova.
Engineering majors have full schedules. With only three credits of general electives available, the challenge was to offer a minor that was attainable with the heavy course load. I spoke with Dr. Allison, professor of Mechanical Engineering, to discuss the robotics class. “We had to be creative in making this work, so they don’t have to come do an intersession class,” says Dr. Allison. For example, the minor requires a systems dynamics course to be taken, which is an elective option for other engineering students.
The Intro to Robotics class (ROBO 301), along with other courses in the robotic minor, provides students with the opportunity to attain the basic skills needed to work in robotics after graduation. Students can expect to walk away with a familiarity of industrial robots. According to the Registrar’s description the class “presents the fundamentals of robot mechanism, kinematics, dynamics, and controls. Topics include forward and inverse kinematics, differential motion and velocities, dynamics and force control, path and trajectory, planning, actuators and drive systems, and sensors used in robotics systems.” The three-credit class includes two lectures, and one lab a week.
“The college has been supportive in providing capital funds,” says Dr. Allison. The engineering department has currently has one robot for the class and a second robot is expected to arrive within a few weeks. The first robot, made by Quanser/Kinova, is used for teaching control systems as well as getting deep into the mathematics behind moving the robot’s arms to follow a specific trajectory. The goal of the first robot is to teach the “mathematical basics for robot motions.” With its four degrees of freedom, a robot similar to this one is often used as an assisting device for those in wheelchairs.
The robot made by FANUC.
The second robot, made by FANUC, will be used to teach industrial robotic programming. It is used for processes such as arc welding and paint spraying applications in automotive plants. It boasts six degrees of freedom, and includes a laser-based safety system.
In the spring, a Mobile Robots class will be taught, as well as Ethics in Engineering and Robotics. I will be posting an article covering the Mobile Robots class shortly. Dr. Allison showed me an article on how Butler Memorial Hospital now has a robot that performs surgical procedures with incredible precision. Dr. Allison explained how robots performing tasks such as surgery, raise ethical issues that need to be examined from the viewpoint of Christian faith. Automation may take away current jobs, and machines can also malfunction. These topics will be discussed in the ethics class.