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Author Archive | Angela Kim


An Insider’s Perspective on the JMK Fashion Show

When I came to Grove City College, I did not expect to find an internship at a fashion boutique. And yet there I was – a senior looking for experience to make myself employable – writing an application to be an intern for the JMK Fashion Show. As an intern, I had a number of basic […]


10 Ways to Be the Best Roommate

After three years of rooming experience, here are my tips on how to be the best roommate. (Please note that I know for a fact I am not the best roommate, but my past two roommates have been incredible, and I learned a lot from them!) Be forward. If you have a problem, deal with […]


5 Simple Ways to Have an Excellent Monday

Here are five tips on how to have an excellent Monday as a college student: Go to bed early. One of the best ways to make sure your Monday is a success is to go to bed early on Sunday, or at least on time. You don’t want to wake up groggy because you were on your […]


Beginner’s Guide to Studying on Campus

Wondering where you can settle down with some textbooks and get work done other than your dorm room? Here is a beginner’s guide to the best places for studying on campus! Let’s begin. The Study-Between-Classes Student – Sometimes you have 50 minutes of spare time between classes and don’t want to walk across campus to […]


25 (More) Excellent Events on Campus

On my last post called 25 Excellent Events on Campus, I missed a number of important events. So here are 25 more events on Grove City College campus: 24 Hour Prayer – Students pray for important causes and lost souls overnight.   ABT Okie Midnight Breakfast – Live music and pancakes! AEXmas – A chill Christmas celebration […]


Missions Week Brought Back

Up until about eight years ago, Grove City College along with the InterVarsity Missions Fellowship chapter on campus hosted a large missions conference once a year. It was so large of an event that the IM Room was filled with missionaries ready to talk to students, much like the Career Fair. As InterVarsity got smaller […]


25 Excellent Events on Campus

As a prospective student, I remember wondering to myself, “I wonder if I will be bored on campus?” After all, Grove City college is a small school in Pennsylvania. Well, let me assure you that, though GCC is small in size, it is concentrated with exciting events and activities for many different students. Here is […]


Student Artist Survey: From the Hollow

From the Hollow, a singer-songwriter duo, began at Grove City College when Christie Goodwin was asked to perform at Bridgefest – a concert on campus featuring student musicians. Goodwin is a senior majoring in English Secondary Education from Farmington Hills, Mich. and has been dabbling in art and music for many years. She did not start […]


An Insider’s Perspective on SGA

SGA stands for Student Government Association, and though this may be a well-kept secret, Grove City College’s SGA is one-of-a-kind. Typically, when I hear the letters “SGA,” I think of a random collection of people who meet once a week and talk about “problems” around campus without really accomplishing anything. However, when I joined SGA for two […]

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