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Student Spotlight: Studying Abroad with Sarah Kuhn

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson, with this quote, thoroughly explains the intrigue, adventure and excitement that accompanies most students that decide to pursue a study abroad program. One such student is junior Accounting and Finance major and […]


Team Up India Part 1

Each year Grove City College selects up to eight students to spend their summer in another country doing missions work. At the beginning of the fall semester, students apply to the Red Box Missions program. Students selected by the program are given money to fund their summer abroad on missions. The program is funded by alumni […]


Grove City Isn’t Church

One of my favorite things about life at Grove City is my circle of Christian friends. They encourage me and point me to Christ. Having friends in this stage of life who can give advice and walk with us is so important. But I believe there is something even more important for our spiritual walk. […]


Inside Look at the Young Life Leaders at Grove City College

One of the greatest experiences that I have had at Grove City is the opportunity to be a leader in Young Life. Young Life is a Christian mentorship ministry whose mission is “introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.” Young Life is an international organization that reaches 600,000 kids in […]

radio broadcast photo

You Know You’re a Communications Major When…

As a prospective student, you might be asking yourself what exactly a Communication Studies major is? You know what a journalist, broadcaster, and writer does, but how does that fall under one general “Communications” degree? When I first began my college search, I had no idea what I wanted to do or even if college […]

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