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Team Up India Part 2

Last summer GCC senior Lindsey Reichert traveled to India on a Red Box Missions scholarship. During her time overseas, Lindsey worked with the missions organization Harvest Bridge doing photojournalism and blogging. She had the opportunity to work in schools, serve local churches, and assist at medical clinics. To learn more about Lindsey’s time in India read the blog titled “Team Up India Part 1.”

Lindsey’s experience with India didn’t end when she stepped foot back on American soil. She allowed her time overseas and the lessons learned to drastically shape her senior year at Grove City in a unique way. Here’s how:

What impacted you most during your trip to India?

When people ask me what I loved most about India, it’s the people. A lot of my time was spent with the kids. My heart was broken for them when I saw that a lot of what was holding them back had to do with education.

When did you realize that this was a problem you could potentially fix?

Last fall I was taking a Social Entrepreneurship class and for one of our projects we had to participate in the elevator pitch competition on campus. This is when I realized I could integrate my experience over the summer with what I was learning in class. I knew I wanted to do something with India that addressed an aspect of their education.

What was your idea for the elevator pitch?

The pitch was basically for a sports program that would teach kids about good nutrition in India.

Why sports?

My very first idea was that I wanted to start a school. But there are already a lot of schools and successful Christian schools. So then I started to think about what the schools don’t have and what I can add to them. I was passionate about the education over there. I saw it as a great model for missions because the kids are there for 10 years and are hearing about the gospel. I was super passionate about the education system.

So then the question was, what can I add to the schools?

I thought back to Jaigaon (an area of India I spent time in) and the school we were in. When I was there, we asked the children what they love to do and all of the kids talked about sports. The original idea was to do a sports program for the school since they don’t have organized sports.

Why nutrition?

It goes back to the school. While we were at the schools in India, we were teaching about American culture, leading songs, and sometimes we would give a Bible message. One day we were asked to teach a health class. We gathered the girls in 7th to 10th grade and taught them a class on basic health and nutrition. A lot of these girls came from poor families and they didn’t  know anything about health and nutrition. The class was about an hour long. Our time teaching was eye opening. The girls were asking questions about things that we take for granted, such as how many fruits and vegetable to eat in a day.

Their diets are high in carbs. They eat a lot of chicken, everything has curry and there are a lot of vegetables. But what I observed first hand and what I have been finding in my own research is that the kids have poor eating habits. They are eating a lot of rice and noodles and their snacks in school consist of chips, cookies and juices. Even when their teachers would encourage them to bring in fruit and water, the kids would decide to do otherwise.

Aren’t many of their eating habits cultural?

We are focused not just on changing the food they eat but on teaching them the “why” behind it. Yes, it is a cultural thing, but the kids need to know why they should change their habits. This is where the sports come in. A sports program will show the kids  how what they eat affects their bodies. We’ll help them to see what they can add to their diet so they can get the nutrients that they are lacking.

How exactly will sports play into teaching them good nutrition?

We needed to find something that would get kids excited about eating healthy and motivate them to change. When it comes to sports, you have to eat better to perform better. That’s how I got interested in nutrition. For me, it started with sports. I wanted to perform better so I started eating healthy.

This program will give them the head knowledge and help them to see physical effects as well.

What did it look like getting into Venture Lab?

I competed in the elevator pitch competition and made it to the top 10.  I couldn’t go to the top 10 round because of a scheduling conflict but I kept wondering what would have happened if I had done it.

I emailed Dr. English and gave her my idea asking her where to go from there. She told me about the Venture Lab info meeting. I went to the meeting and talked to her about it afterward. She was excited.

The next step was the application for Venture Lab. I went to Dr. Mech and he suggested looking for other team members. Kelsey Patton knew about the project because we had talked about it as friends. She told me she was interested so we collaborated and sent in the application.

Over Christmas break we found out that we were accepted into Venture Lab.

What is Venture Lab and how will it help you make this a reality?

Venture Lab is an idea incubator that is run through the Center for Entrepreneurship. Teams come together and propose an idea for a business. The idea goes to a board of professors. They review the idea and decide who they will fund and invest money into. They pretty much tell you if this is a viable idea or not. If you’re accepted, it’s a semester long project that you can take for credit. At the beginning, you get assigned a professor who acts as your advisor for the project. You work with the advisor during the semester to see if this is a viable business option. You are basically testing assumptions and working toward a “green light.”

Venture Lab provides you with a variety of resources to help with your endeavor. This semester they are bringing in speakers every few weeks to talk about specific topics within the business plan process. One week it was about branding.

We are also in partnership with a design class. We are working with a student who will help us with branding, logo design, social media, etc.

Lastly, you are paired with an advisor (our advisor is Dr. Mech) who is able to connect you with other entrepreneurs, some of which are alumni.

What’s the name of your project?

Team Up India.

Where are you right now? What have you completed?

Right now we are fundraising.

We are working on an extensive grant proposal to a pharmaceutical company. Dr. Howley works very closely with them. They have locations in India and they sell healthcare products. Although we won’t be selling their products, we believe our mission can align with and support their mission. In addition, we have been approaching rotaries with grant proposal and seeking support from local churches.

We have also established support for our program in India. We are in contact with the principal of a school in West Bengal. He wants us to start the program in his school. There are four teachers there who want to see this project happen.

We are in the process of developing the program. We have been working with expert coaches and sports program professionals to develop a sports program. In addition, we have been working with a graduate student who is pursuing nutrition to develop a health class curriculum.

Our online presence has also been coming along. We recently started working with social media as well as a blog and website.

What is your timeline moving forward?

We are looking to be fully funded by the end of the semester. Our hope is to pilot the project for five weeks in India this summer. The results will allow us to create a turnkey system or a packaged product that we can turn over to other schools in the future. At this point, our hope is go over to India June 10 to July 15. We will be there at the start of their school year.

Our program would take place five days a week. It would be an hour of in-class learning. During this time we would teach about health and nutrition using presentations, power points, handouts and quizzes.

Then we would move outside, for a one-hour training session. The training session would start with a warm up and transition game, then the main focus for the day and end with a discussion about what the kids learned and how this connects with what they learned in the classroom.

linds and kels

Any last words?

We’re very excited about it. This journey has definitely been about us following God. He keeps making it evident that he is opening doors that have allowed for opportunities. It’s about trusting Him. His hand is clearly on the project as we take it one step at a time.

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Quidditch at Grove City College

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Cameron Buchalter. Cameron is a freshman at Grove City College and recently became a member of the Beta Sigma fraternity. He has a love for musical theater and sports. Upon arrival at Grove City College, he joined the Quidditch team and he is now a certified referee. I didn’t know much about Quidditch until I spoke with him one day and he eagerly taught me the ins and outs of the sport.

In order to create a team, there must be 10 official teammates. At Grove City College, the team also allows for unofficial teammates that cannot fully commit to all practices and games. Some other official members of the Quidditch team at Grove City College are Robert Dacey, Noah Newell, and Alyssa Holden.

Many people may not know, but Quidditch is a full contact, full tackle sport. The goal of the game is to get the “Quaffle” – a deflated volleyball – through the hoops at the end of the field that act as goal. Each player has a broom, much like in the Harry Potter movies, that they must stay on the entire game. At any time during the game, there are six to seven players on the field. The “Keeper” acts as the goalie. They have a keeper zone around their goal where they stand to block the Quaffle from entering the hoop. The defensive players of the game are called the “Beaters.” The Beaters have dodgeballs called “Bludgers” and their goal is to throw them at offensive players to knock them off their brooms and prevent them from scoring a goal. If a player is knocked off his broom he must run to his team’s hoops and touch them. After that, he can join in the game again. The offensive players are called “Chasers” and there are three in any given game. Their goal is to get the Quaffle through the hoops by whatever means necessary. This means they can throw the Quaffle, stick their hand holding the Quaffle through the hoop, or even dive through the hoop holding the Quaffle! If you get the Quaffle through the hoop you earn 10 points for your team.

The final person on each Quidditch team is known as the “Snitch.” The Snitch appears at the 18 minute mark of every game. He wears golden shorts and on the back of his shorts is a sock with a tennis ball inside. At 18 minutes they go onto the field and begin running around. At the 19 minute mark the “Seekers” are released. Their goal is to get the tennis ball from the snitch. If they get the ball, they earn 30 points for their team.

The typical Quidditch uniform resembles a soccer uniform. At Grove City, our uniforms have a name and number on the back, and the Grove City Quidditch “Legion of Broom” logo on the front. Quidditch is a national sport separated into six regions. Our team has played games in West Virgina, New York and has traveled to Maine for regionals. This year, the “World Cup” will be held in Kissimmee, Florida on April 8-9. This is where the top 60 teams in the U.S. play in tournaments to determine the World Cup Champion.

Our team begins practices during the official season, which is in the fall. These practices are once a week on Saturday. During the off-season, the team does condition which consists of three practices a week. If you are interested in playing a sport at Grove City College, but aren’t sure exactly where you’ll fit in – contact Cameron Buchalter and he can get you connected to the Quidditch team. I would highly recommend it!




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Newest Addition to Varsity Sports

The players on Grove City College’s club lacrosse team no longer have to hide in the shadows of its varsity sports, but can now share the limelight with them. Starting in the academic year of 2017-2018, the lacrosse team will move from being a club team to a varsity sport. After patiently waiting for their efforts to be recognized through dedicated practices, sacrificed hours on bus trips, and hard-fought wins, they will be competing for a Presidents’ Athletic Conference title. The PAC will have the lacrosse team face against competitors such as Washington & Jefferson College, Thiel College, Saint Vincent College, and Bethany College. The team is led by head coach Bill Sigmund and accompanied by Zach Jew.1172565_579940145418236_507558640_n

The team will benefit in many ways when they switch from club to varsity sport, but they will face new adjustments as well. For example, when the team was considered a club team they were able to choose whatever equipment brands that the players wanted to use. However, as a varsity sport, they will no longer have that liberty, but will use the equipment brand selected by the school. They also won’t be able to travel to California and compete in the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association (MCLA). However, even with all of the changes, the lacrosse players are looking forward to the benefits that come with being a varsity sport.

 “Switching to a varsity team will offer us all sorts of perks, but also we will lose some cool aspects of being club. Varsity will be great for practice times. Being a club team you get put behind all varsity teams for choosing practice slots… Varsity also means home games and provost excuses. We only have one home game this year and the rest are far away in places like Chicago and Tennessee.”  – Jeffrey Cypher

An important improvement the team will see is finally having a set schedule where and when their practices are to be held. They will no longer have to fight with other club sports or varsity teams for half of Thorn field or the IM rooms. Cypher and other lacrosse players are looking forward to consistent practices and the chance to host more home games. Traveling and riding a bus for longer than four hours can be taxing for a college student and can affect not only an athlete’s performance, but his or her academic performance as well. As a club sport, the lacrosse team would often have to leave on Friday afternoons and not get back until Sunday evenings. This left limited time to take care of class assignments and group projects.

The number of away games compared to home games is 10 to 1 for their 2017 spring season which only gives the lacrosse team one chance to play in front of their family and friends. From an athletic perspective, it can get frustrating for the players when they cannot get the support  of their fans due to the distance. Soon the players and fans will no longer have to deal with the unequal schedule conflict because they will a well balanced  schedule of home and away games.
“It would be great to get a large crowd at every game because it helps keep the energy up for those on the field, especially the home team. Also, I have some sick goal celebrations in mind.”  – Jonathan Bensing

There is much to look forward for the new varsity lacrosse team and the buzz on campus indicates the students are just as excited to cheer the athletes on as they are to play. For more information on the team, schedule, and mission be sure to check out the Grove City College Lacrosse Team website.

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Grove City College Men’s Lacrosse Game

On April 16, 2016, the Grove City College student body, family and friends filled the seats of Thorn Field to support the Grove City College men’s lacrosse team. The Wolverines played against University of Dayton, a strong rival. Although the game ended with a defeat for the Wolverines, the team played with an immense amount of drive, skill and passion. Throughout the game, the crowd cheered with whistling, clapping and shouting, never giving up on the Wolverines. Regardless of the outcome, the Saturday afternoon was well spent with friends and family supporting the GCC men’s lacrosse team.
Here is a highlight video capturing the energetic atmosphere of the lacrosse match:

[click HD]

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A Look at PHYE 209, Tennis

Tennis Racquet Picturejpg
Picture from

Grove City College offers many different Physical Education electives for students to take, such as Volleyball, Bowling, Racquetball and Body Conditioning. My personal favorite gym class, and one of the most enjoyable classes I’ve taken during my four years at Grove City, is Tennis or PHYE 209. I’ve always had a love for tennis, so I knew taking this class would be a worthwhile experience.

This one-credit course, offered during both semesters, provides an introduction to the sport of tennis as a whole. The class is taught by Jeff Buxton, head coach of both the men’s and women’s varsity tennis teams. Different techniques like proper form, racket grips, volleying and serving are taught during the course of the semester. Each class time consists of various drills, games and eventually a doubles tournament spanning several class periods.

There are about 16 students in the class, and it’s held twice a week on the outdoor tennis courts on lower campus. In bad weather, the class is moved into the Intramural Rooms where nets are set up and indoor balls are used. Students are required to have their own rackets to participate in the class, but balls are provided.

No tennis experience is needed since the class caters to those of all skill levels. Tennis is a great class if you’ve never played the sport before because it introduces basic techniques and allows you to develop the necessary skills. It’s also a great class if you do have tennis experience because it gives you a chance to hone those skills. No matter what, it’s an opportunity to get out of the traditional classroom and have fun.

Senior tennis enthusiast, Alyssa Brossman, who took the course this past fall, reflected on the experience saying, “It was a great break from academic courses, and I loved the energy that Coach brought to class.”

All in all, the class is an opportunity to burn off some energy and have fun. It combines quality tennis instruction, friendly competition and good exercise.

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The Intramural Frisbee Legends: The TryHards

Ask anyone from Grove City College about the competition in intramural Frisbee and there is no doubt that the legendary team, the TryHards, will be mentioned. There are two seasons of IM Frisbee a year, one in the fall and one in the spring. The photo pictured below is from the fall of 2015, when the TryHards won their third straight IM championship.

Try hards
Fall Semester 2015 TryHards 3peat

The TryHards originated from the freshman hall of 2MP (second floor Memorial) and have since expanded each semester. This team of friends has remained undefeated for each of the three seasons that have been together. As a combined 28-0 the TryHards do not look like they are slowing down.

When asked about what motivates the team to continue to dominate at their sport and not get lazy, their response was, “We do it for our city, the kids and most importantly for the cotton!” This fun-loving team of guys epitomizes the goal of sports at GCC, to compete hard and to have fun. The spring season of ultimate Frisbee is on the horizon and you could be sure that the TryHards are the team to beat.


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A Look at Grove City College’s Women’s Lacrosse Team

Women's Lacrosse Team

The Grove City College Wolverines Women’s Lacrosse Team is pumped to start their season. They are ready for the opportunity to leave all of their effort and energy on the lacrosse field, to build relationships with their teammates and to ultimately glorify God in their actions. Team captains Claudia Bennett and Angalena Malavenda are seeking to have this season put Grove City’s Women’s Lacrosse Team on the map, bringing in more funding from the school and ultimately seeking to achieve varsity status. I had the opportunity to interview Angalena this past week. Here are her remarks.

Angalena and I started our conversation discussing the goals of their lacrosse season. This year they want to focus on stick skills, endurance and speed. She talked about the importance of having the new girls, who just recently got a stick in their hands, feel comfortable holding a lacrosse stick, cradling and passing. So a lot of their preseason activities have been helping prep these girls for the season as well as developing group work-out routines which help all of the girls get back into shape.

Angalena and I also got a chance to talk about some of her duties as co-captain. She told me that a lot unexpected problems have come up, especially in terms of financial issues. She went on to say that “without the leadership of a coach, there is a lot of responsibility that falls onto Claudia’s and I’s shoulders in order to coordinate practices, juggle financials, schedule buses, coordinate referees for our games, organizing groups for workouts, offering up free time to help girls, scheduling field times, contacting other teams to play, organizing executive meetings to discuss the above tasks and then setting up a game plan in order to coach the girls during practice.” Although all of this responsibility can seem overwhelming at times, Angalena has learned so much about leadership and organization. One of the really cool things about Grove City is that so many clubs are run entirely by students. Angalena and previous lacrosse captains have been able to take this lacrosse team from just an idea to a varsity sport by the end of the year.

Women's Lacrosse Team: Practice

We also got a chance to discuss the details on how practices are going to be run this season. She said that “practices first start with a warm up and then some conditioning work. Then we transition into a stick warm up with partner passing, shuttles and a few 3 v 2’s. We plan on doing shooting drills and more intense drills to practice our offense and scoring possibilities. We would also like to practice transitions and defensive drills.”

Another issue that a lot of girls ask going into this season is the amount of time they have to dedicate to this sport, especially since it is a club sport. Angalena responded to this by saying the time commitment during a standard practice week is a maximum of 4 hours. They organize two practices a week as well as a workout. In regards to games the time commitment is a little different since there is travel time and play time. Those hours tend to vary.

In terms of their season, Angalena told me that she has high hopes of making to the playoffs this season. She believes that “there have been a few teams in the past that I think we can beat based on the new talent on the team.”

Wrapping up our interview I wanted to get to know the team dynamic a bit and find out what the girls are like and the sense of community throughout the team. Angalena responded by saying that “we are a very well rounded team.” Majority of the girls who are on the team are involved in many other groups and clubs on campus. And the skill level on the team ranges from experienced players, who have played more than five years whether in high school or on travel teams, to players who are just picking up a stick. All in all though, the dynamic has seemed to “create a strong sense of community among the team.”

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Intramural Sports: Easy, Fun, Free


Intramural (IM) sports hold a special place on Grove City College’s campus. The overall athletic student body is very passionate about sports and staying active, and a lot of students participate in one or more of the 35 IM sports offered.

If you’re not familiar with this extracurricular activity, IM sports are recreational teams comprised of groups of students that compete against other groups of students within the same school in various sports.

At Grove City, we take this athletic endeavor seriously. Being the active community that we are, and having been the number two ranked IM program in the nation in 2013, Grove City offers a plethora of sports for students to play. From basketball, soccer and volleyball to tennis, badminton and softball, the options are seemingly endless. Within most of these sports, there are men’s, women’s and co-ed leagues, as well as divisions based on skill level, so students are sure to find a league that fits their interests and abilities.

Participation in IM sports is free and joining a team is very simple. Flyers around campus advertise different leagues, so all an interested student has to do is find some friends to join their team, email the manager designated on the flyer to sign up, look out for emails from that manager specifying the dates and times of games and show up to play.

Typically, two or three games are played each week during the evenings in the IM rooms. Each sport usually lasts a few weeks and ends with a championship. Winning teams receive custom made t-shirts which creates an incentive for winning.

Perhaps the best aspect of IM sports is the friendly, low commitment competition it provides. They offer a recreational break from studying and a chance to compete for fun. They are also a great way to get involved on campus and meet new people.

Junior Justin Scott who has been involved in an assortment of IM sports including football, volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee and soccer sees them as “an easy way to burn off some calories and hang out with friends.” Justin first joined his freshman hall’s football team and has faithfully participated on many teams since.

For senior Alyssa Brossman, IM sports allow her to continue pursuing her favorite sport, tennis, without the commitment of playing at a varsity level. Since freshman year she has enjoyed the perks of IM sports through various tennis, basketball, soccer and badminton teams. “IM sports keep you active, enable you to be on a team with your friends and give you much needed study breaks,” she reflects.

IM sports are a way to not only be active and get some exercise, but also a chance to create fellowship among friends. Grove City is not short on sports to choose from, so if you’re looking for friendly competition and a way to relieve some stress, IM sports here are the way to go.

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Life of a GCC Golfer

JordenAlfery_GolfPlaying college golf has always been a dream of mine. Accepting the position offered on the Grove City College men’s golf team as a senior in high school was a big decision. I was blessed to be a part of such a positive team in high school and knew I wanted something similar in college. As a Christian, I’ve always wanted a team that was centered on the gospel, which was one of the few aspects that was lacking on my high school team.

At Grove City College, I joined a team that was focused on building a brotherhood for the betterment of the individuals. Realizing that everyone falls short of God’s expectations changed the way I viewed golf. I felt comfortable and willing to open up to my teammates knowing that I wouldn’t be judged, but rather encouraged. Due to the positive reinforcement of my coaches and teammates, I’ve found more success in my golf game than I ever had before.

Golf_TeamComing off a hot summer of good golf, I had high expectations for myself entering the collegiate level. Unfortunately, I didn’t start the season the way I wanted to. Adequately managing my time between schoolwork, golf, social life, and my relationship with God, was a challenge. Even though I played my best golf over that summer, I didn’t play to my full potential for most of the fall season. As the season was winding down, we had one last tournament remaining. As frustrated as I was, since things didn’t go my way, this final tournament was a true test of everything I’ve worked hard for. Since the routine I was going through didn’t work for the majority of the season, I decided to change things up a bit. By completely relying on God and clearing my mind, I ended up shooting my low round of the year and won the biggest in-season tournament by a single shot.

If I could give any advice to upcoming freshman who are planning on partaking in a sport, it would be to focus mainly on your relationship with God. Try not to worry and stress about the things of the world, but rather give up all you have in order to let God take control. Reflecting upon my experiences at Grove City College, especially with the golf team, I’ve certainly been blessed in ways that I couldn’t have imagined, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.



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How I Brought Bubble Soccer to my School

“You Can Get There from Here.”

Even before I became a student at Grove City College, I heard this line from one of the college’s most beloved professors: Dr. Powell. He had this crazy notion that if I cast a vision for something I want to do, whether large or small, at this school I could do it. His faith in Grove City College’s potential to bring to life even my biggest ideas intrigued me, but as a prospective student I had no clue how true it would prove to be.

It Started Out as a Bit of a Jokebubble2

Flash forward to sophomore year, when I was a member of the Student Government Association (SGA). Early in the year, SGA held a meeting for the express purpose of brainstorming. Unfortunately, my small group had more of a light brain mist going on than a brainstorm, and I needed to find something we could rally around. I remembered a video I had seen on the internet a few weeks back, a ridiculous game called bubble soccer. We had nothing better, so we pitched that.

Standing there in front of the rest of the elected students, I almost sheepishly described the game. It is played like soccer, but with each player wearing a large, inflated bubble suit. This allows for hilarious contact and crashing without injury. I was excited to tell them about a sport that many had not heard of, but I admitted that it probably wasn’t feasible at a small school like ours. I mean, state schools weren’t even trying this yet. However, the presentation received unanimous support. I was floored – did they actually want to try to do this?

Attempting Something Big

Okay. We were going to do this. I formed a team, and we started to figure out how. Since this game had been invented in Europe, only certain areas in the U.S. had it available. We finally found a small company near Philadelphia named BumpBall that was willing to drive out to us. Next, we had to convince the administration. Many meetings and emails later, we had the green light. I was so excited. My idea was actually happening.

Opening up brackets to each freshman hall, we developed the tournament as an end-of-the-year capstone to the new students’ various intramural competitions throughout the year. The buzz began to grow. We had 21 halls and nearly a hundred people on board. Once students saw our posters, they began to get excited.

Let the Games Begin

4 p.m. May 1st arrived, and the freshmen and their fans lined the slope at the edge of the intramural fields. I started the games and watched as fantastic bouts of adrenaline and laughter ensued. Standing there with a megaphone, I thought back to the beginning of the year. How did I get here? It was then that I realized the truth in what Dr. Powell had said. If you set your mind to it, you can make your dreams a reality at Grove City College. You can get there from here.


Check out our video of the event: