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Cleanup 412

Cleanup 412 is a growing non-profit founded by two of my fraternity brothers, Justin Corbin and Nicholas Choiniere. The goal in mind is to clean the streets of Pittsburgh, feed those in need, and engage all as informed citizens in a restored community. Another unintended impact of these cleanups has been the impact it has had on student life here at Grove City. So far, Cleanup 412 has sponsored six cleanups, with their locations being in Brighton Heights, McKees Rock, Marshall Shadeland, Mt. Oliver, Cultural District, and right here in Grove City. For all of these events we have had dozens of Grove City students come out to help clean their communities. Simultaneously to the cleanup the crew runs a massive food drive, collecting canned goods and nonperishable items to help in that community. Lastly, when walking the streets of whatever area the cleanup is in we talk with the neighbors and, if they are unregistered, we ask if they want to sign up to be a registered voter. Sometimes people are reluctant, but we simply encourage them that if they would like to see change in their community, having a vote is the first step to rebuilding.

Cleanup 412 is expanding to a city near you! In the last year, Cleanup 757 and Cleanup 512 were added. Cleanup 757 is helping the communities of Virginia Beach, VA. They have already successfully had a cleanup and food drive, with more on the schedule. The newest expansion is Cleanup 512 which is based in Austin, TX. Hopefully once COVID has officially settled down we can confidently and comfortably hit the ground running again.

I have some exciting news for the Pittsburgh Steelers fans who go to Grove City. Marquis Pouncey and his brother heard about the cleanup and talked to the founder Justin and will be involved soon with the restoration and growth of the communities in the 412. With the amazing contacts he has, there is a abundance of hope to bring in more big names to be able to market and bring in more volunteers. Nick will be heading out to Austin after he graduates for his post-college career and will then take the leadership behind Cleanup 512. Justin plans to keep his attention on Cleanup 412 to continue to foster his neighboring community.

I recommend even if you are not a Grove City student to come out to a cleanup, meet Grove City students who are eager to give back to their communities, and learn more insight on what life at Grove City College looks like.

Click here to visit the Cleanup 412 website!

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Dog Dad by Day, Student by Night

This year I have been given the opportunity that many of my peers wish for – I have a puppy! This puppy is not solely mine but is a service dog that I am training. My dog’s name is Teetime, and she can be seen running around the Quad or going for walks around campus. Teetime is a 10-week-old black lab from ECAD (Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities). Their objective is to give Teetime to a veteran with PTSD returning from Afghanistan. Teetime will accompany this person everywhere they go, providing them with a feeling of comfort as they try to get reaccustomed to their lives. At only 10 weeks, she is well on her way to being the supportive service dog that will be required of her.

Even though Teetime’s genes are made for the job, my schedule and life had to be pivoted to meet the needs of my new puppy. My day consists of waking up at six in the morning and taking her out to the bathroom, followed by feeding her breakfast. When I go to class, I have to give her to one of her uncles (a fraternity brother) to take care of her for the time being. After the school day is done, Teetime can go wherever I go. It is important for me to take her to as many new environments as possible to get her ready for her job. Last week, we went golfing at Green Meadows together, and although her name is Teetime, that was not one of her favorite activities.

Going into my senior year, I knew that I had a relatively easy schedule, and I would need to fill my time with a job of some kind. I unknowingly signed up for this job when I asked my roommate, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you could rent a puppy?” Days later, after passing background checks and doing interviews our dog was being flown down to Grove City. I have learned a lot so far being a dog dad and a student at the same time. I am not just aligning my own eating, studying, and working out schedule, but I need to make sure I am feeding her at the right time, training her, and getting her exercise in. I have had Teetime now for just under a month, and it has becoming increasingly more difficult to live with the reality that I have to give this dog up. For the next five months I will be continuing this training with her on campus and at home. When it is finally time to say goodbye, I will bring her to a ceremony where I will get to meet her new owner, and tell them how much of a good girl she is.

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Grove City Greek Life

As a freshman coming to Grove City College I knew nobody that has ever gone here or who was currently enrolled, I also had no intentions on joining a fraternity. But, being a more reserved kid I knew if this campus was going to work for me I had to get involved one way or another. Originally, I thought that would be basketball, that was a big reason why I choose this college. After some time on the team I knew basketball wasn’t in God’s plan for me here, and I was back to square one. I talked to my older brother who went to Cedarville University, and he recommended that I begin talking to groups around campus and see if that was the community vibe I was looking for.

So, I started by talking to as many groups as possible because you will see each group is unique in their own ways. After doing that for awhile I knew I found the one for me, I joined the Pan Sophic Fraternity in spring of my freshman year. Since that time I have created a bond with my brothers that is unmatched, when we are all together I look out and see my future wedding party assembled from the men in my fraternity. Jim Rohn says, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” This quote has always been something that I find to be very true. I recommend surrounding yourself with people you view as smarter, harder working, or have a quality trait that you can take and learn from them. My fraternity numerically is one of the smaller fraternities with only 14 active brothers, but there is something that I can learn from each of them.

Admittedly, Grove City does not have a massive night scene or a surplus of activities happening on a daily basis. The College combats that issue by allowing fraternities to have their own halls on campus, which is where I have had the most fun in my four years. Living on the hall with your fraternity brothers is like your middle school class trip staying at a hotel with all of your best friends. There is always something going on in someone’s room and it makes making plans together a lot easier. Some plans that fraternities usually talk about are events like homecoming where you get to meet alumni and here interesting stories from them, or a campus wide event like a campus cookout where we join up with a sorority and make hundreds of hot dogs and hamburgers for those on campus, and create fellowship. Continuing on fellowship, each fraternity has a elected chaplain who’s role is to create bible studies, lead prayer, and look out for his fellow brothers faith.

Fraternities at Grove City College have a long history, with the first being my fraternity in 1911. With that comes a massive network of alumni that are there for you during college, and after. Out of the eight seniors that are graduating this spring from my fraternity, three of them already have jobs lined up after college because of a alumni offering them the job, or getting them in the door for interviews.


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Changing My Major

Going into college with a major figured out can feel like one of the hardest decisions as a student. It makes you feel like you need to have your career figured out before you even start freshman year! I remember feeling this way. There were so many majors to choose from, and I had no idea where to begin. I had some ideas as to what my interests were but I was worried that I would be locked into whatever major I declared freshman year. I decided to declare a Communications major. I was not sure what specifically I wanted to do with the major but I felt it could generally be viewed as a “do anything” major. My hope was that maybe after taking a few classes I would have things figured out.

My first semester consisted of a few required courses and some electives, and when it came time to sign up for spring semester courses, I decided to register for Lean Launchpad, one of the classes for the Entrepreneurship major. I was curious what the entrepreneurship department was about and had considered doing something in business. I thought it might be interesting to try. Toward the end of the spring semester, through this team-oriented class, my team and I had come up with a business idea for course work and were having a lot of success in the class. Interviews were an important part of the data gathering process when we were building our business idea. I would constantly receive comments about my ability to give interviews, ask questions, and speak clearly. Since giving interviews was new to me, I was excited to hear feedback like this from professors and teacher’s assistants. Our greatest accomplishment in the class was when we qualified as finalists for the Grove City College Wolverine Venture Battle. This is an opportunity where students compete in pitching their company to a panel of judges to see who has the most viable business. We took second place and won over $6,000 as a team.

After the Wolverine Venture Battle, I realized I had the ability to be an entrepreneur. I decided, after thinking through my options seriously, that I would change my major from Communications to Entrepreneurship. This was a big change for me, since I had not considered entrepreneurship that seriously before. But I was receiving so much encouragement from friends, family, and faculty at the college that I had an entrepreneurial ability.

I am now an Entrepreneurship and Biblical and Religious Studies double major. I have loved every Entrepreneurship class I have taken so far and have learned so much in each of them. Since completing Lean Launchpad, my friend and I decided to launch the company we began in the class and are excited to see where it leads.

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The List(s) You Never Knew You Needed – #4: Activities To Do Around Grove City

There are multiple prospective students that visit Grove City College each year, giving them a glimpse into the experience Grove City has to offer. While tour guides do a great job of painting the picture at Grove City College, there are experiences and opportunities external to the perimeter of the school, and often that conversation is not approached or addressed during these visits. No matter where individuals end up for school, most students discover the hidden gems of the area once they begin school. And sometimes students never discover the hidden gems! Whether you are a freshman looking for something to do on a school night, a sophomore looking for a weekend adventure, a junior wanting to go hiking, or a senior wanting to soak up every last minute, I am here to change that conversation and provide the list(s) of to-dos you never knew you needed.

If you do not already, I am certain there will come a point in your life when your search history includes, “things to do near me.” If you come to Grove City, you do not have to waste your time, because the insider list of to-dos is here and ready to be tried:

  • Grove City County Market Dinner + a Picnic – grab some dinner to-go and find a spot to lay a blanket down to watch the sunset!
    • 49 Pine Grove Square, Grove City, PA 16127
  • Grove City Bike Trail – walk or bike around “the poop loop,” which got its name from the sewer plant that lies near the trail. Don’t worry, though… the smell is minimal.
    • 810 Greenwood Dr., Grove City, PA 16127
  • Katie’s Korner – the best homemade ice cream of any kind and any flavor! This is a hot spot for most Grove City College students.
    • 1380 S Center St. Ext., Grove City, PA 16127
  • Volant Tiny Shops – an Orvis shop near some of the best trout water in the state, a cooking store, antiques galore, a coffee shop, a local cigar shop, a gluten-free bakery, and many other shops might catch your attention during each changing season. Check their website for events throughout the year!
  • Pine Hill Greenhouse – if you are a plant lover, this greenhouse might become your favorite spot… it is certainly one of mine. The sweet Amish family who owns it might also become your favorite Amish family.
    • 4863 Old Mercer Rd., Volant, PA 16156
  • The Cheese House – yes, there is cheese, but it does not stop there. This is a great spot to find Amish-made goods, homemade candy, gourmet coffee and hot chocolate, puzzles, socks, and gifts of many kinds. If you are gluten-free, make sure to check out their gluten-free section, full of grocery supplies, sweets, and surprises!
    • 3356 State Route 208, New Wilmington, PA 16142
  • Apple Castle – Not far from The Cheese House is Apple Castle, where you can grocery shop for fresh produce, go pick your own apples or pumpkins in season, and take home a dozen donuts of their warm apple-donuts. It is the perfect fall occasion, but their donuts are appropriate for any month of the year.
    • 277 PA-18, New Wilmington, PA 16142
  • Axe Throwing – With a few more new spots in the area to go, axe-throwing has become an exciting Friday night event that a group of friends can go enjoy for an hour or so.
    • Mystery Mayhem Escapes & Axe Throwing
      • 623 Centreville Pike, Slippery Rock, PA 16057
    • Holzfaeller Axe Throwing
      • 111 Hindman Ln., Butler, PA 16001
  • The Guthrie Theatre – It is like a one-room schoolhouse, except it is a one-room theater. There are movies, concerts, events, and sometimes church services held in the Guthrie, depending on each given week. With renovations continuing to take place, they are hoping the Guthrie experience only becomes better!
    • 232 S Broad St., Grove City, PA 16127
  • Keystone Safari –  the idea might be obscure, but the memories would be great. There is, indeed, a wildlife safari in Grove City, PA, and many people have gone since its opening a few years back… you could be one!
    • 2284 Mercer Butler Pike, Grove City, PA 16127
  • Nelson Ledges Quarry Park – cliff jumping, swimming, crystal-clear water, paddle-boarding, camping, events… need I say more?
    • 12001 State Route 282, Garrettsville, OH 44231
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The List(s) You Never Knew You Needed – #3: Parks and Hikes Around Grove City

There are multiple prospective students that visit Grove City College each year, giving them a glimpse into the experience Grove City has to offer. While tour guides do a great job of painting the picture at Grove City College, there are experiences and opportunities external to the perimeter of the school, and often that conversation isn’t approached or addressed during these visits. No matter where individuals end up for school, most students discover the hidden gems of the area once they begin school. And sometimes students never discover the hidden gems! Whether you are a freshman looking for something to do on a school night, a sophomore looking for a weekend adventure, a junior wanting to go hiking, or a senior wanting to soak up every last minute, I am here to change that conversation and provide the list(s) of to-dos you never knew you needed.

One of the best parts about Western PA are the many trails to hike, bike, stroll, and explore, no matter what season. When it is warm, you might find whitewater kayakers in McConnell’s Mill, bikers in Moraine, or caves to explore at Nelson Ledges State Park. As the seasons begin to change and the temperature drops, you will find vibrant fall leaves around Allegheny National Forest, a frozen waterfall at Hell’s Hollow, and backpackers in Laurel Highland shelters for the night. There are hidden gems everywhere, and it does not take much to find them!

If you are interested in looking for directions to specific hikes within these parks and areas, I recommend downloading the AllTrails App and create a free account. The app will provide you with details on specific hikes (features, pictures, weather, mileage, elevation gain, difficulty), directions to trail heads, and reviews from people who have hiked the trails.


  • Memorial Park:
    • Recommendation:
      • Memorial Park Loop
  • Moraine State Park:
    • Recommendations:
      • Glacier Ridge Trail
      • Moraine State Park Bike Trail
      • Pleasant Valley Trail
  • McConnell’s Mill State Park:
    • Recommendations:
      • Slippery Rock Gorge Trail
      • Hell’s Hollow Trail
      • Kildoo Trail
      • McConnell’s Mill Trail
  • Cook Forest State Park:
    • Recommendations:
      • Seneca Viewpoint and Fire Tower Trail
      • River Trail from Seneca Viewpoint
  • Nelson-Kennedy Ledges State Park
  • Allegheny National Forest:
    • Recommendations:
      • Minister Creek Trail
      • Rimrock Overlook Trail
      • Jakes Rock Trail
  • Cuyahoga Valley National Park:
    • Recommendations:
      • Ledges Trail
      • Brandywine Gorge Trail
      • Salt Run
  • Laurel Highlands:
    • Recommendations:
      • Laurel Highland Hiking Trail: Ohiopyle to Bidwell
      • Laurel Highland Hiking Trail: Rt. 653 to Grindle Ridge


  • Grove City Borough Wolf Creek Trail  
  • Springfield Falls 
  • Wolf Creek Narrows Nature Area 
  • Allegheny Gorge and Overlook Trail 
  • Allegheny River Trail 


Get out and enjoy the outdoors!

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The List(s) You Never Knew You Needed – #2: Coffee Shops Around Grove City

There are multiple prospective students that visit Grove City College each year, giving them a glimpse into the experience Grove City has to offer. While tour guides do a great job of painting the picture at Grove City College, there are experiences and opportunities external to the perimeter of the school, and often that conversation is not approached or addressed during these visits. No matter where individuals end up for school, most students discover the hidden gems of the area once they begin school. And sometimes students never discover the hidden gems! Whether you are a freshman looking for something to do on a school night, a sophomore looking for a weekend adventure, a junior wanting to go hiking, or a senior wanting to soak up every last minute, I am here to change that conversation and provide the list(s) of to-dos you never knew you needed.

If you are not into coffee now, it is possible that you will become a fan of coffee in college. And if that does not stand to be true, chances are you will find yourself visiting coffee shops for an assortment of other reasons… studying, meeting with people, grabbing a quick bite to eat, or getting drinks other than coffee. This list consists of some of the hidden coffee shops within the area that could be the perfect place to satisfy any reason to go to a coffee shop.

Coffee Shops:

* gluten free options available

  • Beans on Broad * – 4 minutes from campus
    • 141 S Broad St., Grove City, PA 16127
    • Website:
    • Casual + cozy atmosphere, two stories, lots of indoor seating, espresso/coffee/tea/smoothies/others, sandwiches (lettuce wraps available)/salads/pastries, locally sourced coffee/milk/pastries, local crafts available to buy
  • Collage Coffee – 4 minutes from campus
    • 221 S Broad St., Grove City, PA 16127
    • Website:
    • Casual + hipster atmosphere, limited indoor seating, high quality drinks, espresso/coffee/tea/others, oatmeal/quiche/pastries/desserts, home-brewed kombucha, high quality art for sale, unique roasts for sale (whole bean and ground)
  • Pampered Palate Café and Bistro * – 11 minutes from campus
    • 225 Westside Square Drive Suite 117, Mercer, PA 16137
    • Website:
    • Panera-like atmosphere, full breakfast/lunch menu, espresso/coffee/tea/smoothies/others, gluten free alternatives, lots of indoor seating, limited outdoor seating available
  • Mugsies Coffee House – 24 minutes from campus
    • 139 South Market St., New Wilmington, PA 16142
    • Website:
    • Quaint atmosphere, limited indoor seating, house-roasted and brewed coffee blends daily, locally sourced ingredients (the Amish are GREAT farmers!), espresso/coffee/tea/ smoothies/milkshakes, sandwiches/pastries/bagels, located near Westminster college, other local shops, and the sweet town of Volant
  • O’Neill Coffee Roasters * – 30 minutes from campus
    • 14 Fair Street, West Middlesex, PA 16159
    • Website:
    • Warm + welcoming atmosphere, lots of NEW seating, all beans are roasted across the street (sometimes it smells like burnt toast!), espresso/coffee/tea/smoothies, packaged sweets + goods, high-end home good products for sale, gift packages, coffee roasts for sale (whole bean and ground)
  • The Confluence * – 32 minutes from campus
    • 214 E Washington St., New Castle, PA 16101
    • Website:
    • Peaceful + warm atmosphere, fireplace, lots of indoor seating, live music performed often, nonprofit for kids in the foster system, espresso/coffee/tea/others, sandwiches/salads/wraps/pastries/specials
  • Papa Gelateria 
    • Website:
    • Authentic Italian gelato + espresso-based drinks (affogato is AMAZING!), specialty panini sandwiches (made with Mancini’s Bakery Focaccia bread and locally sourced meats + cheeses – YUM!), pastries/specialty items
    • New Castle location (opened seasonally) – 33 minutes from campus
      • 318 Highland Ave., New Castle, PA 16101
      • Limited indoor/outdoor seating, stage + patio overlooking New Castle (beautiful overlook!), occasional live music
    • New Wilmington location (opened year-round) – 24 minutes from campus
      • 141 S Market St., New Wilmington, PA 16142
      • Limited indoor/outdoor seating, located in the college town of New Wilmington
  • Wunderbar Coffee & Crepes * – 33 minutes from campus
    • 253 Mercer St., Harmony, PA 16037
    • Website:
    • Eclectic + cute atmosphere, backroom library/coffee lounge, savory and sweet gluten free crepes, soups/salads/gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches/wraps/waffles/breakfast sandwiches, espresso/coffee/tea/handcrafted sodas/others, Located in the historic German town of Harmony (there’s a bakery next door!)
  • Kovfino – 36 minutes from campus
    • 157 W Adams St., Cochranton, PA 16314
    • Website:
    • Warm + cozy atmosphere, fireplace, limited indoor seating, attached to a movie theater (the Iris Theater), nonprofit, espresso/coffee/tea, snacks/sweets/candy/popcorn/cotton candy/ice cream
  • Vacavi Café * – 45 minutes from campus
    • 100 Water St., Conneaut Lake, PA 16316
    • Website:
    • Eclectic + earthy atmosphere, lots of indoor seating, scenic view of Conneaut Lake, espresso/coffee/tea (loose leaf)/smoothies, wraps/paninis/soups/salads/cheeses/pastries/sample platters/desserts
  • Market House Caffe * – 46 minutes from campus
    • 8480 E Market St., Warren, OH 44484
    • Website:
    • Homey + warm atmosphere, renovated home turned into a coffee shop, fireplace, lots of indoor seating, espresso/coffee/tea, gourmet toast bar/jar bar (oats + yogurt)/pastries (gluten free options)/other breakfast items
  • The Mocha House * – 52 minutes from campus
    • 467 High Street, Warren, OH 44481
    • Website:
    • Café meets diner/restaurant atmosphere, Lots of indoor seating, espresso/coffee/tea/smoothies, extensive breakfast/lunch/dinner food menu, known for their MANY desserts, located near historic downtown Warren
  • Rock’n Joe Coffee – 59 minutes from campus
    • 524 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    • Website:
    • Electric + open atmosphere, large outdoor patio with seating, limited indoor seating, espresso/coffee/tea/smoothies, sandwiches/pastries, located near parks + other small shops, fun drive to get there!
  • Carnegie Coffee Co. – 1 hour, 1 minute away from campus
    • 132 E Main St., Carnegie, PA 15106
    • Website:
    • Historic + charming atmosphere, old post-office building, take a book/leave a book library, functioning pharmacy located inside, two stories, lots of indoor seating, breakfast/lunch/desserts menu, espresso/coffee/tea, Lavazza coffee – #1 selling coffee in Italy

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The List(s) You Never Knew You Needed – #1: Restaurants Around Grove City

There are multiple prospective students that visit Grove City College each year, giving them a glimpse into the experience Grove City has to offer. While tour guides do a great job of painting the picture at Grove City College, there are experiences and opportunities external to the perimeter of the school, and often that conversation is not approached or addressed during these visits. No matter where individuals end up for school, most students discover the hidden gems of the area once they begin school. And sometimes students never discover the hidden gems! Whether you are a freshman looking for something to do on a school night, a sophomore looking for a weekend adventure, a junior wanting to go hiking, or a senior wanting to soak up every last minute, I am here to change that conversation and provide the list(s) of to-dos you never knew you needed.

While this list does not include ALL of the restaurants in the area, these are a few of my favorites that are each unique in their own ways. You will just have to come to Grove City to check them out!


  • Coffaro’s Pizza ($) – 4 minutes from campus
    • 116 S Broad St., Grove City, PA 16127
    • Menu:
    • Just ask for the “college special” and you’ll get a large pizza and a liter of pop for $7… can’t be beat! Without breaking the bank and with delivery to your dorm room, Coffaro’s pizza couldn’t be more convenient.
  • Main Street Diner ($) – 6 minutes from campus
    • 1313 W Main St., Grove City, PA 16127
    • Menu:
    • Looking for a cheesy omelet, hashbrowns, some mediocre hot black coffee, and some homemade baklava ALL within walking distance? The Main Street Diner is your place to go. This sweet diner will no doubt make you feel warm and at home, no matter what meal you share with them.
  • Blackout Burger Bar ($$) – 11 minutes from campus
    • 225 Westside Square Dr., Mercer, PA 16137
    • Menu:
    • Their milkshakes are to die for and their burgers will have you wishing for more. During the warmer seasons, Blackout Burger is a great spot to eat outside, but as the weather changes, it is also a great spot to eat inside in their family-friendly sports bar setting.
  • Third Eye Pies ($) – 11 minutes from campus
    • 225 Westside Square Dr., Mercer, PA 16137
    • Menu:
    • There are pizzas… and then there are dessert pizzas. You can decide which sounds better, but if it happens to be dessert pizza, Third Eye Pies has what they call “dessert pies” that certainly satisfies anyone’s sweet tooth. I recommend the S’mores pie. They have gluten free too!
  • The Camelot Restaurant ($) – 13 minutes from campus
    • 101 S Main St., Slippery Rock, PA 16057
    • There’s nothing better than waking up early, watching the sunrise, and then heading to Camelot for their famous cinnamon rolls. This is one of those hole-in-the-wall places you have to visit. Maybe it is the cheap prices that make the food taste so good, or maybe it is just that good.
  • Talbot’s Taproom & Terrace ($$) – 15 minutes from campus
    • 787 Mercer Grove City Rd., Mercer, PA 16137
    • Menu:
    • A blend of modern art, chef-inspired food, live music, craft drafts, and unique outdoor and indoor seating creates an atmosphere people seemingly spend numerous hours at with no regrets. On a clear night, this is the place you want to be. On a rainy night, the inside will have you forgetting how gloomy the day really is. There is almost nothing better than combining quality, service, and atmosphere together into one place… Talbot’s does just that!
  • Rachel’s Roadhouse ($$) – 16 minutes from campus
    • 1553 Perry Hwy., Mercer, PA 16137
    • Menu:
    • The Tavern Chips will have your mouth watering, the Rackhouse Apple Chop might have you rolling out of the restaurant, and the drinks might have you feeling nice and warm by the time you are done at Rachel’s Roadhouse. A casual dining experience with a warm ambiance and high-quality food, Rachel’s might just be the perfect place to visit on a snowy Tuesday night.
  • Log Cabin Inn ($$) – 33 minutes from campus
    • 430 Perry Hwy., Harmony, PA 16037
    • Menu:
    • If you’ve ever been to Rachel’s Roadhouse, Iron Bridge Inn, or the Yellow Creek Inn (check them out as well), you have most likely experienced quality food, service, and an overall quality experience. I will tell you a little secret: they are all owned by the same people! The Log Cabin Inn is also owned by this same group of people, but sits tucked away in no-service-land. With warm apple cider drinks, a quality meal, and a slice of homemade peanut butter pie, this is probably one of my favorite dinner places to eat.
  • Harmony Inn ($$) – 33 minutes from campus
    • 230 Mercer St., Harmony, PA 16037
    • Menu:
    • Within the National Historic District of Harmony rests the German restaurant and craft beer bar, the Harmony Inn. What used to be the residence of Austin Pearce, a prominent banker, then once became a hotel and saloon called “The Ziegler Hotel,” the 1856 Italian-style home is now the Harmony Inn. Rich in history with a featured menu of unique craft drinks and hearty German meals, the Harmony Inn might grab the attention of someone looking for a German adventure. Check their website for live music as well.
  • Donna’s Diner ($) – 36 minutes from campus
    • 10 W State St., Sharon, PA 16146
    • Menu:
    • Ever wish you could have been born in the 50s? Visit Donna’s Diner and you’ll get a taste of what it might have been like. Donna’s Diner sits right on the edge of the Shenango River running through Sharon, PA, and offers a fun, lively, quaint, movie-like experience with phenomenal milkshakes, unique diner food, and good prices. You cannot miss it – just look for the metallic building!
  • Lulu Beans Café ($$) – 36 minutes from campus
    • 234 E State St., Sharon, PA 16146
    • Menu:
    • A restaurant, a gift shop, AND a coffee shop, Lulu Beans Café is one of the most unique places in the area. If you like outdoor seating, their outdoor patio is full of plants, vibrant colors, and cozy seating. If you prefer to be indoors, their multi-level building is also full of vibrant colors, cozy seating, and modern art. While their atmosphere alone makes Lulu Beans worth the visit, their healthy menu will make your tastebuds freak out in your mouth. Just take a glance at their menu… you will be convinced.
  • The Church Brew Works ($$) – 1 hour, 2 minutes from campus
    • 3525 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15201
    • Menu:
    • Church pews to bar stools – seems odd. You can read about the fascinating history of the church building that has now been turned into a brewery, serving hundreds of guests each week in Pittsburgh, PA. The owners of the brewery aimed to keep the church’s character by maintaining its original details, which certainly adds to the experience. Check out their seasonal brews on their menu!
  • Out of the Fire Café ($$) – 2 hours, 4 minutes from campus
    • 3784 State Route 31, Donegal, PA 15628
    • Menu:
    • Yes, this is far. But yes, this is worth it, especially after you hike in the Laurel Highlands for the day. With a balcony overlooking the Laurel Highlands, plenty of cozy indoor seating, excellent casual dining, and a mountain-town atmosphere, you can easily find yourself sitting here for hours with friends and feeling right at home.