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Author Archive | Rebekah Fry


How to Make College an Adventure

When considering colleges, the biggest question in my mind was “Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Will this really be the best four years of my life?” Well, yes …or no, it depends really. I’ve realized that college is only as good as you make it. You could lock these four years away […]

The Unexpected

Behind the Scenes: The Unexpected

A friend and incoming freshman recently asked me a great question: What surprised you about Grove City College? Or in other words, what did you not expect and how did you adjust? No matter your level of preparedness, you will experience a learning curve when moving to a new place. Grove City is no exception. […]

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Thinking Made Visual

Grove City College seeks to foster intellectual thought in all aspects of study. Its challenging liberal arts education provides students with unique educational experiences that touch various facets of learning. As our college grows, we are continually pursuing knowledge in new areas and expanding our existing departments. One such feature that has developed in the […]


When You’ve Reached the Block

In recent years, friends have asked me what the work load is like at Grove City. My brief response is that it is challenging, but not all consuming. Sometimes the simple solution is to just push through. Nights of writers block, lack of motivation, and tiredness will come. But in the midst of it all, I pray that […]

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