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Greek Life at a Christian School?

The age old question. Greek life at a Christian school? How can this be true? How can it be acceptable? Let me tell you my experience and you can decide for yourself. Now, I am not saying joining a Greek group on campus is for everyone, but please do not be scared to do so. I have been so blessed by my sorority and I have been impacted for the better.

When I first arrived at Grove City College, Greek life was on my radar, but was not something I was considering. My dad, an alumnus of Grove City, had been in a group on campus, but I had decided it simply wasn’t for me. However, shortly after starting school, my roommate and I decided to look further into joining a group. First off, let me say during this process I received nothing but encouragement from girls from various sororities to find a place where I felt comfortable and did not feel peer pressured to join a specific group by any means.

I eventually joined the Tri-Zeta sorority and I am so happy that I did. In four short years these girls have come to mean so much to me. They have been a constant source of encouragement and joy. College is a time of many life transitions. So much happens while you are away at school and you do not have your family members to support and encourage you face-to-face like you used to in high school. Thankfully, I have had my sorority sisters during my highs and lows.

With such a large and diverse group, I have learned valuable lessons from each member. I truly believe everyone has something to offer if you just pay attention, and everyone has the ability to teach you something. Watching the girls ahead of me pursue great careers, marriages, and friendships has taught me what it will look like for me to pursue these things as I begin to encounter them in my life. I have been to proud to watch them become young women and learn from their struggles and successes. I have also watched alumnae, who are many years beyond me and wonderful women of God, live lives I hope to model. The Tri-Zeta alumnae are always happy to lend a helping hand and give advice about careers and life itself!

ZETAS1Now that I am a senior, I have been with the other seniors in my group for four years. Though I am very different from all of them, I can say I consider them my best friends. Beyond just the senior class, the classes below me have become close and dear to me so quickly. Much like Jesus and his 12 disciples, these girl know me inside and out. They know where I struggle, and they know my strengths. They are always willing to listen and lend a helping hand. They are my prayer warriors and my greatest joy. Senior year has brought many changes to my life. I have been searching for a job, I am recently engaged, and I have lived in my first apartment. There is no one else I would rather have by my side to celebrate life’s joys, and work through life’s hardships.

No matter where you find your group of friends at Grove City College, I sincerely hope you find a group that reflects the closeness of Jesus and his 12 disciples. It is very hard to be close with everyone, so be sure to know who your true friends are. The ones who will be there for you day and night, no matter what. The friends who never shy away from offering a helping hand and love you in all circumstances. Trust me, if you look hard enough you can find them. For me, I found this in the Tri-Zeta sorority.

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Professor Role Models

During my time at Grove City College, I feel some of the most beneficial things I have received is inspiration from various faculty members on campus. I felt as though I connected with these individuals and their teaching styles on a personal level. Another factor that inspired me was their passion for the subject they were teaching. Grove City College has so many amazing professors and faculty members, so I highly recommend during your time at Grove City, you get to look up to people who inspire you to be passionate and excited about your future. Without further ado, here is a list of those who have deeply inspired me.

Dr. Scott Powell


Dr. Scott Powell is a Professor of Business at Grove City College. He specializes in marketing. The classes I had him for are Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Retail Management, and Advertising. I would highly recommend any of these classes and I feel they will continually affect my thought processes and my future career. I am an international business major with a focus in marketing, and I am so happy that I chose marketing as my focus, because it allowed me to have Dr. Powell for four different courses. Dr. Powell is a very inspiring professor. He is passionate about the subjects he teaches, and he always presents an ethical and Christian worldview. He has been a great role model during my time here and always gives great advice.


Dr. Andrew Markley


Dr. Andrew Markley is the Director of the Business Department and because my major is international business, I was lucky enough to have him for many international classes. These classes included International Trade, Global Business Issues, and Business Law. Dr. Markley is very passionate and knowledgeable about business on an international level. I was so happy to hear a little bit from his perspective. He loves what he teaches and puts it into simple terms that anyone could understand. Dr. Markley is definitely responsible for making my international business education all that it could be and I am very thankful for that.


Dr. Andrew Mitchell


Dr. Andrew Mitchell is a professor of History. I had Dr. Mitchell for Modern Civilization which was one of the HUMA classes required for all students. I had this class as a night during the fall semester of my junior year, and then I went to France for a 10 day intersession as part of a study abroad option for this class. Dr. Mitchell is brilliant. His lectures are high energy and he shows thorough knowledge of every lecture he gives. While this course was challenging, I was so inspired by every lecture that I did not mind the challenge. While in France, Dr. Mitchell gave great insight into every historical site we visited. He was better than any tour guide I could have ever gotten had I of made this trip by myself! I highly recommend taking a class taught by him.


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5 Study Break Ideas

We’ve all had that super long week, where the majority of your time is spent studying. Whether its finals, or you are just hit with five exams, two quizzes, and a 20-page paper in a single week. Some weeks you just may not leave the library. However, during weeks like these, it is absolutely necessary to take study breaks to recharge and refocus. After doing this for four years, I have found some pretty creative and refreshing study breaks. Let me share five ideas with you.

  1. Have dinner with a friend – This may sound super simple, and also like something you do every day, but it is all about the friend you choose to have dinner with. We all have that friend who is super refreshing, encouraging, and brings a little extra joy to your life. I encourage you to schedule dinner with this friend during you most stressful weeks. No doubt you will leave refreshed and ready to get back to studying. It always helps to have a little bit of encouragement.
  2. Spend the morning in prayer – I have found, during my most stressful weeks, when I wake up a little earlier to spend some time praying while I drink my coffee, my time seems to be multiplied and I handle my stress much better. Waking up early to pray and read your Bible may be the last thing on your mind when you stayed up until two the night before to finish studying for an exam, but I encourage you to try it and see how it completely changes your day and week.
  3. Call your parents – Both my parents had slightly different ways of helping me handle stress. Both were loving, however one parent kept pushing me and one was more of a comforter. Because I was raised with my parents helping me manage my stress this way, whenever I call home to tell them I’m stressed, they always know exactly what to say to motivate me to keep going. Both styles work very well with me – they are my life long parents after all – and they always give me the little push I need to keep going.
  4. Know when enough is enough – So its 2 in the morning. Your exam is at 9. You’ve been studying for the past four days straight. Enough is enough. It is time to go to bed, and get some sleep before the exam. Plus, during your really busy weeks you’re probably going to need energy for the next paper, quiz, or exam.
  5. Order a pizza – This is one of my all time favorite study breaks! Not only does it give you the opportunity to talk with a couple friends to coordinate your pizza order, but who doesn’t love a good pizza while they are getting some studying done! Everyone knows its nearly impossible to study while hungry, so order the pizza.
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How to be Successful in Your Internship

During the summer of 2016, I had an internship at Covestro. Covestro is a material science company located in Robinson, PA. This company has three product categories: polycarbonates, polyurethanes, and coatings/adhesives. I was working in polycarbonates in industrial marketing. At first I was a little bit nervous. I had never been very interested in science and I wasn’t sure how I was going to fully understand Covestro’s products, let alone market them! However, I had heard great things about the company and I was excited to give the internship my best! Overall, it ended up being a wonderful experience and I wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. I even was able to get college credit. Here is advice I would give to anyone taking on a summer internship.

Be Open-Minded

As I said before, I knew nothing about science and I was not sure how this internship was going to go! However, I think what really helped me was to pursue the internship with an open mind and excitement. I choose to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative. Though an internship at a “science” company may have seemed intimidating at first, by the end of the summer I was convinced there was not a better internship out there!

Ask Questions

Working at Covestro at the beginning of the company was extremely intimidating. When I first began this internship I didn’t even know what a polycarbonate was. This is why it was so important to be asking my managers the correct questions I needed to be asking in order to be successful. Though when you are the “new guy” wherever your internship may be, it is important to remember that they hired you knowing they would need to teach you a few things. There is nothing wrong with asking questions. It took my a couple weeks to gain the confidence I needed to ask questions. I wish I would have known at the very beginning how important and acceptable asking questions is when you don’t understand. There is never a dumb question!

Be a Standout

While you are doing your internship it is important to stand out. You never know what opportunities could come of the internship. It could turn into an internship next summer, or even a job. This is why, if you are lucky enough to have an internship, it is so important to take full advantage. This means don’t be late! Show up every day ready to work hard. Even if the dress code is a little more casual, dress for the job you want and not the job you have. Be sure to dress professional every day and look your best. Lastly, don’t be a slacker. Work your hardest on each project that is given to you. If you do this, you will be sure to be a standout as this is not an overly common trait in today’s world. I know it may be hard to believe, but it just takes a little more effort to be a complete standout. Always show you are eager and excited about the work you are doing. You only have this internship for three months, so make it your goal to be “on” every single day.

Save your Money

While I was working at Covestro, I had the opportunity to live at home with my parents and this enabled me to save a large chunk of the money I made over the summer. I realize this may not be everyone’s experience, and that’s okay! Having an internship, no matter if you need to live somewhere else, is important in itself. But, if you are lucky enough to be able to live at home and eat your parents food, take advantage of this time. I was able to save a fairly large chunk of money from my internship, and about a year later, I can’t tell you how great if feels to be leaving college not completely broke. For me, this looked like packing a lunch instead of going out to eat every day. This also looked like bringing my own coffee or making coffee in the office instead of going to Starbucks in the morning. Its the small things that will add up.

I hope this article gives you a little more confidence and direction heading into your summer internships. I was very pleased with my experience and these are some guidelines I adhered to.

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Enjoying the Seasons at Grove City College



I have always enjoyed Grove City College in the autumn. The campus looks beautiful lit up with the changing colors of the trees and there is nothing quite like going on a walk on a crisp fall day. One of my favorite parts about Grove City in the fall is the local farmers market that can be found in the parking lot across from the Broad Street Grille. I made it a priority to visit this farmers market every week. They have all different fresh produce and they also sell flowers for a great price! I always looked forward to my weekly farmers market trip.

Another one of my favorite fall adventures is to visit the Franklin Apple Festival. You will have to check online to fine exactly when this is taking place, but I would highly recommend traveling to Franklin to enjoy this festival. Local artists set up tents this their artwork inside. You also will be sure to find all your favorite festival foods including funnel cakes, lemonade, and cotton candy!


Winter in Grove City can be terribly cold, but there is no better time to celebrate Christmas. Every year around Christmas time the Grove City Park sets up Christmas decorations. I love driving though at night when they are all lit up! Another great place to look at Christmas decoration is Kraynak’s in Hermitage. They set up a walk through tour of Christmas decorations which includes about 50 different themed Christmas Trees.



Spring is another great time to visit Kraynak’s! Like Christmas, they set up a great Easter display that is lots of fun to walk through.

Katie’s Korner re-opens again in the spring and I am always so excited to get my first cone of the spring!



Enjoy your break! 🙂



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Alumni Stories: An Interview with Savanna Davies

Hello! The following is an interview with one of the greatest friends at made at Grove City College – Savanna Davies. She studied Finance at Grove City College and served as treasurer of the Tri-Zeta Sorority. She was hired after graduation at Traveler’s Insurance and has been working there ever since. If you are interested in studying Finance at Grove City College, I believe hearing about Savanna’s story will greatly benefit you!

Tell me a little bit about you.

I am a second generation Grove City graduate from Washington State. Both my mom, Heather Davies (Scott ’90), and my dad, Rich Davies ’91 graduated from Grove City before me.

Where do you work and what is your specific title?

My degree was Finance, and I was thrilled to be hired by Travelers Insurance upon graduation as an underwriter in their construction surety unit.

What does your current job entail and what do you love about it?

Public (and some private) owners of construction projects require contractors to post a bond as a guarantee that the contractor will complete a project in a satisfactory manner and that it will be free from liens. I analyze contractors’ operational strength and grant surety bond credit, on behalf of Travelers Insurance, to contractors so that they may bid projects that require a bond to be posted. I love getting to tour construction sites, I don’t think many people consider just how much work goes into building!

What club(s) were you involved in during your time at Grove City College?

I was in the Tri-Zeta sorority at Grove City College.

How do you feel GCC prepared you for and benefited your future career?

The challenging academics at Grove City College demand students to engage in critical thought, which is of course an important trait that employers look for.  While it is tough to custom tailor a degree for the uncertain road after graduation, I was particularly pleased at the quality of my finance and economics coursework.

How available are the professors after class time if you need additional help?

My professors were very available for conversation outside of class time! Not only were my professors great about helping out with coursework, they were also happy to give advice on topics such as finding internships and my eventual career.

What does the school offer that you wished you had taken advantage of while at GCC?

I wish that I would have been more involved with homecoming activities. The magic of homecoming didn’t quite hit me until I came back for my first college homecoming.

After graduation, were there any classes you wish you had taken to help with your degree?

Knowing what I know now, I wish that I would have taken more accounting classes.

If you could change something about your college experience what would it be?

Tough question! I really had an amazing college experience and wouldn’t change a thing.

What is your best advice to give an incoming freshmen at GCC?

My best advice is to go out and meet your classmates, I assure you that many will turn into lifelong friends. In all reality, the friends I made at Grove City ended up being my favorite part about the College.

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Five Restaurants Near Grove City You MUST Visit

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need a break from campus. Though the cafeteria food is delicious, sometimes its nice to get away and try something new. Below are my five favorite restaurants near Grove City to escape to when I want to enjoy a good meal with some great friends.

Rachel’s Roadhouse


A Grove City classic! Ask any alumni of the College and they are sure to have fond memories at Rachel’s Roadhouse. My parents are alumni of Grove City College and talk about how much they LOVED eating at Rachel’s. The restaurant has a very home-y feel and I love that so many Grove City students before have eaten and enjoyed each other’s company there before me. Some of my favorites foods here are Cast Iron Spinach Dip, New York Style Soft Pretzels, and French Onion Soup!


Timbercreek Tap and Table


Timbercreek is a newer restaurant to the Grove City area, but had no trouble making it to my top five favorites list! This is a great place to go if you are looking for a more high-end meal. It’s great for a date, or a place to take the family when they come to visit! Some of my favorite things to order here are Filet Tips, Buffalo Chicken Dip, and a House Salad. I have heard they also have great burgers! This restaurant also has a special place in my heart because my fiancé spent many hours working as a waiter!


The Camelot Restaurant


Located in Slippery Rock, The Camelot Restaurant is a great place to get a reasonably price brunch after church on a Sunday – and the low price does not mean small portions! I have gone here many times and not once been


Mule Train Smokers


Owned by a man named Norm Edwards, Mule Train Smokers is an easy favorite. Mule Train Smokers is a food truck that can be found most nice spring and falls days in the parking lot across from Grove City’s town park. He is famous for his Pulled Pork and Texas Beef Brisket and you will know why once you try it! I love to buy a sandwich here and walk over to the park to enjoy it. A definite must try for BBQ lovers!


Katie’s Korner


Last but not least is my favorite place to get an ice cream cone. Katie’s Korner can be spotted on Center Street on your drive between 79 and the College. Like Mule Train, it is only open during the warm months, but worth the wait! They specialize in home-made ice cream and are famous for their banana flavor! My personal favorite is “Salty Dog” which is caramel ice cream with pretzel pieces! 

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Quidditch at Grove City College

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Cameron Buchalter. Cameron is a freshman at Grove City College and recently became a member of the Beta Sigma fraternity. He has a love for musical theater and sports. Upon arrival at Grove City College, he joined the Quidditch team and he is now a certified referee. I didn’t know much about Quidditch until I spoke with him one day and he eagerly taught me the ins and outs of the sport.

In order to create a team, there must be 10 official teammates. At Grove City College, the team also allows for unofficial teammates that cannot fully commit to all practices and games. Some other official members of the Quidditch team at Grove City College are Robert Dacey, Noah Newell, and Alyssa Holden.

Many people may not know, but Quidditch is a full contact, full tackle sport. The goal of the game is to get the “Quaffle” – a deflated volleyball – through the hoops at the end of the field that act as goal. Each player has a broom, much like in the Harry Potter movies, that they must stay on the entire game. At any time during the game, there are six to seven players on the field. The “Keeper” acts as the goalie. They have a keeper zone around their goal where they stand to block the Quaffle from entering the hoop. The defensive players of the game are called the “Beaters.” The Beaters have dodgeballs called “Bludgers” and their goal is to throw them at offensive players to knock them off their brooms and prevent them from scoring a goal. If a player is knocked off his broom he must run to his team’s hoops and touch them. After that, he can join in the game again. The offensive players are called “Chasers” and there are three in any given game. Their goal is to get the Quaffle through the hoops by whatever means necessary. This means they can throw the Quaffle, stick their hand holding the Quaffle through the hoop, or even dive through the hoop holding the Quaffle! If you get the Quaffle through the hoop you earn 10 points for your team.

The final person on each Quidditch team is known as the “Snitch.” The Snitch appears at the 18 minute mark of every game. He wears golden shorts and on the back of his shorts is a sock with a tennis ball inside. At 18 minutes they go onto the field and begin running around. At the 19 minute mark the “Seekers” are released. Their goal is to get the tennis ball from the snitch. If they get the ball, they earn 30 points for their team.

The typical Quidditch uniform resembles a soccer uniform. At Grove City, our uniforms have a name and number on the back, and the Grove City Quidditch “Legion of Broom” logo on the front. Quidditch is a national sport separated into six regions. Our team has played games in West Virgina, New York and has traveled to Maine for regionals. This year, the “World Cup” will be held in Kissimmee, Florida on April 8-9. This is where the top 60 teams in the U.S. play in tournaments to determine the World Cup Champion.

Our team begins practices during the official season, which is in the fall. These practices are once a week on Saturday. During the off-season, the team does condition which consists of three practices a week. If you are interested in playing a sport at Grove City College, but aren’t sure exactly where you’ll fit in – contact Cameron Buchalter and he can get you connected to the Quidditch team. I would highly recommend it!




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Alumni Stories: An Interview with Craig Gyergyo ’96

Craig Gyergyo is an associate pastor at Highpoint Church in Memphis, TN. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Craig for many years now and believe he sets a great example for anyone looking to pursue ministry as their career. He graduated in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Please enjoy this insight from Craig!

Tell me a little bit about you, your hobbies and your family.

My wife Lisa (Keehlwetter, 2001) and I have been married for nearly 17 years. We have three daughters that range from age 12 to age 7. Our girls are homeschooled and are active in our local community. Family life is a major focus in our household, as well as ministry. Those are two of my passions! Other than that, I enjoy early morning walks, long bike rides, visits to the movie theater with my wife and curating my vinyl record collection.

What is your specific title?

Currently I serve as an associate pastor at Highpoint Church in Memphis, TN. Highpoint is a non-denominational church comprised of three campuses in the Memphis area.

Image result for highpoint church memphis tn
Highpoint Church in Memphis, TN

What does being as associate pastor entail and what do you love about it?

I have had the opportunity to oversee college and young adult ministry, local missions, and small groups ministry during my time at Highpoint. Currently, my focus is on building a student ministry (grades 6-12) from scratch at our newest campus.

What I love about all of the roles that I have served in at Highpoint is the focus that we have on the Gospel. Simply put, we preach Christ! With this, we are seeing incredible stories of life-change emerge from our congregation. The combination of that focus and those stories generate a life-giving cycle, as well as a ton of passion, enthusiasm and fun.

What activities were you involved in at Grove City?

During my GCC years I was a member of the Alpha Omega housing group and also a four-year athlete as a part of the varsity football team. I was also active in a group called Warriors for Christ.

Looking back, I wish that I had been more involved on campus. Grove City College certainly provides a wide array of opportunities to both contribute to student life and develop as an emerging leader. At the time, I just wasn’t there. In hindsight, I can clearly see how I would have benefited from taking the initiative to be more active on campus at GCC.

How do you feel Grove City College prepared you for and benefited your future career?

Grove City College’s greatest legacy in my life is the development of a Christian worldview. I grew up nominally affiliated with the church as a result of my parents dragging me to worship and Sunday School throughout my middle school and high school years. But coming into college, I really didn’t have a sense of faith ownership – that is, I wasn’t personally committed to Christ. That all changed early on during my years at GCC and God used the environment at the college to install a new operating system in me, if you will, that was rooted in an understanding of God through the scriptures.

How available were the professors after class time if you needed additional help?

The professors were incredibly supportive and helpful to me personally. There are a few that I think of – for instance, Mrs. Barbara Stephens, Dr. Gary Smith – who had a major influence on the trajectory of my life. I feel like the faculty made a significant effort to generate a family feel on campus. Being available to help students after class time was a big part of that, I’m sure.

What does the school offer that you wished you had taken advantage of while at Grove City College?

GCC provides a faith-rich environment that is unique to pretty much anything else one will encounter in life. The opportunity to couple academic excellence and a faith focus is really, really special. I took advantage of both to a certain degree, but I left something on the table, I believe. The experience of living on a campus where such a high density of passionate Christ-followers exists…the opportunity to get involved in mission work…never ending opportunities to worship and fellowship in the context of Christian community…it really is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. I wish that I had appreciated it more at the time.

After graduation, were there any classes you wish you had taken to help with your degree? 

Not necessarily. I just wish I had taken the classes that I did take more seriously!

If you could change something about your college experience, what would it be?

People historically have a tendency to think of Grove City College as having a restrictive environment. For years, the jokes from both insiders and outsiders were about walking on the grass or curfew rules or about the campus being “a bubble.” I see Grove City College now as being an environment that actually promotes freedom – real freedom. If I were an incoming freshman, I’d want to take greater advantage of that God-given freedom to explore whom it is that Christ has purposed and called me to be.

What is your best advice to give an incoming freshmen at GCC?

Take in the beauty of the experience! The campus, the western Pennsylvania setting, the walks to the cafeteria, the late night conversations with friends in the dorms, the classes, the early morning chapel days (shout out to my father-in-law Dr. F. Stanley Keehlwetter!), the intramural sports – all of it! Grove City College is truly a special place and you only have one opportunity, one season of life to take it all in. Make the most of the time!

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Alumni Stories: An Interview with Julia Allan ’04

Julia Allan is a kind-hearted lady who resides in the North Side of Pittsburgh and works at Children’s Community Pediatrics of Bellevue. In the following interview, you will see how her studies at Grove City College have allowed her to live our her passions every day!

Tell me a little bit about you, your hobbies, your family… etc?

I graduated in 2004 and I went straight to PA (Physician’s Assistant) school for two years following my graduation. I began practicing in February of 2007, so I have been practicing for 10 years. I married a graduate from Grove City College who is now a pastor. I live on the North Side with my husband and 3 children who are the ages 6, 4, and 2 and I am expecting now with twins! The oldest, Keely, is in Pittsburgh Public School and Jay (age 4) will be joining Keely there soon. I love Pittsburgh and I am very devoted to the neighborhood that I live in. I love to be a part of the community in my neighborhood and my children’s school. Dennis (my husband) and I are involved at Pittsburgh Project and are attune to the needs of our neighbors.

Where do you work and what is your specific title?

The practice I work at is located 10 minutes away from my house, which means I care for my neighbors! It is call Children’s Community Pediatrics of Belleview and my specific title is Physician Assistant.

What does your current job entail and what do you love about it?

I basically do what a Pediatrician does. I see children from 2-3 days old to age 21. I do yearly physicals, vaccinations, developmental check-ups, and basic sickness care. I work two nine-hour days in the office and do after-hour emergency phone calls two nights a week. I love that I can be involved in my community through this job and care for my neighbors’ children.

Some view pediatrics as being monotonous, but I feel there is a variety because of the age range of my patients. Something difficult about my job is the social dynamics. There is a fair amount of poverty in the North Side and many of the children I care for are involved in the foster system or have parents with substance abuse. Because of this, my patients have developmental issues, but I love practicing in this environment and doing what I can to help them. This can be as simple as teaching basic nutrition and health care. I love understanding the dynamics of my neighborhood and doing all I can to benefit my neighbors.

What club(s) were you involved in?

I did Orientation Board all four years and I was on OB exec my Junior and Senior year as co-chair of religious committee. I also did Orchesis where I was Junior Head Choreographer and Senior Head Choreographer my last two years. My freshman year I participated in an ICO mission trip to New York City. Lastly, through the pre-health program, I did two overseas medical trips. The first was during spring break of my junior year, and the second was during the summer before my senior year. During these trips, we cared for patients in a Haitian refugee program in the Dominican Republic.

How do you feel GCC prepared you and benefited your future career?

The pre-health program at Grove City College is excellent. It really kicked my butt and taught me to work hard after I breezed through high school as valedictorian. I learned that hard work is not something to complain and lament about, but it provides the opportunity to learn something valuable. This hard work also prepared my for an intense master’s program to get my PA degree.

The people I encountered at Grove City College were remarkable. They challenged and encouraged my faith, which is the foundation of everything I do. The ICO trip and mission trips that I took opened my eyes to a greater awareness of the realities people live in. This created a discontent to the injustice and a desire to work against the injustice. My perspective was vastly shifted. The more poverty I saw, the more I wanted to help and not ignore it.

How available are the professors after class time if you need additional help?

My professors were very available to help. I went to office hours and worked through problems with them regularly. The coursework kicked my butt, but the professors seemed to want to help us succeed and learn to do our best. They met me where I was and helped me through.

What does the school offer that you wished you had taken advantage of while at GCC?

If I had had more time, I would have loved to mentor at George Junior or participate in Young Life. I have been very involved in Youth Ministry and I would have loved to have that prior experience.

After graduation, were there any classes you wish you had taken to help with your degree? 

The Molecular Biology major had many required courses and there was not much room for electives. I did a Religion minor. I would have loved to do a Psychology minor, but they did not offer it when I was there. Seeing now how psychology affects my patients, I would have loved to have more experience in psychology.

What is your best advice to give an incoming freshmen at GCC?  What did you enjoy the most and find most beneficial at GCC?

The best advice I can give is to embrace the reality you get to experience a very rich Christian Community and allow your college years to be a time when your faith really deepens. Challenge yourself to invest in activities that continue to expand your perspective and awareness of realities in the world that Christians should be involved in. Use these four years to understand how you can use your education to make things right where they are not right. Always acknowledge the great privilege it is to get an education from a Christian perspective.

Thank you, Julia! We do offer a psychology minor now, so that may be a good thing for any incoming pre-health students to look in to if they have passions like Julia!