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Big News: Free Laundry!

Free laundry! Yes, this year at Grove City College, the laundry is included in tuition. No longer will students need to add money to their ID card or search for quarters in their drawers. “It’s amazing! I don’t have to pay for laundry anymore!” says Abby Jopek, a sophomore. Not only is there no charge […]

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Top 10 Perks of Attending a Small College

Small or large college? Which one to choose? It is a question I asked myself, and a choice I had to make before I decided on attending Grove City College. I had both options available to me. My sister chose the large state school, and I had visited her many times. I was able to […]

Josh Padgett Image

Freshman Profiles: Interview with Josh Padgett, Class of ’21

So, you’re a freshman here at Grove City College. How’s everything going, is the school living up to your expectations or what other people told you it would be like? Yes. Everything is pretty good, classes are tough, but I’m learning a lot and the community is accepting and warm. All the students I have […]

Living on Campus, MAP Residence Hall

Living on Campus: What is an RA?

You may have heard people talking about RAs or heard about them from people who have gone to college before you, but you still do not know exactly who, or what, that is. RA stands for Resident Assistant, and your RA at Grove City College will be an upperclass (sophomore through senior) student of the […]


Reel Life at Grove City College: Sportsmanship

Grove City College excels in sportsmanship. Even though I do not play sports myself, when I was a high-schooler looking at different colleges, the sportsmanship I saw and heard about at Grove City amazed me. I knew I wanted to spend my college years at a place with respect, faith-mindedness, determination, and talent. To my […]

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