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From Where Out West? Student Spotlight on Emily Bartlow

Emily before attending Grove City College
Emily and her brother, Austin

When deciding where to go for school, how far away is too far? For senior Communications major Emily Bartlow that questions holds very little weight. Emily’s hometown is just outside Sacramento, California and about four years ago she made the decision to re-locate to Grove City College for her undergraduate degree. The first thought that immediately popped into my mind was why in the world would someone willingly leave  beautiful, sunny California to live in not so sunny Grove City, PA?

At the start of her college search process, Emily  typed “ten most conservative schools” into Google, and shock of all shocks Grove City College was near the top of the list. Intrigued, Emily decided to fly out to Western PA and see for herself what this conservative Christian college might hold for her.  As it so happened this Californian scheduled her visit in late October, just in time to coincide with the first snow of the year. Emily, mesmerized by the snow,  remembers she fell in love with the beautiful campus and the people she encountered.  After her visit it was not much later she decided to commit to attending Grove City College.

It wasn’t a snap judgement based on snow, however, that led Emily to this decision – she had a few Emily Bartlow in Californiaquestions herself: what if she commits and then doesn’t like it? It’s not like she can just drive home. Or what about leaving her family? In the end, being the adventuresome person that she is, Emily  decided that even though she can’t drive home on weekends, this conservative college is within driving distance of fabulous places such as  New York City, Washington DC, and Philly to name a few, and Skype dates with family bring home that much closer. For a California native, college in the wilds of Western PA seemed like one big adventure.

At first Emily did miss her family, the dry heat, and was a bit shocked by the existence of stink bugs, but after some time to settle in the adventure began.  Emily chamber swingdescribes the upperclassmen overall as excellent in welcoming freshmen to campus, validating they did indeed make the right choice in selecting this small, conservative Christian college, and quickly found  a plethora of opportunities to get involved on campus. Beginning her freshman year on campus until now Emily has been actively involved in Orchesis (a dance group on campus), SGA (Student Government Association), various musicals including this year’s Oklahoma!, and is the Life Editor for The Collegian (the campus newspaper).

But I was curious, so I asked Emily beyond classes and organizations she joined, what made her stay?  Not really a surprise she quickly answered the campus: not just the pretty buildings, but your own community of friends who quickly become family. Whether you’re walking to class or down the hall to lunch, odds are you’re going to see a friend along the way. Downtown Grove City and the surrounding borough, while it may not be the bustling metropolis of NYC, still holds enough charm for the adventuresome soul. Emily, who loves the area,  says there really is an abundance of things to do such as going to Emmet’s Orchard, corn mazes, farmers markets, and hiking, you just have to get out there and explore.

Emily at Grove City College
Labor Day weekend festivities with friends!

Some Practical Tips (for the non-native Grove City dweller, courtesy of Emily):

  1. If possible, make sure to schedule a campus visit  – not only is it gorgeous, but visiting also makes the transition into freshman year much easier if you’ve been at least once before.
  2. Never, ever, ever, ever miss a flight.  You just might get the chance to spend a day and a half in LAX.
  3. Pack light! You don’t realize how much stuff you own you actually don’t use, and end up taking most of it back home with you.
  4. Bring your laptop and a good book on long flights.
  5. Rain boots do not equate to snow boots. Make sure you have the right cold weather gear – it can get pretty chilly in the winter!

In the future (only a few months away since she’s graduating in December), Emily will participate in  Disney’s College Program in Orlando, Florida as part of their recreation team.  Afterwards Emily would love to work for Disney’s marketing department  to uncover their secrets behind brand creation. Emily also desires to open up her own bakery, preferably in New York City, and  utilize best practices learned from Disney and her three and a half years spent at the Grove to do so.

Update January 2016: Check out Emily’s appearance on Food Network’s Cake Wars here!

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Where in the West? Student Spotlight on Martin Lammers

2,494 miles. With the technological assistance of Google Maps, that is the exact mileage (taking I-94 E and I-90 E in case you want double check) that senior Marketing Management major Martin Lammers must somehow conquer to attend Grove City College each year.

Afterlight_Edit_2015_03_06_15_28 7

From where  you might ask?

Martin hails from a town called Sammamish, Washington, just  half an hour east of downtown Seattle. So I decided to ask him (mostly to verify my own sanity since I’m also from the Seattle area), why in the world would you travel all that way to attend a small, liberal arts college in the middle of Western PA?

Having first heard about Grove City College from his high-school English teacher, Martin was intrigued enough to venture forth to visit in the Spring of his senior year. Two students from his high school were currently attending Grove City as well, with another contemplating checking “yes” on her acceptance letter. Stepping on to the campus for the first time, Martin describes it as the first school he could genuinely see himself at, which ultimately sealed the deal.  During his campus tour Martin also, in all seriousness, heard there was a lot to do on campus: from children’s theater to a broadcasting radio station, there were a variety of unique organizations and activities that appealed to him.

Entering GCC as a freshman Fall of 2012,  one of Martin’s biggest tips for starting college doesn’t have to do with travel (though he does have some), studying, balancing a social life and school, or even how to find a successful internship (he interned with Amazon), but expectations. To sum up it up, don’t have any. That’s it. Starting college on the opposite coast with a whole batch of new people and classes, it’s easy to have expectations about how you’re going to spend that time and what you’re going to do afterwards. The best thing to do is try and have an open mind going in, and enjoy where the next four years take you.

But won’t you miss the PNW?

Martin on the shores of the Puget Sound

For those unfamiliar with the acronym PNW, it stands for Pacific Northwest, one of the most stunningly beautiful places in the United States (in my completely unbiased opinion).  Truthfully, Martin does miss the Northwest, especially the water. It’s strange to go from an area with a plethora of lakes and coastline to an especially landlocked part of Pennsylvania.  Washington’s terrain is unique, and the longer you stay the more you realize how much that phrase rings true.

Just because the scenery is nice to look at, however, is no reason to remain stationary the rest of one’s life. Coming to Grove City, though the ratio of corn to mountains varied a bit from his native state, Martin did not anticipate how much the people would affect him as they have.  Martin describes a version of himself now that is better, different, and more empathetic than who he was upon his arrival at Grove City.

Martin’s experiences at Grove City have ranged from participating in Children’s theater and OB (Orientation Board) to travels to Raleigh, Washington DC,  Philadelphia, and even a whirlwind twenty-four hour NYC trip his sophomore year during Fall Break.  A relatively unknown perk of going far away to school, these travels (for the most part) were courtesy of friends inviting him home for various breaks.

On campus Martin currently serves as the Senior Senator of Social Affairs for SGA (Student Government Association), is a member of the Crimson and White Society and the Faculty Review Committee, Social Chair fro the Tri-Rho housing group, and was formerly involved in One Act plays and a few main stage theater productions.

Martin and his OB connection group

But Grove City’s so far away, isn’t it?

As someone who also comes from Seattle I hear that all the time, and so does Martin. One thing Martin suggests: yes the distance does seem daunting, but whether you drive for five hours or fly for five hours, in the end neither student is going to decide to go home for the weekend on a whim. The only major difference is how expensive your form of transportation is, but even then by taking advantage of an airline’s mileage plan, spending boatloads of money on airfare is avoidable.

Pro travel tip: don’t forget your wallet.

An easily avoidable travel faux pas for the frequently fearful flier, however for Martin it is the first tip that comes to mind. Why? Just this past spring break, Martin was eagerly awaiting his flight home to Seattle,  however upon arriving at the Pittsburgh airport and placing his suitcase on the check-in scale his wallet was nowhere to be found. After a battery draining amount of phone calls, Martin eventually realized his wallet was in another pair of pants hanging over a chair in his dorm, an hour and a half away, with his flight departing in under an hour.  Fortunately for him a good friend was willing to drive his wallet all the way down from Grove City to the airport in time for him to make another flight back home. Other than that Martin recommends shipping as much as you can to lighten the load, getting a storage unit with other students over the summer, and that overall “less is more.”

Martin and co. at the Homecoming Dance 2k15
Martin and co. at the Homecoming Dance 2k15

In the (somewhat near) future after graduating from Grove City, Martin actually would prefer to stay closer to the East Coast and consequently people he has met and formed friendships with at Grove City. He sums it up nicely: at this time in his life he has a greater affinity for the people here than the simple draws of a location.  Indeed,  people really do make the place.

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Deep in the Heart of Rockwell

rockwell hall science building grove city college

Everyday on my way to class I walk by one of Grove City’s most iconic buildings, the statuesque Rockwell Hall,  with little idea of what lurks inside. Mad scientists? Frankenstein-esque labs? Having only been inside once, and just the lobby at that, I decided to find out more about the unique opportunities for biology majors that take place deep in the heart of Rockwell (aka the basement). What many students may not know is that Grove City offers a multitude of different research opportunities, you just have to  find them!

Seniors Kelly Cowher, Katelyn Goncz, and junior Stephanie Judd (all Biology majors on the same research team) heard about the opportunity to further their studies through research from upperclassmen, and one at the prompting of a professor.  Research experience is critical for a biology major’s future, however even students currently attending Grove City have little idea what valuable experiences are available to them.

grove city college biology majors
From left to right: Kelly, Katelyn, and Stephanie

Research Opportunities in Biology

I had the occasion to delve into the basement of Rockwell myself and observe where this team spends their time researching and studying white tailed deer dispersal patterns. Kelly went on to explain how the group extracts mitochondrial DNA from deer liver, analyzes and sequences the DNA, and compares their findings with a specific computer program.  Science-speak has never been my forte, but I can assure you the entire process looked very official. Though the groups are student lead Dr. Brenner, a biology professor at Grove City, oversees this research group as well as a few others and steps in when questions are raised or a group finds themselves in a quandary.

Curious, I asked Kelly, Katelyn, and Stephanie what their plans post-undergrad were, thinking they  all must be going into animal science. To my surprise only Katelyn expressed interest in attending veterinary school, while Kelly and Stephanie plan on attending either PT or OT school.  In order to be part of a research group, I discovered, the experience participation lends far outweighs how much the research topic correlates with one’s future plans.

Other biology research groups include the study of ticks and Lyme disease, cancer cell cultures, and various other environmental studies. After speaking with Kelly and her team, however, my curiosity in research was peaked.

grove city college biology lab
Equipment used for research

grove city college biology equipment



Jenny Calawa, a senior Biology major from New Hampshire, similarly  heard about research opportunities through upperclassmen and approached Dr. Stauff (who she describes as the “microbiology” guy) about doing research for him. Microbiology does in fact line up with Jenny’s future ambitions, which is Dr. Stauff’s specialty (so to speak).  Lots of large, science-esque words were used in our conversation about Jenny’s research, however from what I understood she and another senior biology major research bacillus bacteria, which Jenny described for me as “the stuff you can’t see.” More specifically, Jenny researches a specific strain of bacteria called bacillus anthracis while other students work with different strains, all within the bacillus genus.  The goal of their research is to investigate how a two component signaling system works. Again Jenny received a blank stare from me, so she graciously explained further. Truthfully I did not understand the majority of her descriptions, however I did conclude that signals inside the bacteria translate sections of DNA to make proteins to respond to it, and their research looks into the specific system that occurs in this instant. At least I’m fairly certain. Any which way you look at it, however, there’s some pretty neat stuff that happens deep in the heart of Rockwell.

In the future Jenny hopes to attend graduate school to further her studies in microbiology, and strongly believes this research opportunity will greatly increase her chances of success in graduate school.

Jenny left me with two final tips for prospective STEM majors:

  1. Anyone can do research, you just have to ask.
  2. You don’t have to know everything going in to be part of a research team – school is for learning, and professors will walk alongside you and teach you what you need to know!


Update April, 2016: Check out Grove City’s new biology-related majors!

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An Interview with Zenoid President Zachary Kuligin

Zachary Kuligin, a senior at Grove City College, is the President of the Zenoid Housing Group. He has been a member of the group since his sophomore year and has many fond memories of being a member of the group. I recently had the chance to interview him about his involvement with the Zenoids. The following is what transpired:

What do you like the most about your housing group?

Our group is unique in that we accept people of all different personalities and majors. Some groups might focus on people that are more musically or artistically inclined. But the Zenoids are not like that, whether you are an engineer or and arts major you are welcome to join our group. This is what I like the most about the Zenoids, we do not discriminate based on lifestyle or personality. All are welcome.

What is your greatest memory of being a Zenoid?

For the past few years we have hosted the Dance of the Century with the Possums. It was through this dance that I met one of my best friends that I have today.  This dance is an opportunity for different people to come together and have a good time with one another. It is also a great opportunity for the Zenoids and Possums to bond. It is definitely one of my favorite events that we throw.

Dance of the Century 2014

Your housing group puts on a lot of events, do you have a favorite?

My favorite event is the Dance of the Century that we have thrown for the past couple of years. It is an event that we join forces with the Possums to put on. It is a great opportunity to get some planning experience and to meet new people. Two years ago the theme has been music and classics throughout the century. The music is played in a chronological order working up to current tracks. This event is light-hearted and fun. It has great music, good people and snacks.

Does your housing group support a specific charity or organization through fundraisers?

Last year we had members participate in Live United, a charity event that is hosted by the Methodist Church in town. My particular group helped a physically handicapped lady to clean up her yard, garage and deck. We raked leaves from under her trees, power washed her deck and rearranged and swept her garage. It was a great experience and we got to know some of the community through it.

Can you tell me a little about your faculty advisor, if you have one, and what they mean to the Zenoids?

Our advisor is Dr. Clem, an astronomy professor at the college. He is a fantastic person and joined us in our open house last year. He hung out with us for a bit as we listened to music and talked.

Can you speak to the friendships you’ve made as a member of the Zenoids that you might not have made otherwise?

I have made many friendships through the Zenoids. I joined my sophomore year and started living on the hall. When I joined I did with a group of friends from my freshman hall. Across from my suite were a group of seniors that I had had no prior contact with before joining the Zenoids. As the year progressed we grew closer and I was saddened to see them graduate. As the president of the Zenoids I have the obligation to get to know our members. But this is not so much an obligation as a privilege. We have many different people with various personalities, and it is great to get to know as many of them as I can.


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GCC’s American Marketing Association Enters National Website Competition

Grove City College’s Chapter of the American Marketing Association is a small group of dedicated students who are passionate about marketing. GCC’s AMA chapter helps students prepare for future careers through discussion of marketing related subjects and practical experience. Activities throughout the year include case studies, AMA certification programs, creating collegiate campaigns for other organizations and attending the University of Pittsburgh’s Conference. AMA is a great way to network with marketing students and professionals and gain practical experience.

This year we took on a unique challenge for our chapter. We entered AMA’s national website competition. The task was to create a website for our chapter that will be evaluated on aesthetics, content, functionality and engagement. With help from the business department, we bought a domain name and launched a WordPress site. With the continued growth of digital marketing and the need for professionals in this area, this was a great opportunity for AMA members to develop their website design and content writing skills. We broke up into teams and got to work. With about a month to work on the site, it was a whirlwind of activity. We went from sketches of the homepage on paper to a fully functioning website within weeks. I would say everyone involved learned a lot and was able to walk away with something to talk about on resumes and in job interviews.

AMA Website Home PageAMA Website Home Page 2

Grove City College’s business and entrepreneurship departments are expanding their offering of classes on digital marketing and data analytics. With many business organizations on campus, there are so many ways to develop skills and build work samples. Interested in Grove City’s business department? Check out their page!

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It’s a Minor Issue

It took 6 semesters at Grove City College before I discovered that we offer some pretty neat minors. So, in an effort to make sure I left as a well-informed graduate, I decided to learn more about the niche study areas we have available by chatting with students and teachers.

Emily Anne Dellinger, a junior sociology major, told me a bit about her National Security minor. When I asked her about the most interesting class she had taken, she mentioned “Terrorism and Counterrorism” with political science professor Dr. Stanton. Dellinger explained that she found the “social and political process of state sponsored terrorism that leads up to a huge attack like 9/11” to be more interesting than the actual acts of terrorism themselves. What specifically interested her about the minor? “How to inspire people to violence is important knowledge, mostly so we can prevent future terror,” she said.

Goddard Picture

Senior communications major Aimee Lynch is earning an astronomy minor, which requires four specific astronomy classes, plus two semesters of physics. She’s currently in Observational Astronomy, where she and her classmates get to use Grove City’s observatory. (Of course, I also didn’t know we had one of those!) “I love being able to identify constellations at night, and to be able to actually understand what is going on in the sky,” she explains. Having interned for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center during high school, Lynch has greatly appreciated having the opportunity to further pursue her passion for science, even though she’s not looking to be an astronomer.

Marketing professor Richard Kocur gave me some information about the business analytics minor which is pursued mostly by business, computer science, math, and engineering students. He explained that the area of data analytics is one of the fastest growing fields in all of business, making the skill set quite attractive to employers. andy fritzSenior marketing major Andy Fritz knows this and has already thought of many ways in which he can apply the skills he has learned through his minor. “Personally, my ultimate dream in analytics would be to pair with a baseball organization to show how you can ‘play smarter’ by predicting and analyzing data. This is already apparent as teams are using data to predict where the opponent will hit the ball,” he said.

Especially as new technology arises, faculty have worked to devise new minors that will educate students in desirable new skills. Within Grove City’s well-respected engineering program, I discovered a new robotics minor in the works. Requirements would likely include existing courses such as Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Systems, which deals with the application of microprocessors to mobile robots, while adding new ones like Intro to Robotics. According to engineering professor Dr. Mohr, a “course in ethics as it relates to robotics and engineering…would distinguish our minor somewhat from similar programs at other institutions.” The minor will hopefully be in place by the beginning of the 2016-17 academic year.

In the end, you don’t have to get a minor at Grove City, but why not? It’s a great way to learn more about a subject you find interesting, but might not want to pursue full time. Additionally, earning a minor can make you stand out against the competition in your in field. Check out Grove City’s full list of offerings here.






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A Marketing Major’s Experience in GCC’s Elevator Pitch Competition

The Elevator Pitch Competition is an annual event at Grove City College. Students from all majors participate and pitch their own original business ideas. There are two categories in this competition: social and commercial enterprises. The event starts with a preliminary round to narrow the candidates to 10 finalists from each category. This year we had 102 students from all majors and years participate!

The judges question Foodini, one of many contestants, in the preliminary round of the Elevator Pitch Competition. Foodini must have had the right answers, as they advanced to the final round!

I took the opportunity to participate this year as a senior for the first time. As a marketing major, I have always been interested in entrepreneurship. This year I decided to take Entrepreneurship 101 and a requirement in the class is to participate in the Elevator Pitch Competition. To be honest, I was nervous. My marketing and business classes have been focused on strategy and marketing of existing companies and products. Now I was given the challenge of creating a unique business idea and the task to pitch the idea in 2 minutes to a panel of judges. I brainstormed, worked with my professor and finally developed an original idea. It was a great experience that pushed me out of my comfort zone.

My introductory entrepreneurship class is full of students from all majors so the ideas discussed are diverse. Grove City College gives you the opportunity to explore different disciplines which helps develop us into well-rounded students. The Elevator Pitch Competition is the perfect example of the collaboration of different majors on business ideas. In the finals, there was everything from an engineer major pitching a photography equipment idea to a political science major pitching a news aggregate website for millennials. All years were represented in the finals. It is a really unique opportunity at Grove City for freshman to compete with seniors. Although I am not an entrepreneurship major and do not plan on starting my own company, I appreciate the opportunity to learn new ways of thinking and the chance to develop my own business idea.

This year’s winners pose with their “big checks.” The first place winners took home $500, second place scored $400, and third place took $300.

The Elevator Pitch Competition occurs every fall at Grove City and it gets better every year! To learn more about entrepreneurship at Grove City College, check out their page!

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Victoria VanBuskirk & Flora Stationery: Growing Education in Eastern Europe

While many college students are invested in obtaining their own college degrees, Victoria VanBuskirk (‘14) is dedicated to funding the education of other young women across the globe.

When Victoria and her sister Ashley were both in college, they founded Flora Stationery, a nonprofit organization that provides scholarships for women in Eastern Europe to receive a college education in their own countries.

Victoria VanBuskirk ('14)

Victoria says that the inspiration for Flora Stationery began when her twin sister studied abroad in Kosovo and met a young woman there named Ema.

“Ema had a really compelling story about how she couldn’t afford education due to means outside of her control and how she was also the sole breadwinner for the five members of her family,” Victoria said. “Unemployment in Kosovo, which we learned after learning more about [Ema’s] story, is currently 45% for students between the ages of 16 and 24—the second highest in the world. After hearing about that and hearing about how Ema couldn’t afford an education in her own country and in her own language, that was something that really compelled Ashley because she went to Kosovo on a full scholarship.”

While her sister developed a passion for educating women after her trip to Kosovo, Victoria also discovered her passion for education through her Communication Research Methods class at Grove City College. “Research Methods is really where I found a passion of mine…I remember the moment of finding a webpage about the disparity of literacy in the world—700 million illiterate men and women in the world and 500 million of those are women. That has made me want to pursue education initiatives to help people read and write and know their rights, which I think is really powerful,” said Victoria.

Driven by a desire to make college education affordable to young women in Kosovo, Victoria and her sister developed the idea for Flora Stationery. “We talked about it and thought of making some sort of sustainable way to support scholarship for women who want to study in their own countries to then benefit their own countries,” Victoria said. After considering what product to sell in their business, Victoria and her sister decided on stationary because it represented the idea of school and education.

An important part of starting the organization occurred when Victoria saw a poster for the VentureLab program in the entrepreneurship department at Grove City College. “We worked through the VentureLab program just to get the idea off the ground…bouncing ideas off of different people through VentureLab was really helpful for the first semester that we were working on it,” she explained. Victoria said that her VentureLab advisor, Dr. Mech, supported the launching of Flora in multiple ways. “I think the most important thing that he encouraged for Flora was prayer, actually. Before he made any decision or talked about Flora whatsoever, we would pray about it. I think that just set a really good tone for all of our decisions that we made and all of our conversations. Here, at Grove City, I was able to get that because, at the end of the day, Dr. Mech’s purpose and my purpose was to glorify God through it.”

For Victoria, the greatest rewards in her nonprofit work come from hearing the stories of students helped by Flora and inspiring other people to become involved in the cause. “Next semester we are funding two mothers and two of their daughters, which is so cool to see a full circle,” she said.

FloraFlora Stationery recently received an offer from Keds to create a special line of footwear and accessories using artwork from the students in Kosovo. The collection will be available in the spring of 2016 and the proceeds from the sales go to Flora Stationery.

“We’re really excited to be working with Keds in the spring,” Victoria said, “and we’re excited to be able to share so many stories with people when that comes out…the opportunity to connect more people with our purpose.”

Victoria says that her time as a student at Grove City College helped her to become the person and entrepreneur that she is today. “Looking back, I think that Grove City enabled me to think really critically and enabled me to build relationships with so many different people who inspired me. I think that when you’re surrounded by people who inspire you to be more, you become more, and so you do more. I’m really thankful for Grove City in the fact that I was able to cultivate those relationships that then pushed me to do more and be more for Christ.”

Learn more about Flora Stationery here.

Learn more about VentureLab and the GCC Entrepreneurship Department here.