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5 Study Break Ideas

We’ve all had that super long week, where the majority of your time is spent studying. Whether its finals, or you are just hit with five exams, two quizzes, and a 20-page paper in a single week. Some weeks you just may not leave the library. However, during weeks like these, it is absolutely necessary to take study breaks to recharge and refocus. After doing this for four years, I have found some pretty creative and refreshing study breaks. Let me share five ideas with you.

  1. Have dinner with a friend – This may sound super simple, and also like something you do every day, but it is all about the friend you choose to have dinner with. We all have that friend who is super refreshing, encouraging, and brings a little extra joy to your life. I encourage you to schedule dinner with this friend during you most stressful weeks. No doubt you will leave refreshed and ready to get back to studying. It always helps to have a little bit of encouragement.
  2. Spend the morning in prayer – I have found, during my most stressful weeks, when I wake up a little earlier to spend some time praying while I drink my coffee, my time seems to be multiplied and I handle my stress much better. Waking up early to pray and read your Bible may be the last thing on your mind when you stayed up until two the night before to finish studying for an exam, but I encourage you to try it and see how it completely changes your day and week.
  3. Call your parents – Both my parents had slightly different ways of helping me handle stress. Both were loving, however one parent kept pushing me and one was more of a comforter. Because I was raised with my parents helping me manage my stress this way, whenever I call home to tell them I’m stressed, they always know exactly what to say to motivate me to keep going. Both styles work very well with me – they are my life long parents after all – and they always give me the little push I need to keep going.
  4. Know when enough is enough – So its 2 in the morning. Your exam is at 9. You’ve been studying for the past four days straight. Enough is enough. It is time to go to bed, and get some sleep before the exam. Plus, during your really busy weeks you’re probably going to need energy for the next paper, quiz, or exam.
  5. Order a pizza – This is one of my all time favorite study breaks! Not only does it give you the opportunity to talk with a couple friends to coordinate your pizza order, but who doesn’t love a good pizza while they are getting some studying done! Everyone knows its nearly impossible to study while hungry, so order the pizza.
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Words from a Commencement Speaker Finalist: A Passion for Washing Feet

Recently I had the honor of being one of six student finalists to speak at the 2017 Commencement. To a little dismay, I was not selected, but I certainly don’t count the chance as a failure or a let down.

While I won’t be able to deliver my thoughts to the Class of ’17, I thought I would at least let them be read. Perhaps words from someone headed out can be of use to someone coming in.

A Passion for Washing Feet

There are certain qualities that distinguish better from best, achiever from overachiever… or Grover-achiever.  The person who spends 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the stacks, STEM, or Student Union, researching their term paper, calculating profits and losses, or coding for their senior project. Grovers are characterized as passion-driven dreamers who know no limits, who know what they want, pursue it, and, more often than not, achieve it. This stems from our sense of calling as believers to set goals and follow through.

We’re asked at a very young age “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and we’d answer with only logical responses: doctor, football player, spaceman, pirate, ballerina, cowboy. Clearly all attainable goals for a 5-year-old.

As silly as some of those dreams were, we were convinced, at least for a moment, that’s what our futures held. As time moved forward, so did our aspirations, but we still were asked that fateful question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

We left high school and were welcomed into the Grove City College community. We came here with a major, and if you didn’t, hopefully you have one now. Maybe you’re like me and you switched majors once… and then twice. Whether Hicks, MAP, or the STU, HAL, Hoyt, Rockwell, STEM, or PEW, we’ve all faced moments that have left us wiped out and looking forward to the next break.

How did we find ourselves in such a predicament? Drive. Passions. Dreams. We were told to “pursue our passions” and “follow our dreams.” But what happened when we thought we wanted to be a forensic accountant, but we’ve changed course and now we’ll start a career in marketing? When we were convinced we would go to medical school, but now we’ve realized the program we wanted to pursue just wasn’t the right fit?

The truth is that these are larger versions of the issues we’ve dealt with every day at Grove City. A test that was harder than we expected. A class that was more demanding than we felt we had time for. A friendship lost due to a misunderstanding or a failure of communication. To a degree we have all been faced with these trials, and we have all gotten to the other side, which is why each and every one of us is here today, ready or not, to leave our red-bricked residence.

But what about the future? Have we been just the right amount of prepared for a world out there that is just the wrong amount of confusing?

Just like we changed our ambitions from cowboys to accountants, from pirates to practitioners, and from doctors to, well, I hope some of us still want to become doctors, we must reassess our purpose for pushing through the difficult tasks that lie ahead, for pushing through the bank statements and the blank stares, the days of doubt and the fear of not being enough.

Grove City College has equipped us for this.

It is a place that takes the confident and knocks them down a little, challenging them to think about the world which for years they took for granted.

But it’s also a place where the meek and the uncertain are given the tools and experiences to be a little more sure of the world that is so unsure of itself.

We’ve been given the skills, the facts, the ambition to move forward boldly. So where do we start?

Perhaps the answer lies in what our true passion should be. Perhaps the only way to truly make it in this world is to have a passion for washing feet, for service, one that forgoes our own comfort and safety to care for the least of these. A passion with a purpose.

Don’t misunderstand me. The passion you may have for jazz or bottom lines, circuits or chromosomes, whatever it may be, is important, but allow it to start from a place of service.

We are living in uncertain times, where division is easier to find than unity and where it is hard to differentiate between fact and feeling.

Grove City College has given us the charge to make a difference, whether on a global, national, or local level. As the faculty, staff, and administration of Grove City have shown us, the best leaders are those who put others first.

Class of 2017: I encourage you to remember always the purpose for which you were born. Because after all our caps are tossed and every dorm room is cleared out, what inevitably follows is the adult version of “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “What are we going to do with our lives?” No matter what your answer—whether it involves this company, that grad school, or some other adventure beyond, may you never forget your primary role as a servant, called by God to utilize all that He has given us for His purposes. May you always be faithful to him who will always be faithful to you.

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The Fellows Initiative: Pursuing Excellence

Pittsburgh FellowsAs a graduating senior, one of the most frightening questions you are faced with is “What comes next?” While you know that the past four years have prepared you for the journey ahead, a little healthy stress may find its way into your  thought process.

I had the good fortune of securing what my next step would be back in the end of my fall semester. I was accepted into a program known as the Pittsburgh Fellows, which is a leadership development program based out of St. Stephen’s Church in Sewickley, just a short drive from Pittsburgh.

The Pittsburgh Fellows is dedicated to helping recent graduates at the beginning of their career. Through one of the many partners the Fellows are associated with, from PNC to UPMC, the Fellows work full hours from Monday through Thursday, learning from the businesses with whom you are placed. It’s a wonderful way to experience and learn more about the business world straight out of school.

Another way in which the Pittsburgh Fellows trains their Fellows is through mentorship with local business leaders, providing them with a professional sounding board that they can use and be built up by. The Pittsburgh Fellows doesn’t want to send their Fellows into the business world blind, but rather with a network around them that wants the best for them and looks to serve their best interest.15289148_1306178019420328_529824465072875269_o

The program is not only looking to foster career growth but also personal, spiritual growth. Fridays for the Fellows are dedicated to taking classes at Trinity School for Ministry, focusing on leadership, theology, and community involvement. The program’s seeks to prepare future business leaders, specifically focusing on positions within businesses in the Pittsburgh area.

One of the greatest resources the Pittsburgh Fellows provides a network of business-minded individuals, both program alumni and partner organizations. This network is formed and maintained with the intent to create a Christ-centered community, there to build up and assist young professionals and business leaders alike. Regular networking events and opportunities to connect are available for the Pittsburgh community.

While Pittsburgh has one of the most reputable programs, there are 25 programs across the United States that are dedicated to cultivating young Christians into strong leaders in their community. Along with the Pittsburgh Fellows, Grove City Students are currently participating in the Charlottesville, VA and Washington, D.C. Recently advertisements for the Chattanooga Fellows were posted around campus. Grove City is known for producing quality individuals, and these programs want to capitalize on these individuals, giving them more opportunities to excel.

I’ve had many opportunities to interact with current Fellows and those who run the program, and I am thrilled to be getting this opportunity. There’s nothing like the feeling of not only having a plan, but also having a plan that you know has long term benefits.

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Crimson & White Society

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One of the many things that Grove City College prides itself in is its plethora alumni connections disbursed throughout the United States. Grove City College is one of the few schools in the nation that has a unique relationship with its alumni, and one of the ways that relationship is maintained is through the Crimson and White Society.

Crimson and White Society is a group of select students on campus that bridges the gap between alumni of Grove City College and current students through on-campus events and meetings with alum guest speakers. This groups of select students works closely with the Office of Alumni Relations and the President of the college, President McNulty. Over the four years that I have been in this group, I’ve been able to make some really great connections and have built a great network of contacts.

Crimson and White offers a lot of unique aspects that many other college groups don’t have. There is an extensive interview process involved before students are chosen to be in the group. Because this group works closely with alumni, faculty, and the president, the group desires to prescreen all applicants before making a choice. Also, the fact that the group is working with alumni more extensively than any other group on campus offers a unique atmosphere to the college experience. Usually every third Thursday of the month, the group will host an alumni speaker to come in and speak about their experiences while they were at Grove City College, their professional career, life after Grove City and some tips for post grad life. These speakers have proved to be really helpful in my planning for post-grad life. I’ve learned a lot from the wisdom they’ve had to offer us and am looking forward to using that wisdom and knowledge in my professional career.

Along with monthly meetings, each member is required to volunteer their time at three campus events of their choice per semester. This includes anything from homecoming registration, to passing out programs at events held by the college, as well as things that are more kid friendly like the annual Santa Breakfast and Children’s Theatre Breakfast. Each event offers a new way to get connected to those who love GCC.

As sad as I will be to leave this group upon graduation, I will definitely remember all that it has taught me in terms of how to get yourself afloat in the real world with a good head on your shoulders. Get connected with an upperclassman to learn more information!

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How to be Successful in Your Internship

During the summer of 2016, I had an internship at Covestro. Covestro is a material science company located in Robinson, PA. This company has three product categories: polycarbonates, polyurethanes, and coatings/adhesives. I was working in polycarbonates in industrial marketing. At first I was a little bit nervous. I had never been very interested in science and I wasn’t sure how I was going to fully understand Covestro’s products, let alone market them! However, I had heard great things about the company and I was excited to give the internship my best! Overall, it ended up being a wonderful experience and I wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. I even was able to get college credit. Here is advice I would give to anyone taking on a summer internship.

Be Open-Minded

As I said before, I knew nothing about science and I was not sure how this internship was going to go! However, I think what really helped me was to pursue the internship with an open mind and excitement. I choose to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative. Though an internship at a “science” company may have seemed intimidating at first, by the end of the summer I was convinced there was not a better internship out there!

Ask Questions

Working at Covestro at the beginning of the company was extremely intimidating. When I first began this internship I didn’t even know what a polycarbonate was. This is why it was so important to be asking my managers the correct questions I needed to be asking in order to be successful. Though when you are the “new guy” wherever your internship may be, it is important to remember that they hired you knowing they would need to teach you a few things. There is nothing wrong with asking questions. It took my a couple weeks to gain the confidence I needed to ask questions. I wish I would have known at the very beginning how important and acceptable asking questions is when you don’t understand. There is never a dumb question!

Be a Standout

While you are doing your internship it is important to stand out. You never know what opportunities could come of the internship. It could turn into an internship next summer, or even a job. This is why, if you are lucky enough to have an internship, it is so important to take full advantage. This means don’t be late! Show up every day ready to work hard. Even if the dress code is a little more casual, dress for the job you want and not the job you have. Be sure to dress professional every day and look your best. Lastly, don’t be a slacker. Work your hardest on each project that is given to you. If you do this, you will be sure to be a standout as this is not an overly common trait in today’s world. I know it may be hard to believe, but it just takes a little more effort to be a complete standout. Always show you are eager and excited about the work you are doing. You only have this internship for three months, so make it your goal to be “on” every single day.

Save your Money

While I was working at Covestro, I had the opportunity to live at home with my parents and this enabled me to save a large chunk of the money I made over the summer. I realize this may not be everyone’s experience, and that’s okay! Having an internship, no matter if you need to live somewhere else, is important in itself. But, if you are lucky enough to be able to live at home and eat your parents food, take advantage of this time. I was able to save a fairly large chunk of money from my internship, and about a year later, I can’t tell you how great if feels to be leaving college not completely broke. For me, this looked like packing a lunch instead of going out to eat every day. This also looked like bringing my own coffee or making coffee in the office instead of going to Starbucks in the morning. Its the small things that will add up.

I hope this article gives you a little more confidence and direction heading into your summer internships. I was very pleased with my experience and these are some guidelines I adhered to.

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What I Would Tell My Freshman Self: Advice From Seniors

On May 20th the Grove City College Class of 2017 will put on their cap and gowns, cross the commencement stage, and celebrate four years of hard work. It is times like this that students often find themselves looking back on the memories they made and the friendships they formed. Your four years at Grove City College will be over in the blink of an eye. No one knows GCC better than the seniors that are wrapping up their time here. We reached out to some seniors and asked them, “What advice would you give your freshman self?” As you approach your first year at GCC, take a moment to learn from those who have gone before and heed their wise words.

Claire W: College has been such a time of learning, growth, and transformation for me. My advice would be to always keep an open mind, ready to genuinely listen to and learn from others — especially those who are different from you!

Tim W: These four years are a rich experience in and of themselves rather than just a means to an end. Make the time to invest in friendships and look for opportunities for new experiences.

Melanie B: Recognize that you are at college to love God and to love others. The college years will not always be easy or fun, but they are good. God is using this time to transform you into the person He made you to be, so be encouraged and seek Him even when it’s hard!

Jamieson W: Plan out your four years now! I studied abroad and spent my junior year taking fun electives, so now I’m currently taking three classes that are hard and I have senioritis. Be proactive!

Alexis M: Don’t take everything too seriously in college – take a course, join a club, participate in an activity that you want to do solely because you think it’ll be fun. Don’t worry about it building your future or resume, but do something for yourself to make your college experience more enjoyable!

Lindsey R: Be open to new things, whether that is going to an event you wouldn’t normally go to, signing up for a class outside your major, or being open to new relationships. You never know where it will lead you and you may really enjoy something you would not have expected! This college has so much to offer and there are plenty of new things to try!

Jake G: Don’t make decisions based on what will be easiest but on what will provide you the most opportunities in the future.

Nich L: My advice would be to make the most of your college experience. Do this by getting involved on campus, taking interesting classes (such as Life of Christ), and not worshiping your GPA. Develop a healthy balance of academics and social life.

Ryan B: I strongly recommend that throughout your four years of college, you constantly seek out those who are smarter and wiser than you. Ask questions, seek wisdom, and soak up as much knowledge as you can from them.

You’ll learn your own lessons along the way, but hopefully these pieces of advice from seniors are valuable as you approach this new phase of life.

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Enjoying the Seasons at Grove City College



I have always enjoyed Grove City College in the autumn. The campus looks beautiful lit up with the changing colors of the trees and there is nothing quite like going on a walk on a crisp fall day. One of my favorite parts about Grove City in the fall is the local farmers market that can be found in the parking lot across from the Broad Street Grille. I made it a priority to visit this farmers market every week. They have all different fresh produce and they also sell flowers for a great price! I always looked forward to my weekly farmers market trip.

Another one of my favorite fall adventures is to visit the Franklin Apple Festival. You will have to check online to fine exactly when this is taking place, but I would highly recommend traveling to Franklin to enjoy this festival. Local artists set up tents this their artwork inside. You also will be sure to find all your favorite festival foods including funnel cakes, lemonade, and cotton candy!


Winter in Grove City can be terribly cold, but there is no better time to celebrate Christmas. Every year around Christmas time the Grove City Park sets up Christmas decorations. I love driving though at night when they are all lit up! Another great place to look at Christmas decoration is Kraynak’s in Hermitage. They set up a walk through tour of Christmas decorations which includes about 50 different themed Christmas Trees.



Spring is another great time to visit Kraynak’s! Like Christmas, they set up a great Easter display that is lots of fun to walk through.

Katie’s Korner re-opens again in the spring and I am always so excited to get my first cone of the spring!



Enjoy your break! 🙂



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The Happy College Student: Tips for being Healthy & Balanced

After a long week of hard work at Grove City College, try to balance between work and relaxation, like going for a walk with your friends to get some ice cream!

Going to college brings with it a series of many joys as well as many challenges. Fortunately, with the right guidance, motivation and education, these challenges can be overcome, or avoided altogether. One of the biggest things that most college students face is the challenge of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By this, I don’t just mean working out, although that is important. I mean that sometimes, it’s hard to manage the stresses, pressures and decisions that come with being a college student. Luckily, it is not impossible to achieve a healthy and happy lifestyle at college. All it takes is a little extra dedication, time and a good attitude.

Grove City College is in tune with its students, and works hard to provide resources for its students to succeed in their health and wellness goals. Below are five important areas to keep in mind while achieving your goals as a well-balanced, healthy and happy student at Grove City College.

  1. Making good food choices

Finding and making healthy choices can be difficult at times. And sometimes, after a long day, all you want to do is chow down on a cheesy piece of pizza (#treatyoself), which is totally fine. But, as the age-old saying goes, all good things in moderation. On the average day to day, it’s easier to make a better food choice when you know what’s on the menu for that meal. Grove City’s Bon Appetit does a great job with this by posting the day’s menu on their website, listing all the options for each meal and each dining hall, including vegetarian and gluten free options. That way, you can be more prepared to choose your food wisely rather than choose the first yummy thing you see. Also, it can be fun to be creative with the food options available in the dining halls! Who knows what delicious, nutritious concoction you will be able to create! Another good tip is stocking your room with healthy snacks. That way, if you’re hungry between meals, the food you have to turn to are healthy, smart choices too. Your diet can affect a lot of emotional and physical aspects of your day, so remember to fuel your body well so that it can be at its best for your day ahead!

  1. Getting enough sleep

In college, you learn that your parents were right about a lot of things, and one of those things is the importance of sleep. Full and exciting schedules require proper sleep in order for those days to be a success. Homework and studying tend to pile up, so it’s best to work hard during the day so that you don’t have to work late into the night. But, there will be that time when the late-night study session is unavoidable, and that’s ok too. It’s just important not to make it a regular occurrence. Like late nights, naps are definitely necessary sometimes, but they should not be a replacement for a good night’s rest. Sleep is your friend in college, and it needs to be treated as such, with respect, love and attention.

  1. Scheduling workouts into your routine

It’s time to lace up your sneakers and get moving! Along with a healthy and balanced diet, it’s also a good idea to find time to get your heart rate up and sweat a little. Not only is it good for your body, but regular exercise has been shown to improve mood, focus, information retention and even sleep! All positive attributes for a well-balanced college student! The idea of “the gym” can be intimidating and seemingly a mystery if you don’t know what you’re doing. Luckily, there is a way that you can become familiar with the facilities and the equipment in an educational setting. Grove City College requires all freshmen to take a year of Fitness and Wellness classes. These classes are great, because they introduce you to the different gyms and activity areas on campus, and teach you about different styles of exercise that can be easily replicated into your daily fitness regime. Instead of heading to “the gym,” you could take a walk with a friend around the beautiful Grove City Campus or try a Pinterest workout or YouTube video in your room instead. Maintaining this routine is important for short term and long term health, so be sure to make it a priority by scheduling it into your day like you would a meeting or a class. Pro tip: it’s a lot easier to keep up with fitness (and a lot more fun!) if you have friends supporting and doing it with you!

  1. Make time for fun and relaxation

With so much new and exciting things going on, stress might be close at hand. It can be easy to let new responsibilities and situations get the best of us at times. The best way to combat the stress is remembering to make time for friends, fun and some much needed relaxation. Weekends are a great time to catch up on homework and reading, but they are just as important for recovering, unwinding and other enjoyable things. At Grove City, you’ll be sure to meet some amazing friends, so plan a trip into town to grab coffee or ice cream, explore the town, watch a movie, play a game, take a nap, or whatever makes you happy. You work hard, and you deserve a few moments to yourself in order to be prepared for the next week. Not only will you have fun, but you’ll feel better, perform better and be better. College is a taste of the real world where you learn to understand that it is all about balance, and hard work requires a few off days in order to maintain that balance. Don’t be afraid to take time to reflect, relax and be thankful for this awesome new chapter in your life!

  1. Knowing your resources

Sometimes, it’s hard to manage the challenges that college brings, and that’s ok. It can be difficult to avoid the cold going around, or maybe you are dealing with a heavy burden and you are seeking help in order to manage. Grove City College provides Counseling and Health Services located at the Zerbe Health and Wellness Center to meet the physical, mental and emotional needs of its student. For more information, please use the links included below.

Zerbe Health and Wellness Center Information

Counseling Center Information

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The Suitist Challenge: Going Without for Those Without

12719238_798202740307410_759971832251914852_oEvery year, a group of seven gentlemen dress-up in three-piece suits and don’t shower. These men also have a formally-written constitution, arrange a photo shoot, and advocate for missions work in Africa. While this may seem like a strange list of attributes, they all describe the gentlemen that call themselves the Suitists.

Every year, this group wears their suits (without taking them off) to raise money for Project Okello and the ministries that Okello is supporting at that time. Throughout the week, the Suitists hold Bible studies and often grab meals together, to promote the unsanitized solidarity that keeps their Suits on and smiles beaming.

The hope of the challenge is that by foregoing bathing and a daily change of clothes, as well as donning a classy outfit (albeit for an entire week), that their efforts will garner questions about why they’re doing what they’re doing. This in turn receives an explanation of the cause being supported and the mentality behind wearing Suits for an entire week. Ideally, the explanation results in the donation of a few dollars from the inquisitive individual.

Not living in an ideal world, this is not always the case. In all honesty, that can sometimes be discouraging, especially when you’ve slept and lived in the same suit for the last three days, share about the importance of what you’re doing, and then get flat out rejected. It’s a disheartening experience.

But by the middle of the week, a few of us recognized this, and decided to discuss how we were feeling and why that was. What we came to realize was that it was not because of our failure but because of our focus on ourselves. It was not about the Suits or the Suitists, but rather what God was doing through us.12694837_798674956926855_1193190340596571167_o

After we had this revelation, it was far easier to move forward with our week. It was by no means easy, as not showering does come with many downsides, but it was still far more fulfilling and tolerable. We quickly came to realize that it was by no means the thing we were doing that was the most important aspect, even though it was important. It was far more important to remember the God who we were serving by serving others.

And so the Suitist Challenge will continue. What started as a mess was made to be beautiful through God’s faithfulness. Be it a gentlemen’s fundraiser or a local ministry, Grove City College students are committed to serving the least of these, foregoing their own comfort for the benefit of those around them.

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Tau Alpha Pi: Theatre Honorary Revitalization

16804433_389820321374056_3708237260065769812_oThe fall of my sophomore year at Grove City I was inducted into Tau Alpha Pi, or TAP, the theatre honorary on campus. In order to qualify for the honorary, you need to participate in two areas of theatre production, be it acting, directing, crew work, or management, and show a dedication to the department and its goals.

It was an honor to be selected as an applicant, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time in the department. In the spring of that same year I was elected the positions of Treasurer and Co-Social Chair. It was great to be able to take part in the inner workings of the department, and I was honored to be elected.

By the end of my sophomore year, however, many of the heavily involved members of the group had graduated, and we were left with an executive team which had not been involved with the organization for long. This was not necessarily a bad thing, but it left gaps in our knowledge base which put us at a disadvantage.

The beauty of the Grove City theatre department, and the campus in general, is that its students are passionate and driven, and this leads to a strong desire to not just pursue but advance the activities that they have found so much joy in doing. Sometimes, that takes a little time, but the dedication, when unwavering, pushes you through to the other end.16836096_389820291374059_182559591086010225_o

This was the case with TAP. For a year, my junior year, we struggled to find the best way to move forward. We knew that with our lack of information in certain areas, we’d need to find new, innovative ways to advance the individuals in the organization as well as the reach across campus. Ideas were thrown around suggesting cabaret nights and large fundraisers, nights of short scenes and flash mobs…

But something just was not clicking. Be it the grand nature of the suggestions and the dwindling number of members or perhaps that daunting questions of “Can we really do this?” hanging over our heads, we didn’t know how to move forward. Those are the best moments, though. The ones when you’re just not sure how to move forward. The ones where moving forward, or even to the left or right, is necessary to prevent from falling back.

Funds were our biggest issue. As an organization, the only way we received funding was from new member dues, and then we would spend about that for our annual theatre celebration. This was great, but with more funding we knew we could do a lot more to benefit if not the campus, then at least the department.

It was at this moment that we realized what was right under our noses: the talent of the cast. We were surrounded by so many wonderful individuals, particularly musicians, so why not showcase that. Before each show our Fall musical, Anything Goes!, we put together a bit called Tips4TAP. As the audience gathered into the lobby, we would send out a group of students to perform a musical number for those waiting to get in. Along with this we put a tip box out for the audience to make donations if they so desired. This was a tremendous hit!16991734_389820294707392_5172919371770678756_o

Then we were faced with a question we hadn’t quite anticipated: what next? Now that we had more money, what should we do with it? The answer we came up with proves not only the goodwill of the students but also the desire to see individuals flourish in theatre.

Every year, students are sent to a national theatre festival to perform and compete against other actors. Through department funding, we are able to help these individuals get there. The festival, though, offers workshops and exercises spanning all areas of theatre. We decided to put together a fund to send a non-actor to the festival each year and let them take advantage of all the resources it had to offer.

Just like that (and by “just like that” I mean after a year of a lot of thinking) we knew how we could benefit those around us through the honorary. I am very proud to call myself a member of Tau Alpha Pi.