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Life as an International Student at Grove City College

Sometimes choosing to study in a place so far from home can be intimidating. Though it presents a unique set of challenges, it also creates amazing opportunities. For the international students at Grove City College (GCC), the experience is one of growth, exploration, community, and (of course) lots of fun.

Let’s Meet Some International Grovers!

Anastasia Gaponenko (left) and Thaddeus Woo (right) outside of Henry Buhl Library

Anastasia Gaponenko, a senior Electrical Engineering major, is from Moscow, Russia. She came to the US in high school and attended a Christian high school in Philadelphia. “A lot of kids from my high school went to Grove City because it’s like a famous Christian college.” It was through her friends that she ended up applying to Grove City!

Philippe Keita hails from Dakar, Senegal, and is a senior at GCC studying Computer Science. Philippe decided to pursue his bachelors in the U.S. because of the higher level of education and potential career opportunities. “I heard about Grove City College from church connections…in Senegal…I heard that they had a good computer science program, so I came here for that.”

Thaddeus Woo, another senior international student, is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He made his way to the U.S. from Penang, Malaysia, and found Grove City through a family friend, “My mom’s friend introduced it to her…” he said, and after discovering that Grove City carried the degree that he was seeking, “…I switched my decision from Covenant [College] to Grove City College.”

A Glimpse of Life on Campus

At GCC, all students are encouraged to get involved on campus. For many international students, it’s the perfect way to get to know fellow students and build valuable skills. You have the freedom to make your four years here your own and it’s easy to do with so many different organizations and activities to choose from.

Whether it is intramural sports, academic organizations, clubs, campus jobs, or social groups like fraternities and sororities, there is freedom to pursue your interests, or try out something new! For Thaddeus, he found a job on campus in Media Services, helping other students with their computers and technology.

Philippe found ways to make friends and have an impact on campus through his housing group (the Rhos) and different clubs. “I’m president of the Men’s Activities Board,” Phillipe says, which is a campus organization working to create “community engaging events open to all male students” (

Annika has also taken leadership roles in the organizations she has participated in at Grove City. “Last year I was the president of the Physics Club,” she says, “…my freshman year I was involved with the Women’s Society of Engineers…it definitely contributed to my future job search.”


Advice for Future International Students

While looking at schools, especially if you are considering one outside of your home country, our fellow international students offered some valuable advice It is important to “…know what Grove City is before you come here,” said Philippe. The technical aspects of how to apply to a particular college are important. Still, it’s also important to learn about the culture of the campus, and their values, and consider if they are ones that you could see yourself being a part of!

It is important to lean into the tightly-knit community of GCC especially when you are new to campus as an international student. “Having a smaller community can be nice,” again, Philippe.  “You see the same people (students and teachers) so it’s easier to interact with them.”

While there are plenty of things going on at GCC. Things are more spread out from campus when you get into town. Some of Annika’s advice, especially if you need something from the store, was to ask around if people are making a trip. You can even ask a friend to take you if they have a car!

College is about more than just getting your degree. It provides a chance to create lasting memories and friends in a community that supports your every step. At Grove City College, we hope that you can join in enriching our community like Anastasia, Philippe, and Thaddeus have.


For more information about Grove City College, and to apply, visit and click “Apply” (information for international students is listed on the right, under “How To Apply”).

Are you curious about the process of finding an internship as an international student and want some tips? Take a look at the post “How to Expand Your Career Opportunities as an International Student at Grove City College” by Evenine Paultre.

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Being an RA at Grove City College

Being an RA at Grove City College is a fantastic way to serve your campus community and develop relationships with people on your hall as well as your Residence Life Staff. Being an RA is an important position that involves community building and policy enforcement. Led by Thomas Biro, the Director of Residence Life, Grove City Residence Life exists to help students thrive in their communities and as individuals. If you’re the type of person who loves to watch people grow and challenge themselves, serve those around you, and be involved in community, then maybe the RA position is right for you!

5 girls taking a picture in a bathroom mirror while holding a ladder
Me and my fellow RAs going on a round while carrying a ladder

Across campus there are different types of RA positions available. You can be an RA for Greek Life/housing groups, for freshmen, for independents, and for the Colonial Apartments. The style and size of your hall fully depends on the size of the building you are placed in. The same is true for the size of your Residence Life staff. During the application process you get to choose what your preferences are, though the ultimate decision will be with the Resident Directors.

Some of the responsibilities as an RA include being on duty and planning events for your hall. Being on duty is the most consistent responsibility. Depending on the size of your staff it will either be every other week or weekly. “Duty” means you are the on-call RA from 7pm-7am and residents will call/come to you with emergencies, lock outs and any other things that come up during your shift. Most of the stuff that I have had to deal with while being on duty is just toilets and showers that won’t turn off, quiet hours, burnt out lights, or residents who are locked out. It’s a great opportunity to use the time in the building to connect with residents and host events.

Your residence life team will meet weekly to discuss building needs, plan events, spend time in prayer over residents, connect with each other, and dive into ways you can pursue the Res Life vision for campus. These meetings have been some of the highlights of my week and times that my team has come together to support each other. Another thing that you will do as an RA is attend bi-weekly One-on-Ones with your RD and ARD (if your building has one). These are great times to catch up with your RD, let them know about any resident concerns you have, ask them questions and more. They also use this time to ask you questions and help you grow in your faith, personal and professional life.

5 girls laughing in a hallway while taking a selfie
Me going on a round in North with a few of my residents

I am currently a junior and a freshmen RA in Harker. This is my second year on staff, but my first in Harker. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to serve with two different staffs and RDs. It had given me extra opportunities for growth in various areas of my life. Another thing that I love about being a second-year RA is that I am able to continue to connect with my residents from last year. I learned that being an RA is not just a once and done type of commitment. You create relationships that last beyond the year you are on staff, and they have the potential to extend even further. Which is truly exciting and encouraging.

Being an RA for the last two years has been the best experience of my time at college. My first year I was in North, and for this second year I am in the newly freshmen building of Harker. I have had many opportunities for growth— spiritually, personally, and professionally. I am so thankful for the ways that my RDs and fellow RAs have supported me and challenged me. This experience has been such a blessing from the Lord, and I cannot imagine where I would be if I had not applied for the RA position during my freshmen year.

If this sounds like something that would interest you, I encourage you to speak with your RA or your RD and find out more information!

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Tam O’ Shanter: A Golf Course Review

Welcome! - Picture of Tam O'Shanter of Pennsylvania Golf Course, Hermitage - Tripadvisor

As spring rolls around campus, the weather begins to improve the opportunities to be outside begin to become more present. While some students like to go hiking or hammocking, I have fallen in love with playing local golf courses in Western Pennsylvania. Playing golf for me provides stress relief and an amazing opportunity to connect with different people off campus. Western PA’s rolling hills and mild climate provides an optimal layout for nice affordable golf courses.

Last week, I played Tam O’Shanter in Hermitage. I had played this course multiple times before but had never taken the time to review the course in general. To begin, Tam O’Shanter is one of my favorite golf layouts around the College. The course is around 30 minutes from campus so its relatively accessible. Inspired by the rough and natural layouts of traditional links style courses, Tam O’Shanter plays around 6,500 yards from the back tees.

In my opinion, this course provides the most challenging golf experience when it comes to local golf courses. Greens are fast, fairways are tight, and par 3s are generally long and unforgiving. While it might be the toughest challenge, it is one of my favorite places to play. The pros in the pro shop are always kind and love college students, and the food at the turn is very well priced and tastes great.

One of my favorite aspects of Tam O’Shanter is the course layout. Tee to green, this course provides a very scenic and enjoyable golf experience featuring winding fairways and small undulating greens. Overall, I recommend any golfer to take a weekend and a couple of friends to enjoy the historic Tam O’Shanter–just remember to bring some extra golf balls. You are going to need them.

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Sophomore Spotlight: Lucca Baccari

Whether you are a prospective student looking at Grove City College or you have decided to attend Grove City in the fall, college is a time for people to learn and grow. You may not know what the “college experience” looks like, but that is okay! The best advice you can get is hearing from current students who found ways to adapt to the college environment and succeed socially and academically.

Lucca Baccari, a sophomore mechanical engineer, decided on Grove City College not only because of the baseball team but because of the reputation of having strong academics and a small, tight-knit community surrounding the campus. When asked about adjusting to “college life” he said to schedule out your weeks so you know when assignments are due but also what events or activities are happening so you can go to them. This method works best for Lucca as he is very busy juggling his workload, baseball, and being in the Beta Sigma fraternity. Finding a balance between a sport and academics in college is difficult but he makes it work by planning ahead on the weekends and working ahead on assignments, especially when he is in season. His best piece of advice for student athletes is to “have good time management and not procrastinate on assignments. You don’t want to fall behind in academics or your sport because it can be hard to recover.”

When asked about the impact that Grove City College has had on his faith, Lucca said “It’s grown to a whole new level. You’re surround by people who have come from completely different walks of life who teach you different things to help you in your walk of faith.” Faith is important to campus life, but also to the community that surrounds the college. The community of Grove City focuses on “building each other up and creating a positive experience on campus, whether it be academically or socially.”

The best piece of advice Lucca has for prospective or incoming students is to “participate in campus life as much as possible. Not only does it benefit you by helping you meet people but continues to build the campus community.” Do not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone to meet people. The community at Grove City College creates many opportunities and experiences for people!

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What to Expect During Orientation Week

Coming to college for the first time is stressful. Maybe you do not know anyone and you have to make all new friends, you are starting the next academic chapter in your life, or maybe you are so excited about college and you have been waiting for this for a long time. No matter where you are in your transition to college, you will be pleasantly surprised whenever you walk on campus and you see Orientation Board waiting for you with a smile.

Your college experience is going to start with a bunch of upperclassmen coming to your car and carrying all of your stuff to your new room, so you will not have to carry anything. That is just the start of the blessing that is the Orientation Board (OB). Next, you will go to orientation and go to all of your meetings. This can seem very boring and mundane, but as a senior, I would love to go through that process all over again. Do not take it for granted.

Then the real fun begins, because that same night you will go to a dance called the “Graffiti Dance” where you wear a white T-shirt and you get signatures all over your shirt from all of your new classmates. It is such a special thing to go back and look who signed your shirt years later and realize that there are names on there that are your best friends now and you did not realize it that night.

Then there are more events on campus held by OB that will get you familiar with the campus but also familiarize you with your classmates, so you can make new friends very quickly. Just about everyone there is in the same boat as you and they are excited to be able to make friendships just like you. There are several days on campus where it is just the freshmen and OB, along with a couple of the fall sports teams preparing for their seasons. Then after a couple of days, the rest of campus will arrive, and you have even more people to meet and a lot more people that can be your friends.

Being on such a small campus is so nice during this week because you are all forced to be together all the time and make friends, whether you want to or not. The campus is not confusing, and you will be overprepared by the time the week is over. The whole OB group is welcoming and will help you with whatever you need. There is a lot more than what I talked about in this blog, but there is so much fun to be had here on campus at the start of your college experience.

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The Spartan Life: Living Arrangements Outside of Greek Groups

At Grove City College, we have a lot of different ways to participate in Greek life. From living in the group to just attending events, Greek life adds a lot of character to our small campus. But sometimes, Greek life just isn’t what every student wants to be a part of. I considered joining a housing group on campus but, after receiving a bid, I realized it wasn’t for me.


Grove City College has a unique campus life that prioritizes community more than other, similar colleges. Because of this, Grove City College does not house any national fraternities or sororities; each group that is present on campus only has affiliations here on campus. This helps pursue the goal of community unity because the groups are focused on their immediate surroundings, untied from the regulations and expectations of national groups. The Greek groups on campus are expected to bring the campus community together through numerous events such as dances, games, and food-oriented get-togethers. This provides a very unique and memorable campus life experience at Grove City College.


Starting the end of Freshman year, students may rush to join these housing groups for their Sophomore year. But some students may find that the Greek life isn’t for them and there’s nothing wrong with that. You may not be a part of the same experiences that those in these housing groups, fraternities, and sororities have, but your time at Grove City College will be full of similar experiences.


Life outside the Greek halls isn’t much different than if you were on the hall. Unlike most colleges, all groups still live in the dorms on campus; there are no frat/sorority houses off campus. You’ll be able to hang out in your friends’ rooms, who may be in a Greek group. You’ll still be able to walk out of your room and see your friends in the halls. You’ll still walk to lunch with them the same way that you would if there were no housing groups.


For me, many of the friends I have made through sports or through classes are in different Greek groups on campus. Even though I don’t want to live on a hall with a lot of guys, I still feel that I am able to be a part of their small community on campus. I still have meals with them and hang out in their rooms without feeling pressured to join them.


During your sophomore year, you may realize that you are spending a lot of time with your friends who are all in fraternities or sororities. If this is the case, you can always try to join! You’re never locked into a fraternity, sorority, or housing group at Grove City College. It’s up to the group but you can join during whichever year you are currently in!


Grove City College’s goal of achieving campus unity is expressed through its student housing arrangements. It doesn’t matter what background you come from, Grove City College has the right college living style for you.

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Inner City Outreach – Fall Semester

Going into freshman year, I wasn’t involved in a lot of groups or activities on campus because of COVID-19 restrictions. Over the course of my freshman year, campus started to slowly make changes to try and go back to “normal.” As the spring semester ended, I knew that I wanted to join a group or different activities on campus to have community and get to know other students.

Coming back to school in the fall, I was part of OB (Orientation Board). It gave me the opportunity to grow closer with people I didn’t know very well and provide community to incoming freshmen. One of my friends from Orientation Board asked me what I was doing for fall break, and she proceeded to talk to me about an upcoming ICO trip. ICO is also referred to as Inner City Outreach, a small mission trip led by Grove City College students, taking place in different cities in multiple states, as well as a few countries. The only trip happening over fall break was ICO Aliquippa, and it was four days long. I grew up in the Pittsburgh area and have always been told that Aliquippa has a reputation for being unsafe and filled with crime. This made me very hesitant to want to go on the trip, but after talking to upperclassmen who went on the trip and listening to their experience, I decided that I wanted to go. I did not have high expectations, nor did I know what to expect before going on the trip. All I knew was that I was going out of my comfort zone and that made me very nervous and scared.

During the trip, we worked with a local church, Mount Carmel, and they felt like family at the end of the trip. We spent two days working on Janice’s house, a fellow believer. We got to paint her porch, do yardwork, and build her a new staircase to get into her house. The best part about working on her house was spending time with her, hearing about her life and how God has worked in it. We also got to spend time in the different plans (housing communities) playing with kids (lots and lots of face paint), doing Bible studies, handing out clothes, and serving food to families. We worked with a non-profit organization Communicycle that collected donated bikes to repair them and then give them to kids who do not have bikes. We spent time learning how to repair bikes and would drive around Aliquippa, handing out bikes to children.

Every night on the trip, the group would take time to reflect on the day and talk about their high and low and an instance of where they saw God that day. Asking these questions helped us to keep God at the center of our mind and of the trip. Looking back on the trip, I realized that Aliquippa is different than how it is perceived. People see Aliquippa as being a broken town with a high crime rate, but after spending time there, I see it in a different way. Although they do not have a lot, they have a strong community. They know people in different plans and all of their neighbors, treating each other like family. On the trip, I saw how present God was in each activity we did and how He is working through the people of Aliquippa. I cannot wait to go back to Aliquippa for the spring ICO trip and continue to share who God is to people. If you are looking for community at Grove City College, ICO trips provide amazing community with fellow students who want to share who God is with others!

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Thrifting in Grove City

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As a typical college student, you may not have an exorbitant amount of money to spend at the Grove City Outlets or other stores in the Mercer County area. Thrift stores are a great way to be able to get new clothes while barely spending any money, and it is also a great way to support local businesses.  In this blog, I am going to list some of the best thrift stores in the area, and some recommendations for stores in the Pittsburgh area.

  • Salvation Army: This is a Grove City College staple. Usually referred to as “Salvo,” it is a great place to get some quality clothes at a really good price. They will restock the new items on Thursday afternoons, so that is always the best day to go. Also, there are deals on Wednesdays, which is a fantastic way to get cheap clothes for an even cheaper price. Salvation Army is a great store that encourages you to give to a good cause.
  • All Good Things: This is a much smaller thrift store right across the street from Memorial Park. It is a nonprofit organization that has a great selection of clothing and other items. They have great vintage clothes and there is a building in the back that has old furniture which is great for furnishing your dorm room.
  • Thrifty Threads: This is the closest thrift store to campus. It is located right on South Center Street, and it is by Coffaro’s, a pizza shop that is home of the college special. It also very cheap for clothes there, though you may have to do some digging because they have a large selection of clothes, but you will definitely find some quality items.

These are the top thrift stores in Grove City, however if you have a car you can go down to Butler you will find more stores. For example, there is a Salvation Army, Goodwill, and some other small business thrift stores that have great character and you can find some great items. I highly recommend going to thrift stores in the area; it is a great way to find cheap clothes that look great, while supporting local small businesses!

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Outside The Grove: Hiking

Balancing Rock

Many students at Grove City College come to realize that though we may have mixed feelings about harsh Pennsylvania winters, there are undeniable upsides come spring and fall. Being from Colorado, I grew up with an appreciation for nature and while western PA lacks anything quite as stark as the Rocky Mountains, it certainly has its redeeming qualities. Here are a few that I have explored, anywhere from walking distance from campus to a few hours drive:

  1. Moraine State Park: Moraine State Park is built around Lake Arthur. Lake Arthur is a large and oddly shaped expanse of water with around 40 miles of shoreline. Inside the park there are floating docks, nature trails, hiking trails, bike paths, fishing docks, and plenty of rolling hills and forest. Park rules and weather conditions can be restrictive to camping, so do some research beforehand if you decide to go.
  2. Grove City “poop loop”: this area is given its nickname by students because in the middle of the open space, there is a sewage plant. Officially, the area is called the Grove City Borough Bike Trail. A quiet winding road connects the rest of Grove City to a park. At the park there are soccer fields, a disc golf course, and several miles of bike path much of which is along Wolf Creek.
  3. Trough Creek State Park: this state park is a few hours from Grove City, but I found it worth the drive. While there are over 12 miles of trails most of which I haven’t seen, the biggest attraction at this park is the Balanced Rock. The hike goes along Trough Creek and across a suspension bridge, past a waterfall, and ascends to the ledge on which the infamous rock is perched.

This is far from an exhaustive list and is simply a small sampling of the great outdoors accessible from Grove City.

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Three Cold Weather Activities

Have you ever been cooped up inside through a cold winter? Well, the Grove City climate is infamous for cold winters. That is why I want to give you three ideas of what you can do indoors amidst the cold winter weather. I have found my fair share of enjoyable indoor activities that have enabled me to still see friends, stay active, and rest.

  1. Movie night with friends.

You do not need a projector or big TV to have a successful movie night with your friends. When it is cold outside, all I want to do is get cozy and hang with friends. It can get lonely after awhile of staying inside away from the cold. That is why using your laptop for a movie night with friends is the perfect idea! You do not have to leave your dorm to enjoy time with friends. The cold weather does not have to keep you from making popcorn and enjoying a chill night.

  1. At home workout in your room.

Although this may not seem like an ideal way to spend time out of the cold, it is a sure way to keep your body moving. When winter hits Grove City, it is easy to want to stay in your room and avoid going to the gym because that would involve going outside. But, for your physical and mental health, you need to stay active even in your dorm. In today’s world, there are thousands of free at home workouts, via YouTube, available to you that only require your bodyweight. Working out in your dorm room will not only keep you healthy physically but also mentally. We tend to downward spiral when we are cooped up with nothing to do, nowhere to go, or anyone to see. If you move your body for even 20 minutes a day, your mental health will improve as well.

  1. Turn on the “Fireplace” special on Netflix, make a hot drink, and read a book.

During Grove City’s cold winters, you need to make time to see friends and stay active for your mental sanity. But you also need to practice self-care. Do not neglect your personal health. Find things that bring you true rest and ease of mind and body. For me, it is turning on the Netflix special “Fireplace,” making a cup of chai tea, and reading a book. I want nothing more on a cold day then to sit by a fire, in dorms the closest thing I get is the Netflix special, and cozy up with a good book. That is my version of rest and self-care. What is yours?