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The Joys of Being an Independent

One of the most unique aspects of Grove City College is that we have sororities. Not many Christian colleges have sororities on their campuses. This can either be something that attracts you to Grove City or it may be a concern you have with coming here. When I chose to come here, I had never really thought about whether I would want to join a sorority or not. In the end, I chose not to join a sorority and I am glad that I did not, however, I deeply love the sororities on our campus.

We have all seen the college movies that perfectly depict what college life is like. Or do they? In the movies, the sorority girls are perfect. They have the perfect boyfriend, perfect hair, and perfect wardrobe. Meanwhile, the independent girls have no friends, are geeks, and date the weirdest guys on campus. As rush started my freshmen year, I started to get worried. What if I became that independent girl in the movies? What if all my friends join sororities and I have no friends left? I feared the sorority girls because all I could picture were the movies with the rich girls who were rude to everyone else. All of my fears were so wrong.

My junior year, I was placed as an RA on a sorority hall. I was so nervous. In the end, they have become some of my best friends. They have disproved all of my previous thoughts on sorority life and I am so thankful that God placed me where He did. Living on a sorority hall is so fun: the drama, the friendships, the constant laughter coming from all of the rooms, and the food that is always left out for everyone to eat. The sorority life is beautiful. So do I regret not being in the sorority? Not at all. I have gotten to know girls in every sorority on my campus. I have friends in most of the sororities and I see nothing wrong with most of the sororities. In fact, there are several that I would consider joining. However, I love being an independent. I love all my friendships with girls in different sororities. Now, of course, sorority girls are friends with girls from all different groups, but in the end, my loyalty does not belong to any particular group. I love being able to connect with underclassmen and mentor the girls who didn’t join a sorority and now feel left out. I LOVE doing all I can to bridge the gap between sororities and independents. That comes in both encouraging the sorority I RA for to reach out to the independents on my hall but also helping independents to see the beauty in sorority life.

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Girls and I from the sorority I RA for

I would not trade the independent life for the sorority life. Being an independent has taught me so many important things during college. However, as you get ready for college and consider whether you would ever want to join a sorority, know that I, as an independent, think that sororities are wonderful. In the end, you must make a choice that is best for you. If you want to join a sorority, go for it, but also maintain relationships outside your group. If you want to remain independent, do it, but never judge the sororities based off of false pretenses. Both “lives” are great and you must find the life you believe you will thrive in most.

Do not let the sororities scare you from choosing Grove City College. The sororities are wonderful groups of girls and all of the things you see in movies, may not be true.


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Why I Decided to Be An Resident Assistant (RA)

Being a Resident Assistant at Grove City College has been one of my favorite opportunities during my college experience. Many of the responsibilities include being an available resource to your hall, making intentional effort to get to know residents, putting on programs, enforcing the rules, and attending meetings with respective building staff and Resident Directors.

There are several different places where you can serve as an RA on Grove City’s campus: a freshmen hall, an upperclassmen hall, or a Greek hall. Although at different times these are drastically different places. During training, we are taught to simply love our residents and invest time into them in order to help them have the best experience here at Grove City.

My freshmen RAs at Grove City have impacted my experience so much; I do not know what I would have done without them! I love being an RA because of the excuse it gives me to talk to people and create meaningful connections with them. There are many reasons to choose to be an RA, here are a few other reasons from current RAs here at Grove City:

“I wanted to apply to be an RA before the end of my very first semester because my freshman RA inspired me to become one. He was very caring and a great individual who shaped me as an individual and my whole college experience. I wanted to be that person for someone else. Two years later, I am an RA – but not a freshmen RA. I am an RA for mostly seniors, and I cannot be him… but I can be myself. I enjoy being an RA because it allows me to put at use my extroverted and friendly sides while serving my residents and the community at Grove City College. My freshman RA inspired me to be friendly and outgoing, and most importantly to serve.”

-Luis Ramirez, upperclassmen RA

“I became an RA because I understand the importance of the RA’s role on a freshmen hall and I believed that with the help of guidance and a great staff, I would be able to have a great influence on a freshmen hall.”

-Steve Maker, freshmen RA

“I love being an RA because it gives me the opportunity to meet so many interesting people that are not a part of my major.  It also allows me to connect people with similar hobbies and interests. “

-Alex Moldovan, upperclassmen RA

“I love being an RA because I get to know people who might have not crossed my path if it was not for this position. I enjoy serving and loving these friends. It is also a great position for growth!”

-Amy O’Brien, upperclassmen RA

“I have always appreciated my older friends and mentors, and I thought that I could keep their examples and impact on myself, or I could share it with others. I thought that being a freshmen RA was a great opportunity to reach into the lives of younger guys.”

-Schuyler Kitchin, freshmen RA

“The Resident Assistant role has benefited me in many ways. In particular, being an RA has given me the opportunity to talk with truly wonderful people who I probably would not have gone out of my way to meet or interact with otherwise.”

-Mark Capper, upperclassmen RA

“Being an RA has allowed me to step into a role where I have met and learned about some really amazing people. I have had so much fun laughing and living alongside people I would not have met otherwise!”

-Hannah Finley, upperclassmen RA

“I love being an RA because I get to learn how to support people and show them Christ’s love. It has taught me patience as well as perspective and I have found myself leaning on God for strength, which has helped me to grow personally.”

-Becki Krupp, upperclassmen RA

The Grove City community is full of wonderful, caring people and many of these individuals are using their gifts to serve the campus as an RA. While not always an easy job, it is most always a rewarding one. Even though we never truly know how many people we have touched through our time on the halls, we will always keep striving to invest in our residents.

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Clubs on Campus: Part Two

If you’re interested in a particular activity, sport, or game, Grove City offers an abundance of campus-wide groups to get involved. With over 130 student organizations on campus, there are plenty of ways to join and meet great people in the process. Going off of my previous post on “Clubs on Campus Worth Trying,” here are some more student stories about the unique clubs and activities they are involved in on campus.

There are many clubs that are designed to fight for social injustices. Senior Trevor Smith is involved with LINK, a club that stands for Liberty in North Korea. This organization rescues, relocates, and rehabilitates North Korean refugees. He explained, “They find refugees…typically [upon relocation] they require education on how banks work, what electronics are – all the everyday tasks we take for granted are totally new to these refugees.” This club is known as the “rescue team.” They raise awareness of refugee crises and plan fundraising events. The “rescue team” also sells authentic South Korean snacks and drinks.

 campus radio station clubOne of the larger clubs on campus is the WSAJ radio station. Students are given the opportunity to host their own radio shows and DJ new music on a live broadcast. Senior Brad Warmhold has been involved with WSAJ since freshman year. He explained, “I do radio because I personally enjoy being recorded in a live atmosphere working with music. There is a good degree of freedom in choosing music, and the fact that I get to do it with my closest friends is an added bonus.” The radio station is a great opportunity for students to learn public speaking and broadcasting skills, as well as listen to their favorite music and spread it across campus.


Junior Abby Hassinger has been passionate about horseback riding well before college began, and was excited to get involved with the equestrian club on campus. While we do not have any stables on campus, the equestrian club participates in horse shows with other schools all across the region. As the president of the equestrian club, Abby and her fellow club members co-host horse shows, as well as attend and participate in other events at nearby schools. The equestrian club participates in various types of shows that require different skill sets, allowing each student to perform in areas that are best equipped.

It is amazing to be a part of a campus that recognizes the diverse interests of its students. Each of these clubs and organizations strive to create a community where students are accepted for their interests and passions. Getting involved on campus with a club or organization is an easy way to get plugged in to student life.

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Clubs on Campus Worth Trying Out: Part 1

clubs on campus

Did you know there are over 130 student clubs and organizations to get involved in at Grove City College? Not only are there the typical intramural sports clubs such as lacrosse, soccer, basketball, and volleyball, but there are also unique organizations such as euchre, fencing, hiking, and horseback riding. With all the options to play sports, sing, or learn something new on campus, students surely find a way to act on their passions to create opportunities for people with similar interests to come together.

I was able to talk with a few students about some interesting clubs they a majority of college campuses do not offer. Junior Connor Monahan is studying Mechanical Engineering and is involved with the Newman Club. Connor said, “The Newman Club is a Catholic Campus Ministry group on campus. We have weekly meetings where we bring in local speakers or campus faculty. We also participate in community service projects.” This is a club for students who are either Catholic or want to understand more about Catholicism. The Newman Club is an awesome opportunity to branch out on campus.GCC Martial Arts club

We also have a club focused on martial arts and various types of fighting and wrestling. Sophomore Nathan Smith is involved with this program, and explained, “The martial arts program has primarily turned into a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club. We meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday…we learn some new techniques, drills, and then we grapple. We have a lot of dedicated people in the club who have even joined Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academies back at their homes!” Unlike other campus groups, the martial arts program can be expanded on and off campus. According to Smith, “We recently invited my instructors from my gym back in Ohio to put on a seminar here at GCC. The program had an excellent turn out and everyone had an amazing time. We plan on doing another seminar next semester.” Martial arts programs provide students with great opportunities to include previous involvement in similar extracurricular activities into their college life.

 Grove City Outing ClubNot all Grove City clubs are on the College’s campus. For example, the outing club meets on campus, but mainly consists of hiking, camping, and other outdoors-related activities. Senior Philip Dudt who has been involved since freshman year said, “We enjoy God’s creation on trips over breaks (backpacking especially), fellowship with friends at the club’s cabin, and lasting memories made during car rides to these remote locations we hike.” This is an ideal club for those who enjoy hiking and backpacking, and a great opportunity to get to know the area around Grove City.

With all these great organizations being offered to Grovers of all grades, it is a difficult decision to choose one specific organization. Subsequently, there will be another post discussing students’ experiences with more unique clubs. Along with what is listed on our GCC website, there are many other groups and clubs that you can learn about at the Organization Fair. The fair takes place during the first few weeks of school and provides Freshman with the chance to meet members from each club and learn about what they do throughout the semester. These are great opportunities to get involved and meet new people as you start your Grove City College career.

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Grove City Isn’t Church

One of my favorite things about life at Grove City is my circle of Christian friends. They encourage me and point me to Christ. Having friends in this stage of life who can give advice and walk with us is so important. But I believe there is something even more important for our spiritual walk. In his book, Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life, Stephen Nichols writes:

[Dietrich] Bonhoeffer stressed the community of peer groups, like the community at Finkenwalde and in earlier such communities as the ‘Thursday Circle.’ These, like the church, are genuine communities. … [But] they do not, for Bonhoeffer, replace the church of even take priority over the church. They are a poor substitute for the church. The church is the institution God promises to bless in the pages of the New Testament. And it is our personal connection to the local church that is paramount in our living the Christian life. These communities — part of the church universal — support the church local. When they supplant the church, something crucial is amiss. (Kindle Locations 1057-1072)

So as important as it is to find Christian friends, it is also important to find a good church — and each endeavor should support the other. (Your friends can recommend churches to you and if you find a good church, you will eventually get to know the other students who attend). Some of my best friends at Grove City are those who I met at church.

Fortunately, the College values local churches and encourages students to get involved. For instance, Harbison Chapel does not offer a Sunday morning service. The College provides a helpful listing here of nearby churches.

Practically, there are lots of ways to serve at church as well: I have friends who have helped with youth group, worked in the sound booth, taught Sunday School, and prepared food for events.

I took the first month or so of freshman year to visit a few churches in my denomination, and then prayed about it and did some thinking and chose one. I have been attending there since. Additionally, I have participated in a college Bible study that our pastor leads, as well as weekly lunches where our pastor comes to one of the dining halls.

If you are looking at colleges, I encourage you to make sure that you can find a church nearby where you can worship and serve over the next four years. One of the blessings of being at Grove City is the abundance of nearby churches — some of my friends literally walk across the street on Sunday mornings to go to church. I’m looking forward to returning to campus in January and seeing everyone at my church again; it’s been quite a while!

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Rockets, Lasers, and Blowing Up Pumpkins, How Can You Not Check Out the Physics Club

At Grove City, there are several clubs that are based around majors or academics. One club that is really “blowing up” is the Physics Club. I sat down with the president of the club, Mercedes Mansfield, and she told me all about how this club is really making science exciting by having hands on experiments  and also building a strong community within the Physics and greater STEM departments. The Physics Club is open to all majors, but is mostly composed of STPhysicsEM majors, such as Electrical Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics majors. Dr. D.J. Wagner, a professor in the Physics Department, is the faculty adviser for the club and facilitates every other week meetings.

The club has two different types of meetings, one of them being what they call “Tray’s Up,” where each member gets their meal from one of the cafeterias around campus, and then take their meal to one of the members’ rooms or one of the classrooms on campus. During this jovial time of eating their meals, each student who is a part of the club gets the opportunity to hear about Physics from other students or faculty about various research they have performed. The other times the club meets, they do various activities that highlight how exciting Physics can be! These include making hand rockets, dropping eggs from a few inches off of the ground without breaking them, bridge building competitions, and blowing up pumpkins!

The club also hosts larger events, including a hayride and an all-nighter. During their famous all-nighter, where they all stay up in Rockwell, one of the STEM buildings on campus. They begin the evening by blowing up bottles on the quad and then continue throughout the night with the less disruptive activities. These include making liquid nitrogen ice cream, do experiments led by professors, and play with lasers.

The Physics Club is just one great example of a way to get involved with you academic department outside of your classes. Joining the club is a sure way to get involved in the STEM departments and seeing real-life applications of Physics outside of the department!


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Handling Relationships in College and Classes to Help You

relationships on campus photo

Entering college is like entering a new phase of life that is completely different than anything you’ve experienced so far. Living with people you’ve never met, being taught by adults who are more than just teachers, and navigating potential dating interests in college are a new territory of relationships that seem daunting. Luckily at Grove City, not only is the fact that we are outwardly a Christian school influential in how college relationships are formed, but there are also a few helpful classes to open the discussion about how to handle all these new relationships.

Interpersonal Communication

Within the communications department is a course called Interpersonal Communication, taught by Dr. Todd Allen. This course serves as an elective, so all students have the opportunity to take it. Dr. Allen said, “This course is so practical and relevant that it’s one students flock to from different majors. At the end of the day, I want students to walk away having a more informed understanding on how theory is in practice of what we do.” With underlying information taken from communication theories, this course teaches students how to deal with difficult conversation, understand friendships, and become better listeners.

communications professors, interpersonal relationships
Communications Professor Todd Allen

As we communicate as college students, there is a certain stigma connected to what we say and how we say it. Dr. Allen said, “People do [certain] things [when they communicate] but they don’t know why and don’t understand the history, science, and communication theories behind it.  It helps to understand what’s going on when you engage in interactions with others.” This class goes beyond the classroom, and has taught me the importance of realizing the implications of your interactions. Whether in professional, romantic, or family relationships, we as college students have the liberty to make our own decisions in how we interact, and that can be extremely challenging. But thankfully, Dr. Allen agrees that college is not the end all be all, and we should be continuing to challenge ourselves to communicate beyond this campus.

Courtship and Marriage

Professor of sociology, Dr. Martin Bright
Professor of sociology, Dr. Martin Bright

There are other courses on campus that are designed to inform and discuss deeper issues within specific relationships. One of the more popular courses called Courtship and Marriage is taught by Dr. Martin Bright. Now this is NOT a class to tell you how to find a husband or wife, or even how to ask someone out, but it’s a course for students to become aware of what that looks like when considering furthering a relationship. Dr. Bright explained, “What I like about this course – as well as many of the social science courses – is that it teaches both academic and things you can apply on a personal level.” This course can be beneficial to students considering marriage or engagement to discover on a biblical standpoint what a relationship like that might look at.

Courtship and Marriage also focuses on other relationships, such as families and friendship dynamics. Dr. Bright said, “Ideally the student leaves the course with a better understanding of sociocultural trends occurring that affect dating, marriage, families, as well as students themselves.” He continues to explain, “following self-exploration [students] have a better idea of what they are seeking, and the important building blocks of a lifelong commitment. The focus is on relationship building, so you don’t have to wait until marriage to apply the concepts discussed.” The great thing about courses like this is the conversation opened that allows students to learn from one another and ask questions.

With courses like this, you can imagine the types of questions these professors get. When asking what kind of questions are commonly asked in class, or what professors observe about college relationships, I got some pretty interesting responses. Dr. Allen said he noticed a couple things, but specifically recognizes the relationships between faculty and students. He said, “I wish so many more students would take advantage of getting to know faculty and staff. They can be such a great sounding board as you navigate all other relationships, plus you influence us.” Referring to the way students influence faculty, Dr. Allen explained, “I don’t think we often make students aware of the things you say, the thoughts you have in class, questions, and even casual conversation come at just the right time for us sometimes.” With a course like Courtship and Marriage, Dr. Bright gets questions all the time from students. He said, “Dating experiences of students range from none to several, so questions are varied.” One of the most common questions asked in his course is something like, “at what age is (varied topics) appropriate?”

Not saying our professors are matchmakers, but they are excellent resources for understanding all types of relationships and learning how to navigate them. I highly recommend taking a course like Interpersonal Communication or Courtship and Marriage early in college to answer questions about college relationships you might begin with.

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Home, Sweet Home at Grove City

            When you eat, sleep, work, and spend most of your time in one place, it becomes like home to you. Whether it’s being able to walk around in your bare feet, or decorating a space that’s all yours, we all have different ways to make a place “home” to us. Living with 3,000 other college aged people is such a crazy life, but we all share one place in common that becomes our “home” for 3-4 years. I spent the past few weeks asking people, “What makes Grove City College home to you?” and got so many great responses and stories. If you’re wondering what it would be like to call Grove City College home, allow these students to explain their versions of “home” within our campus.

Junior – Abby Hassinger

“What makes GCC home for me is having a sense of family on campus. Making plans, spending quality time with people and feeling connected to life on campus helps GCC to become home. Decorating my room and putting my own stamp on it helps too.”

Senior – Philip Dudt

“I have lived in Grove City for about 13 years now. For the entire time that my family has lived here my dad has been a professor at Grove City College. I am very appreciative that I can be immersed in a place where Christians can be open about their faith and their worldview so that ‘iron sharpens irons’ so to speak.”

 Senior – Bradley Warmhold

“For me, the professors, faculty, and students who show a genuine concern for my well-being and a desire to see me succeed makes me feel right at home.”

Senior – Kyle Martin

“The awesome people that I have gotten to know and the new people that I continue to meet makes Grove City feel like home to me.”

Around this time of the year, another thing that students love about our campus is the Christmas treeChristmas decorations that are just about everywhere. Not only are their lights on the pine trees and wreaths outside, but there are over 7 Christmas trees in different buildings on campus – including the dining halls. When there are decorations, lights, and fire’s running in different buildings on campus, everything feels more like home. It makes you want to curl up with hot chocolate and actually enjoy studying. The effort that student leadership and staff exude to put up all these decorations is something that you definitely do not get on any other college campus, and is so unique to the “Grover” community.

            As for me, Grove City became home when I realized I was surrounded by amazing Christian people who were invested in me and helped me grow in my faith without feeling judged. Also making a dorm room a homey space helps as well, but overall Grove City College is a place we’ve come to know and love, and have been able to proudly call it our home.

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Exploring Cultural Differences: The Story of an International Student at Grove City


            Experiencing a new culture for the first time can be overwhelming, especially as a student. Exploring cultural differences is something valued and respected at Grove City College.  There are many international students who attend here, each with an interesting story about how they found Grove City, Pennsylvania out of all the places in the world. Junior Dan Peiffer moved to the United States three years ago from Rehovot, Israel and shared about how he came to attend GCC.

   Student Dan Peiffer         As a junior, Dan studies Communications with a minor in Studio Art. After the influence of his father attending Grove City College, he decided to move to America for his college education. Dan is fluent in Hebrew and English, but had never experienced primarily English-speaking classes. Starting out, Dan audited a few classes to study English as the primary language. He said, “After auditing, I realized it’s a piece of cake. English is hard, but not that hard.” Experiencing the campus and culture of Grove City was something to get used to, but with the help of students and faculty, it became easy for Dan to fit right in.

            There are many cultural differences between Pennsylvania and Israel as you could imagine, but Dan was able to learn quickly. “Professors are very understanding,” he explained, “some of the classes I record because I can’t take notes in time, so that helps me a lot.” Adapting to the language is only half of the intercultural experience. Dan told me that, “one of the first things [he] remembers  [from his] first year was when someone fist-bumped me instead of a high-five. I thought it was a thing for little kids, so I thought it was weird, but I realized it was normal so now I find myself doing it.” It’s the little mannerisms and cultural symbols we participate in that seem normal to us that can seem strange to someone coming from an entirely different culture. Dan explained, “I still have a lot of mistakes with English words sometimes. It’s more funny than embarrassing at this point.”

            Our differences are what make us unique and stand out from others, but as an international student, those differences can seem more obvious in accents and mannerisms. Dan said, “Some people like to ask me constant questions, but I like when people treat me the same.” Cultural differences are something many students are passionate about. With groups such as S.E.A.D. which stands for Students Excited About Diversity, sharing the things that make us culturally unique is something highly valued amongst students. “Although I am different,” Dan said, “it’s nice to be treated normally here.” Dan aspires to stay in the United States and work somewhere like Pittsburgh or a city where he can pursue video production. As a communications major, Dan is passionate about photography and video production, and is able to get hands-on experiences through classes.

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Using an Independent Study as a Resume Builder

            The hardest part about applying for a job is having to fill out the dreaded “experience” section. Whether you have a ton of past work experience or no past work experience, it is difficult to sum up your skills in a readable and practical way. One of the great opportunities offered at Grove City College is creating an independent study. An independent study is a great experience you can put on your resume. The study is similar to an internship where you design a project or complete a task that displays and highlights your skills within a semester. 

Independent Study While Abroad

France Group

             When I was a junior, I was able to be a part of the European Study Center program in Nantes, France. This program was unique because it offered courses taken directly through Grove City College instead of an outside university like most study abroad programs. I worked with professors from Grove City while in France in order to create a independent study that was focused around my major, communications. One of the best parts about having an independent study while in another country was the fact that I was able to communicate with students from all over the world. With the guidance of communication professors in America, I conducted a series of interviews of American and French students where I asked about how cultural differences affect communication styles. This was an amazing experience that I was very passionate about, and used to increase my experience in independent research and design.

How to Create an Independent Study

             Independent studies are not only for students who study abroad, but also for students on campus as well. In order to create an independent study, there are a few steps to complete to gain course credits. Any independent study must be approved by your academic advisor, as well as the chair of the department in which you study. Just like any other course, an independent has to have a syllabus and a timeline of course work that gets turned in and graded. This also includes necessary readings and outside projects or assignments relevant to the study. For my study, I interviewed French and American students to see how cultural differences affect social and educational perspectives. I consulted various books about cultural competence, communication styles, and body language, as well as kept a video blog where I would post about research and experiences. This blog, as well as interview assignments were turned in and evaluated throughout the semester.  Not every independent study is alike, and some can have different guidelines for grading upon discussion with your academic advisor. For some independent studies, a final project might be a research paper, a machine, or a public presentation. These can often times count as senior capstone projects, and can fill between 1 and 3 credit hours.

Independent Study as a Resume Builder

            Independent studies allow just that – independence in using the ideas you have as a student to create something meaningful and relevant to what you are studying. If you have an idea you are passionate about, an independent study is the perfect excuse to pursue it. Not only can you get credit for it, but you can research and gain experience to help in future job searches. Having research experience can be beneficial in a job looking for someone who can be reliable for deadlines, and work independently. Below is an example of one of the video blogs I created for my independent study of our experiences as abroad students in a different culture. This study is an experience I will always cherish.