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Having Fun with Your Electives: SOCI 251

SOCI 251 (Courtship and Marriage) is a class that I am currently taking this semester. It is a class that does not pertain to my major, but I took it expecting it to be an easy three credit elective where I had potential to gain some useful knowledge. The class brings up a multitude of things that I would have never thought about otherwise. The course’s main topic of discussion is communication and how it is so vital to not only marriage relationships, but relationships with your friends, family, and other loved ones as well. It teaches how to be a good communicator, how to really listen, and how to set your future marriage up for success.

I have never taken a sociology course before, so this class has been very different to me, but a good different. It has brought a lot of things to my attention that I would have never thought of before. Some of these things include the effect that facial expressions and other nonverbal cues have on a person, and also the way that your family shapes you into who you are. I went to a small, public high school where no course remotely similar to this was offered. With everything in the media, you sometimes get this false image of what a relationship is or what it should be like. Often times, the image that we perceive due to all of these things mentioned falls short of what a Christian relationship should really be. This being said, with being a Christian in the world we live in today, I saw this class as the opportunity to branch out from my major of accounting and learn not only what these quality aspects of a successful marriage include but also logic and information in the field of sociology that has helped me to understand myself and my being.

Although this course has not taught me any skills I will need specifically for accounting, I feel as though it will have a big effect on the relationships I have now, the relationships I will create, and how well I maintain those relationships. Even though it does not pertain to my major, I am going to have relationships with people in my future career and due to this course, I will be able to better communicate with those people. This class is one of the many courses that are an option to you as a prospective student that will not only preparing you for marriage but also your career and help you to grow both mentally and spiritually in this thought provoking course. Something not all majors may be accustomed to.

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Reel Life at Grove City College: Sophie’s Favorite Dr. Schaefer Stories

A few episodes ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Paul Schaefer, a professor of religion at Grove City College.

Something I loved about that interview was the way he talked about his students. It was clear he adores them. He talked about their joy and their eagerness to learn. He talked about the passion he has for teaching them. All of it highlighted to me how wonderful of a professor he is.

It had another effect too, though. It caused me to want to hear the student side of the story — what do his students have to say about him?

In this episode of Reel Life, I sat down with one of them to answer that question.

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Faith at a Christian College

Grove City College is a Christian college with the motto “because faith and freedom matter.” The school bases its vision, mission, and values off of God. Being independent in that it does not accept any federal funding, Grove City College is able to make the decisions that its morals entail.

Students usually choose this college for the quality of the Christian atmosphere. To be surrounded by others who share similar beliefs in the college stage of one’s life is truly special in aspects of growing together but it also makes it just as difficult.

Sometimes it is hard to exercise one’s faith when it seems to be exercised constantly, like at a Christian school. Students get a certain amount of chapel credits, take humanities courses based off of a particular religious aspect, and some actions are monitored under Christian principles. With the humanities courses or the chapels, one may assume that learning about the Bible for 50 minutes a day or a 20-minute chapel can be “enough” for our Christian lifestyle. It is important to understand that those are just additional aspects to what we should be doing on a regular basis for our faith.

Grove City College offers many opportunities to get involved in a group, organization, or participate in an activity revolving around God. There are specific small groups like Men of God or Women of Faith that bring people, no matter where they are in their life, can come and lift one another up closer to Him. Red Box Missions, Inner City Outreach Trips, Prison Ministry, and Young Life are more examples of groups that particularly go out and work to help people see God in different aspects of their life. No matter what one decides to do, strengthening one’s faith is something we have to work at every single day and it certainly helps when there are other people to hold one accountable.

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

If we as Christians continue to exercise our faith in God and live in Him, an impact on others can always be made on people who might need it most.

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Event Recap: Grover Feud

On Friday, March 9, the Gamma Sigma Phi sorority and Sigma Phi Omicron housing group hosted the 2nd annual Grover Feud in Crawford Auditorium. The event was based off the television game show, “Family Feud”, with a twist of questions based on Grove City College’s campus and student life. There were a maximum of 18 teams that registered with six members on each team. Teams ranged from groups of friends, sports teams, housing and Greek groups, and even a team of professors and faculty on campus! Grover Feud’s proceeds went to Young Life, a popular ministry on Grove City’s campus, in order to help send a high school student to camp in the summer. There were approximately 370 people who attended the event, which was over twice as many as the prior year.

All in attendance were able to enjoy the friendly competition between students and faculty, and get a good laugh from the jokes cracked by the student hosts, Kristen Bishop and Joe Colosimo. Those watching also had fun trying to figure out the answers to questions such as, “Name the funniest professor on campus.” As the teams battled their way through the single-elimination bracket, the final round came down to Nu Lambda Phi and Risky Business (the team of primarily business professors and faculty). In the end, Risky Business came out on top with a win. The members on the team included, Mr. and Mrs. Sweet, Dr. Carson, Dr. Baglia, Dr. Grimm, and Mandie McCreadie.

Team Alpha Omega

Gamma Sig senior, Elaina Kimpel, was the mastermind behind the event and came up with the idea to host it last year. Elaina’s thoughts on this year’s event concluded with, “Grover Feud was just an idea I came up with my sophomore year here at Grove City College that I thought would be a ‘cool event’ to put on. Two years later, that ‘cool event’ became one of the biggest fundraisers here at the school where it was able to bring over 400 students and faculty together for one night to do something fun as a college. That “cool event” would come to raise almost $1,000 over the past two years for organizations that help share the love of Jesus Christ to others in surrounding communities.”

All in all, Grover Feud was a huge hit on Grove City’s campus, and it was a great way for students to spend their Friday evening!

Winning Team: Risky Business
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Community Spotlight: December Graduate

When it comes to thinking about who makes up the community of Grove City College, often the first thought is students and professors. However, there are many more components – past and present – that play a vital role in the community here. I talked with Josh McFall, a December 2017 graduate. He studied accounting and participated in many camppus activities. Here is the interview that transpired:

Can you tell me a little about your academic journey?

I started my pursuit for higher education at Kent State University Trumbull Campus in the fall of 2013 as an undecided business major, after a semester I declared my major as Business Management before changing my major to accounting.

I stayed at Kent for two years before transferring to Grove City College. Three of my siblings had attended Grove City and I wasn’t convinced that it was the place for me. One of the turning points in my decision was at my sister Lizzy’s wedding at Harbison Chapel in the fall of 2014. I got to walk around the campus with my sister’s husband Joe, who also graduated from there. During this time, I got to talk with him about my preconceived notions and what I wanted from the remainder of my college career. Ultimately, that conversation and overall experience was the first event that led to my decision to attend Grove City College and I would end up applying about eight months later.

What has been the most difficult thing about graduating mid academic year?

Leaving my fiancée, sister, and friends in a rather anti-climactic way. I am a sentimental person, so I like having solid beginnings and endings as they help me compartmentalize my feelings and emotions. Graduating and leaving campus halfway through the academic school year is rather akin to walking out of a movie theater 10 minutes before the end of a movie while your friends all stay and watch it. You miss the last semester excitement and relief you share with other seniors who are about to graduate and walk to receive their diploma in May. I felt that excitement and relief mostly alone, and there was no fanfare or send off when I left campus. The vibe was just that of another winter break, and everyone else would see each other in a month.

Mind you, this is no fault of Grove City’s. There is nothing they could do to change the way things are. I was privileged to attend a dinner for the few seniors graduating in December at President and Mrs. McNulty’s house and it was a lovely time. Also, I will be back in May to walk, but if I’m being honest that is more for my parents than myself. If I had my way, I would choose not to walk simply because I have closed that chapter of my life and I am in a new one now (like I said, solid beginnings and endings).

What do you miss the most about Grove City?

What I miss may not be something unique to only Grove City, like chapel requirements, or jokes about rings by spring, but are unique to my personal experience and how it shaped my life. I miss the shenanigans and community of my transfer hall in Hicks, while living in the room with the window right above the trash cans everyone walks by to go to dinner. And I miss bonding with the guys of Pan Sophic while being their RA, and being given the opportunity to help foster community on my hall. And I miss having to amend my plan to get engaged multiple times due to inclement weather, another fraternity’s rush event, and a marching band competition this past October (I did finally pop the question and she said yes!). This is a tiny sliver of all that I value from my time and are they exclusively things that could have happened at Grove City? No, they could have happened at any college, but they didn’t, they happened at Grove City. And for that reason, I miss and reminisce about my time there. Those buildings and grounds will always be hallowed to me, not because they had uniqueness or specialness that was intrinsic to them (though they certainly do and that does play into it), but because that is the place where I built part of who I am today. So what I miss most is basically everything, the whole chapter beginning to end. I can’t think of one thing without being reminded of five other things.

What have you done post-graduation?

I work at Schneider Downs & Co in Pittsburgh which is a public accounting firm, and I am studying for the CPA exam.

How would you describe GCC’s community in your own words?

When people look at Grove City College, diversity is not necessarily the first thing that pops into their head’s, but to assume that the community here is totally homogeneous is very far from reality, I try to avoid making blanket statements for this reason. Like any other place, the overall community is like a patchwork quilt, and each patch in the quilt is itself another patchwork quilt, all the way down to the individual level. It’s true but ironic because I did end up just making a “blanket” statement… quilt… get it?

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Student Spotlight: Patty Jo Nickoloff

Patricia Nickoloff, who goes by “Patty Jo” Nickoloff, is always found with a big smile on her face that radiates happiness. Patty Jo is a freshman here at Grove City College, belonging in the Alpha Beta Tau sorority, a member of the Newman Club, taking part in the radio show, and playing rugby in her free time. She is double majoring in Communication Studies and Visual Arts and Entrepreneurship, along with a minor in International Studies. The majors she chose were what she had prepared to do in college, but her minor was unexpected as she realized how much she loves using her majors on a more global level.

Patty Jo dreams of working for an organization or magazine that focuses on worldwide missions, where she would help nonprofits operate more efficiently. The love she had for her Public Speaking, Spanish, and Entrepreneurship and Mission of the Church classes show her overall focus on her future direction. Professor Pritchard and Doctora Tinkey are teachers that impacted her mindset to give guidance to her passions.

Freshman year has been exciting and full of fun so far for Patty Jo. She appreciates the new and different atmosphere, as well as the support from the rest of the people at the school toward the new freshmen. “Everyone just wants to help you figure it all out and the want to introduce you to everything they love about GCC,” she said.

She enjoys the Department of Communication and Visual Arts because of the steps they take to send out opportunities for the students that help to expand the skills they already have. Patty Jo loves learning about languages and cultures, so she looks forward to more of her international studies classes. Having classes that teach her to think outside the box, show how businesses work, and how to be different but relevant are great preparation for real life experiences. Having the majors she has provides a wonderful source of relatability and understanding, not just during her class times but outside in her personal life.

“I’m passionate about art in all its forms. That’s why communication is great because art is all about communicating ideas. I love the history of the world and how things came to be, that’s where the international studies comes in.  I love new ideas.  Creating new and amazing things which is why entrepreneurship is a great major as well,” Patty Jo said.

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Student Spotlight: Ashley Raine

“I originally wanted to go to school to do graphic design/animation like a few of my friends, but I knew I wanted to go to a Christian college close to home, so I came to Grove City. I really started learning more about design and what it really is and encapsulates here and I’m so glad I’m pursuing something more graphic instead of artistic,” Ashley says.

Ashley Raine, a junior at Grove City College, shows her passion for the Department of Communication and Visual Arts through her many related interests. Ashley is a Communication Studies major with a Marketing and Design minor. She started her freshman year as a Marketing major but soon realized that she had an overwhelming interest toward classes in the Department of Communication and Visual Arts. The fact that communication is all about interacting with people made Ashley specifically intrigued to make it her main focus.

Professor Mucha, Dr. Powell, Dr. Mobley, and Professor West have been some of Ashley’s favorite professors through her three years at Grove City College. She stresses how the Department of Communication and Visual Arts has changed her perspective in that they have given her hope and the tools to get where she would like to go after graduation. The impactful professors have been very helpful in showing her what she needs to do, even outside of class, to succeed and learn more. The relatability of classes to real life is something that has really impacted her, too.

Her passion for people and connecting with them shows especially through her Instagram page. It is filled with aesthetically pleasing photos that encompass her enjoyment of family, friends, a love of cute coffee mugs, and nature, just a few of her favorite things.

“I’ve always been a very visually inclined person and was attracted to Instagram for the pictures and visual communication. I use my personal Instagram to connect to others who share similar goals and values like minimalism and faith. I think one of my favorite things I’ve done recently is take over the Gamma Chi Instagram and used it in our rebranding by showing content about who the new Gamma Chis are, why we joined, information about the group, slice of life posts, and basically using social media as a way to connect with other campus groups, alumni, and potential girls,” Ashley smiles.

Ashley’s ideal job after college would be doing something in either graphic design or advertising. Her favorite classes so far have been Design Thinking and Intro to Marketing, mainly because they introduced her to the design aspect in marketing. Although she switched her major to Communication Studies, she highlights how important marketing still is to her. The nice thing is that she is still able to take classes that are not directly in her major and give her room in her schedule to add the minors she has. Ashley smiles excitedly as she sees the department reaching a full Design Major someday for the students especially focused in that subject.

“For me personally, I consider myself an aspiring minimalist. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with communication yet, but it’s definitely a big lifestyle choice. As a Christian and a minimalist it has allowed me to spend less focus on stuff and possessions and more focus on experiences and relationships,” Ashley says. Her minimalistic attitude is important in her studies because she can use her knowledge and skills to their full potential to go toward her future. Ashley is excited to see where the next year and a half take her, especially in her journey as a Communication Studies student.


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Reel Life at Grove City College: Music Resources for All Majors

When I was looking at colleges, I expected to be either a business major or a computer science major. Now, I am an entrepreneurship major with a computer science minor – a perfect fit for me. But one thing plagued me about both options: I love music, and neither business nor computer science have much to say about music technique or theory.

In two ways, Grove City College made it possible for me to work with music in my daily life without needing to major or minor in any musical field.

First, it requires all students to take a certain number of humanities classes, and in multiple of mine, I have gotten to work with and listen to music.

Second – and the topic I want to talk about in today’s video – Grove City provides a whole host of music resources to all students in its building called PEW (J. Howard Pew Fine Arts Center).

In this episode of Reel Life, I vlog about a few stand-out resources PEW has to offer for non-music majors.


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Stairwell Concert featuring Jackson Clemmer and Julia Knepper

If you are ever looking for something to do on campus and you are musically talented, the stairwell in the Physical Learning Center is a place with great acoustics on campus. Ever since I was a freshman, I have always enjoyed listening to my friends play guitar or sing in the stairwell, whether it was just for fun, or if it was an event they put on. Often times during the week leading up to finals, there will be an hour-long concert held in the stairwell famously named the “Stairwell Sessions,” and students can perform during that time. More recently this semester, Jackson Clemmer and Julia Knepper put together a concert in the stairwell. The concert had a great turnout, as the stairwell was completely full, due to the Facebook Group they created to get the word out.

After speaking with Jackson and Julia, they both had a great time performing for others on campus. Julia said, “I loved the idea of collaborating with another songwriter and musician and creating a more intimate environment for people to come hear some good music.” Both of the musicians played their own original pieces, and it was a great way for others to hear their songs. Jackson stated, “My hope for the show was to create an environment where I could put my original music in front of people who were ready and excited to listen. Most of the songs I had never played for more than a couple people, so it was really exciting to get feedback from a larger audience.”

See the above video for a short clip of Julia’s song “Talk.” Jackson and Julia will be performing another concert on March 24th at Collage Coffee and Art House located on Broad Street in downtown Grove City.

Image captured by Andrew Stein
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Reel Life at Grove City College: A Chat with Mark, Founder of Té Amo

Mark is an Entrepreneurship major at Grove City College and the founder of Té Amo Organic Tea. This socially conscious venture donates a percentage of its proceeds to plant trees in Haiti. For every tea bottle sold, Té Amo promises to plant one tree.

On this episode of Reel Life at Grove City College, I sat down with Mark to ask him about his business, the professors who inspired him, and the classes that helped him along his journey. Mark’s college experience is an adventure filled with risk and reward. By listening to his story, I hope you get the sense that college students can take many paths toward success, even toward entrepeneurial success, while still attending classes in a four year program.