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What Happens When I Get Sick?

Sick in College

It is bound to happen at some point in your time at college – you wake up with a runny nose and a sore throat and by the end of the day you can barely keep yourself upright and you are running a fever. Or you are doing your usual workout in the weight room and you hear a pop in your knee as you squat at the weight rack and shooting pain goes up your leg. What do you do when you no longer live at home with a parent who makes you soup or schedules your doctor appointment?

Both of the above have happened to me since being at college, including several other health concerns, and I have gotten through each of them relatively unscathed. Grove City College’s Zerbe Health Center is a great resource when you are sick or injured and do not know where to turn. At home when you are running a fever you schedule an appointment with your family doctor and get prescribed some antibiotics that your parent then brings home for you on their way home from work, but when you are sick at school you probably do not have a local doctor, you may not have a car on campus, and you probably do not have the energy to trek to a pharmacy. Zerbe can help alleviate all of these issues.

Zerbe Health Center has nurses available during all business hours, and a doctor or physicians assistant comes in every weekday afternoon to see students. This makes getting treatment easy and efficient. I have always been able to see the doctor on the day that I contact Zerbe about making an appointment – the staff is great at making sure that students’ needs are met in as timely a fashion as possible.

Zerbe also has several prescription medications on hand, so that if the doctor prescribes something you can easily get it from the nurses on the way out, as opposed to having to go to Rite Aid or Walmart to pick it up. I am allergic to several antibiotics, too, and they have different ones available, so it has never been an issue. In addition to prescription medications, Zerbe has over-the-counter medications and treatments available to students for viral diseases that cannot be treated with antibiotics and to treat symptoms of any illness. I have received ibuprofen, decongestant, cough drops, numbing throat drops, salt (for gargling with a sore throat), and an ice pack from Zerbe at different points in my time here. I have had friends who have had stomach bugs and have been given bags with sports drinks, crackers, and other stomach remedies from Zerbe.

Twice in the last four years I have injured myself during workouts, and both times I was afraid that Zerbe would not be able to treat an injury as well as they can treat an illness, but have been pleasantly surprised to find that they have. The doctors are well-informed and have taken the time to explain my injury to me, as well as to tell me my limitations and lay out a plan for getting back to normal activity.

In addition to Zerbe the environment at Grove City College is just so caring that I have never felt hopeless when sick. I have gotten two very bad colds while at college, one in the winter of my sophomore year and one during finals in the spring semester of my junior year. Both times I could barely leave my bed to go to classes and/or finals, but I had very understanding professors who were willing to make accommodations for me to succeed. I also was constantly surrounded by friends who took care of me, offering throat coat tea, bringing smoothies to my room, and even doing my laundry. The College promotes a caring environment and people support those around them to the best of their abilities.

Getting sick in college can be frustrating and scary, but you will make it through it (though I definitely recommend investing in some Emergen-C packets or Zicam tablet before leaving home).

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5 Reasons to Live with a High School Friend Freshman Year

Alex Heiman and I have been best friends ever since an 8th grade health class at Penn Middle School. The teacher assigned seats for the duration of the semster, and all of our mutual friends were on the other side of the room. Soon enough, we began to talk and get to know each other. Quickly, we became very close friends. Alex and I continued this friendship in high school, and graduated together in 2014.

In December of our senior year in high school, I was accepted to Grove City College and planned on attending the College in the fall. At this point, Alex was leaning towards attending Penn State University. However, in the spring, Alex’s plans changed and she decided Grove City College was the place for her. Alex proposed that we room together our freshman year at Grove City College. Originally, I was very hesitant about this idea. However, in the end, I decided that I wanted to live with her. If you are considering living with someone you know from high school I hope that you will think about it, it might be for the best. I loved rooming with Alex and do not regret the decision at all, even though I was hesitant at first. Here are five reasons why living with someone you know can make for a good decision freshman year.

  1. You know them and their habits
    One reason to live with someone you already know is that you are already aware of their habits. For example, coming to college I knew that Alex stays up late, like me. This can be very helpful especially if you are a procrastinator and anticipate late nights every once in a while. It is nice to know your roommate will understand and give you grace.
  2. Trust
    Another pro to living with someone you know already is the trust you have already established. You know that you trust the person you are living with. This can greatly impact your rooming experience. You know you can be transparent about something you’re struggling with, and this makes for a more comfortable living environment.
  3. Easier to talk to
    Going along with trust, another good reason to live with a friend from high school is that some conversations are just easier to have. For me (a very non confrontational person), it was easy to remind her to take out the trash, or clean up a little, because I knew her well.
  4. Good way to start college
    It was nice to know someone coming into college, in the midst of all the adjustments and changes. I knew that Alex and I would continue to be friends. It was nice to come back to my room at the end of the day and be greeted by someone in my corner.
  5. You will make friends
    One of my biggest hesitations about rooming with Alex was my worry that I would not make as many friends because I roomed with someone I knew. This was not the case. Because Alex and I were involved in different activities on campus, we were able to meet different people, and then come together with the friends we had made and meet more than we would have on our own. Overall, living with a high school friend was a the right decision for me, and a great experience. Not only did it provide a comfortable living environment, but Alex and my friendship grew even more. It might be worth considering rooming with a friend for your freshman year!
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Navigating Roommate Conflict

Navigating Roommate Conflict

As a senior in college I have had relatively little experience with roommate conflict until this year. I was blessed freshman year to have a great roommate with whom I could live very peaceably and became very close who I have lived with for all four years of college. Even in my first two years as an RA, I did not handle many roommate conflicts, as most of the women on my halls were seniors and had figured out their living situations to a point where major conflicts rarely occurred. This year, however, I am RAing on a hall of mostly freshmen and transfer students, and since nobody on my hall knew their roommate(s) previous to deciding to come to Grove City College, there is occasional conflict.

There are definitely good ways to handle conflict with your roommate and bad ways to handle conflict, so here are some of the most important pieces of advice that I have for you after navigating through several situations this semester.

Be as direct as possible without being aggressive

Nobody likes when someone is passive aggressive towards them. Deal with the issue as directly as possible without being aggressive. If your roommate is borrowing your clothes without asking and you want her to stop or ask first, sit down with her and talk in a calm voice and do not beat around the bush. Something like “Hey, I’ve noticed that you’ve been borrowing my clothes a lot lately and it has been a little bit frustrating because sometimes I want to wear clothing that you’ve taken…” or “I’m really glad that we can share clothes, but I’d prefer if you asked before borrowing something of mine” is a direct way to approach the subject without escalating the situation. Attempting to deal with the situation passively, such as through leaving notes on your roommate’s desk or sending angry text messages, will often lead to a war of passivity and anger rather than resolution.

Use “I” statements

When addressing an issue with your roommate, try to focus on your actions, reactions, and feelings. Saying “I get frustrated when I can’t find my red shirt because you’ve borrowed it” is going to be a less confrontational and more successful way of approaching the topic than “You really frustrate me when you borrow my clothes.” By using “I” statements you allow your roommate to approach the conversation openly, rather than making him/her feel like they need to shut down and defend themselves.

Seek to understand

A lot of the conflicts that I have seen and heard about happen because two people are not understanding one another.  In navigating conflict with your roommate, always seek to understand his/her point of view and empathize with their situation – most people are not malicious when they do something that bothers you.  Along with this, give your roommate the benefit of the doubt, he/she is probably not trying to frustrate you or make your life difficult, they probably simply do not realize that it is an issue.

Make a roommate agreement

This is a great thing to do before a conflict arises, so that you can refer back to it, but it is not too late to make an agreement even if a conflict arises first. Open up a discussion for how the two of you share your room – maybe there is more that should be addressed than just the one main issue. Let this be a time where you both candidly discuss what sharing a room would ideally look like. You can Google “roommate agreement forms” and find several versions on the internet – choose one that will work for you.

Involve your RA

Talking about the conflict with your RA is not “tattle-telling.” While I cannot speak to the role of the RA in roommate conflicts at other colleges, RAs at Grove City College want to help you to navigate the situation to bring reconciliation to your relationship with your roommate. Our goal is to teach you and support you in handling the situation, not to do it for you or to yell at your roommate. Your RA is a resource that you should use, and it is always helpful to discuss the situation with him/her early on so that they are aware of the situation in case it escalates despite your best attempts to solve it. This will allow you to solve or be removed from a bad situation as easily as possible.

Roommate conflict is a scary thing to handle, but it often leads to growth for all parties involved and will give you a better understanding of your roommate’s point of view.

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Student Spotlight: Mechanical Engineering and Studying Abroad

Alex Heiman is a senior mechanical engineering major. She and I have been friends for years, and I find her story and passion for her studies inspiring and noteworthy. I recently had the pleasure of sitting down and discussing her experience as a mechanical engineering student at Grove City College. I hope that if this major intimidates you and you have hesitations about pursuing it, you will find her words encouraging. On the other hand, if you simply want to gain more information about what the college experience of a mechanical engineering major looks like, I hope you will find her responses relevant and helpful.

What made you decide to study mechanical engineering?

The biggest influence on my decision to become a mechanical engineering major was my dad. He pushed me in this direction. I saw what he was doing as an engineer and I gained interest. It also helps that I enjoy math and science, and wanted to pursue a major that featured these subjects.

What do you enjoy most about being a MECE (Mechanical Engineer)?

I enjoy the tight community of engineers on campus. It is such a blessing to be able to go to anyone in my class and ask questions about homework. I have become very close to my classmates, especially after studying abroad. I also enjoy the challenge of my major and solving the complex problems I am required to solve.

How have you been challenged most as a MECE?

I have been greatly challenged by the professors at Grove City College. They all are great teachers, and push me to understand theory behind concepts and not simply plug numbers into a formula. This has been something that has really pushed me to dig deeper and understand more.

What professor has stood out to you most?

Dr. Clauss, only female MECE professor, has had a great impact on me. She exemplifies what a smart, professional woman in engineering looks like. She is very passionate about what she teaches, and greatly cares about her students. She is very well informed and is very helpful during office hours, even with tasks like scheduling.

You had the opportunity to study abroad your fall semester junior year. Would you recommend studying abroad?

Yes, I definitely would. Studying abroad was a life changing experience, and was the best semester of my college journey. I greatly enjoyed experiencing other cultures and traveling for a great price. I was also able to grow closer to my fellow peers, and the engineering community with the other students who studied abroad. One of my favorite memories from studying abroad was when I traveled to Nice, France. The beautiful scenery and fun activities (such as going to a Christmas market and riding a Ferris wheel) made for a very memorable trip.

Can you talk a little bit about what its like to be a female engineering student?

When I first came to Grove City College, I was nervous because I knew there weren’t a lot of girls in the program. This intimidated me. As the years went on I grew closer with my peers. These relationships especially grew when I studied abroad. Now, I feel comfortable with my major and my ability, thanks to my professors and relationships with fellow students.

What advice do you have for students who are looking to study mechanical engineering?

I would say that engineering is a rewarding major. However, it is difficult. As long as you are motivated, driven, and work hard, you’ll be just fine.




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So You Want to be an RA?

RA Staff MAP West

If you love getting to know and caring for the people around you, the Resident Assistant position at Grove City College might be right for you! A Resident Assistant, or RA, is a full-time student who lives on campus in the residence halls and is responsible for facilitating community on his/her hall and upholding policy across campus (among numerous other things). It is a great opportunity to be involved in campus and serve the people living around you.

You are able to apply for the RA position for your sophomore through senior year. All residence halls have RAs, freshmen buildings and upperclassmen buildings alike, so there are opportunities to be an RA for numerous demographics. In upperclassmen buildings you will be the only RA on your hall and will likely have a roommate of your choosing (though some buildings offer the opportunity to live in a single room as an RA). While it shocks many people that as an RA I still have a roommate, I love it. My roommate is one of my biggest sources of support and helps to create a sense of community on the hall just as much as I do. Some freshmen buildings have two RAs per hall, meaning that you will have a roommate who is an RA and the two of you will work together to care for your hall.

RAs work in teams with three to 11 RAs (depending on the size of your residence hall) and one Resident Director (RD). New this year, MAP North, the primary residence for freshmen women on campus, also has an Assistant Resident Director (ARD) as part of their team. These teams are great opportunities to learn and grow in both a professional setting and a personal setting – they will likely become some of your closest friends and will understand your experience as an RA and student better than most others on campus.

As an RA you have the opportunity to plan events (called programs) that will help your residents learn and grow beyond the classroom in addition to building stronger relationships with one another. These are very neat, as Residence Life provides funding for these programs so there is really a lot that you can do with them. These events really shape people’s college experiences and I highly encourage you to attend RA programs even if you are not an RA yourself.

You will also have duty responsibilities as an RA, which each residence hall does slightly differently. In general, you will be “on duty” one night per week, which means that you will have to be in your building and do some rounds of the building to check for facility concerns, to uphold policy, and to check for safety concerns. When you are on duty you are “on call” and if a resident in your building experiences an issue, you are the first one they would call and/or come to. These nights are great opportunities to hang out in your room with your door open and see who is around to hang out with.

Being an RA also means weekly staff meetings with your building staff and bi-weekly or weekly one on one meetings with your direct supervisor, the Resident Director (RD) for your building. Otherwise, being an RA is a very flexible schedule – you choose when to run programs, you have input into the duty schedule, and you get to choose when to knock on doors and invite people over.

The RA position has shaped my college experience entirely. I am currently a senior and have been an RA since my sophomore year. For both my sophomore and junior years I was an RA on the same hall in a suite style building and my residents were primarily seniors. This year I am in a different suite style building and my residents are primarily freshmen and transfer students. All three years have been amazing experiences and God has grown me so much through them. The other RAs who I have worked with and each of my RDs have shaped me and supported me through my difficult semesters and my easier semesters, and I have definitely made lifetime friends through this position. If you are wanting to be an RA during college, Grove City College is the place to do it.

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Opportunities at Grove City College

When I was a freshman at Grove City, I remember filling out an application for something and it asked me “How will your college be different because you have been there?” To be honest, this question completely stumped me. At the time, I had no idea how I (an average student from a tiny high school in the middle of nowhere) would be able to have any impact at all on Grove City College.

Now, two and a half years later, I can look back and see how that question has shaped my college experience thus far. It struck a chord somewhere within me and I began to search for opportunities to impact people and the college community during my four years here.

My search was far more fruitful than I could have imagined. For the sake of simplicity, I will summarize my results in three categories:

1. Opportunities for learning…outside the classroom

Grove City College hosts numerous guest lecturers and discussion events every semester. The topics range anywhere from Ronald Reagan to worldwide missions to “Wasting Time Well.” I have enjoyed events like the annual Reagan Lecture, Missions Conference, and tea time with Grove City women. There are also numerous Bible studies and smaller discussion groups. These types of opportunities have allowed me to learn from both my peers and renowned speakers, and attending them offers support to the College and the types of events that they will continue to hold in the future.

2. Opportunities for leadership

More often than not, this goes hand-in-hand with point number three. Here at Grove City, opportunities for leadership exist everywhere you look. Students have leadership opportunities in over 150 clubs and organizations. These range from Student Government to Greek groups to campus ministries to professional and academic organizations to intramural sports to academic honoraries, and the list could go on. Personally, these opportunities have helped me find my voice and built me into the person I am today.

3. Opportunities for service

Service opportunities abound on this lovely campus. Many, if not all, of the leadership opportunities mentioned above are fantastic ways to serve both your peers as well as the student body and community as a whole. Students have the opportunity to become Resident Assistants, to serve Christ on spring break Inner City Outreach (ICO) trips, and to take part in numerous campus and community ministries including Young Life, Project Okello, and a prison ministry. I have traveled to Ashland, Kentucky on an ICO trip every year over spring break, and those trips have been an excellent time of service, learning, growth, and blessing for me.

So Grove City College provides all of these magnificent opportunities, but what does that mean for students? It means that Grove City students have more opportunities to impact (and be impacted by) their peers and college community than you might realize. It means that Grove City College gives its students so much more than a four-year degree in their subject of choice – it offers them four years of personal growth and impact.

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All About Student Parking

Campus Map with Circled Student Parking Lots

A common question that most prospective students have is “How about parking? How does that work for students?”

According to the Grove City College website, “the privilege of maintaining a vehicle on campus is extended to faculty, employees, students who are sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and commuter students. Freshmen are not permitted to have vehicles on campus except for specific reasons outlined below and approved by the Office of Campus Safety.” Details about freshmen vehicle restrictions can be found here:

Since freshmen typically do not have cars except for approved reasons, how do freshmen get around? Freshmen typically do not need a car since the Main Street of Grove City is within walking distance. A 21 meal plan is included in room and board costs, so there is no need to buy food. If students wish to eat off campus there are many options within walking distance which include: Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Subway, and a local coffee shop and ice cream parlor. As far as basic necessities, there is a RiteAid within walking distance as well. Walmart is about a four-mile walk, but many freshmen are able to hitch a ride for a Walmart run with upperclassmen. Entertainment is also a short walk away as there is a movie theater called The Guthrie on Main Street.

Probably the biggest challenge for freshmen without cars is getting home on breaks. Many students live in other states and need to get to the airport. Grove City College offers shuttle services to the airport during breaks such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as at the end and beginning of each semester. There are also ride-share boards on the school website. Some students use the online student directory to locate students who live close to their hometowns and then contact them to carpool. As you can see, there are many options for students to get where they need to go.

As for upperclassmen, we are able to buy a parking permit for the year. Parking permits are purchased by students on under the “sign-up” tab. The parking application is very simple to fill out and the parking sticker will then be sent to your school mailbox. The parking sticker is valid for a year. A benefit to buying a parking permit is that you can then add temporary parking permits to your account. For example, I had my car registered for a parking permit, but my car was in the shop getting fixed so I had my dad’s car for a few weeks. I was able to go online and create a printable temporary parking pass to place on the dashboard of my dad’s car at no cost.

Students who live on campus are required to park in the assigned student parking lots. In the above campus map, the student parking lots are the circled areas. Are the parking lots full? No, there has always been a spot for me to park in when I return back to campus. Granted, I may have to park at the far end of the parking lot, but it is great because I do not have to wander all around campus looking for a place to park.

Parking at Grove City College is a simple process and there is always a spot to place your car. Even though freshmen typically do not own cars, there is not a high need for a car and upperclassmen are always happy to give them a ride when they need one.




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The Commuter Kitchen- A Hidden Gem

Grove City College is full of hidden gems, but one of my personal favorites is the commuter kitchen. Designed mainly for commuter students (duh), it has a microwave, coffee pot, refrigerator, sink, and toaster oven. I love it because it allows me to bring a lunch with me that is not Ramen noodles or Easy-mac. I can bring real food, store it in the fridge, and reheat it whenever I want. It is a fantastic arrangement, especially for students who commute or who live in the lower-campus apartments.

I call the commuter kitchen a hidden gem because very few students know it even exists. Tucked away on the second floor of the student union, the kitchen is out of the way for most students despite being in one of the most highly trafficked buildings on campus. It is not really a place to hang out, but it is one of the most functional and useful places on campus.

Even though I do not spend a lot of time there, the commuter kitchen is kind of like my dorm room. It is a place where students who live off-campus can make tea, heat up lunch, wash dishes, and hide yummy snacks. It is so simple, yet so wonderful. Oh, and did I mention that housekeeping does all the cleaning? This is just another wonderful service provided by the College for its students.

I know things like this are difficult to visualize, so here are a few pictures!

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EKG Using an Oscilloscope Lab

This semester in Dr. Chu’s Linear Circuit Lab, sophomore Electrical Engineering majors were able to build a simple circuit to measure EKG.  Electrocardiography (EKG) is used to measure electrical activity of a heartbeat. EKGs are a widely used tool to diagnose cardiac diseases.

Students assembled the circuit by following a given circuit diagram. The circuit was attached to an oscilloscope, which is a device used to measure electronic waveforms. The students then attached two electrodes on the test patient’s chest. The oscilloscope displayed the EKG reading.

Theo Stangebye was one of the volunteer “patients.”
The circuit board.
The circuit board attached to the oscilloscope.



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On-Campus Jobs: Student Assistant at the Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation

GCC Business Suite

Many students are worried about working while they are at college, and luckily there are many opportunities at Grove City. There are many off-campus options due to our proximity to Grove City Premium Outlets as well as many great businesses to work at just barely off-campus on Broad Street like Sweet Jeanie’s and Beans on Broad. On-campus jobs are a great option, though, because supervisors understand that you are a student first and are able to be very flexible with scheduling, not to mention the “commute” is basically non-existent.

One of my positions on campus is as the student assistant to the program manager of the Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation (CEI) at Grove City College. I started in this position in September of my sophomore year, and have enjoyed it ever since. The CEI recently increased its student staff, which means that there are many possibilities in this department.

In this position, I mostly work on administrative tasks given to me by my supervisor, Lynn Stillwaggon ’84. Twice a week I come into her office to work with her on details for that week. I also put together and send the weekly newsletter for the CEI. My jobs  can include anything from sending emails to students about events, and requesting help for events from faculty or staff to hanging up posters and writing our weekly newsletter. It has been a great opportunity to be involved in my major department and to understand the behind-the-scenes workings of our Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation.

One of the biggest benefits of this position has been a great relationship with my supervisor. Mrs. Stillwaggon is a Grove City College alumna and has been a great supervisor and mentor for me over the past two and a half years. In between tasks we will chat about our weekends and life in Grove City, to more important conversations about life in general. This is a benefit that I think many student workers at Grove City College can agree with – our supervisors become so much more than that and we learn so much from them. These positions are much more than menial jobs.

I have also gotten to know many other students on campus through this position, whether it be from sending emails in order to gain information for a press release or because I am helping to organize our annual Elevator Pitch Competition, I have interactions with all kinds of people who I may not have met otherwise.

Working on campus has been an excellent experience and I have learned so much from the people I work with.