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Archive | Campus Life

Prioritizing Education as a Varsity Athlete

Grove City College is an NCAA Division III college, meaning that all student athletes involve themselves in sports because they love it, not due to any financial assistance. But, that’s not to say our athletic teams are bottom of the barrel, either. Among our athletic conference the President’s Athletic Conference, most of our sports consistently […]

Memorial Hall, a men's freshman dorm, and my first campus home

Move-in Day: Tips and Tricks

Nothing is more anxiety-inducing to some students than move-in day. Not only are you going to meet a whole swath of new people and make new friends, you have a lot to remember, a lot to do, and oftentimes not a ton of time to do it. This post contains a few helpful tips that […]


Campus Jobs

Often, students do not know whether they can handle having a job while also taking classes. Though it may not work well for some students, other students enjoy working while in college. Some students work off campus, but those jobs are typically more hours each week and scheduling around classes and homework could be stressful. […]


Dorm Plants

You might not be able to have pets on campus, but one thing you can keep in your dorm while you live on campus is a plant. If you have never been good at taking care of plants but you are looking into trying it out, or just want something to spruce up your room, […]

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