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Author Archive | Robbie Davis


Faculty Spotlight: Joshua Mayo

In my time at Grove City, I can honestly attest to the caliber of faculty that spans all of the departments.  From English to History to Chemistry to Art, I have experienced professors who not only love their classes but also those taking the classes. That is not to say I’ve only experienced the kindness […]


Forefront: In Faith We Create

Recently, creatively-minded Christians have produced art that, while not intentionally bad, speaks only to the redeemed. This movement has managed to appeal to Christians but has altogether remained unappealing to those who do not feel welcome to the church. This does not mean the art is bad; again, I think it has tremendous value to […]


One Acts: Low Risk, High Reward

According the laws of economics, the higher the risk involved in an investment, the greater you can potentially get out of it… or at least that’s how I understand it as a Communications major and English minor who’s spent most of his time in the theatre over his four years at Grove City College. However, […]

Pittsburgh Fellows

The Fellows Initiative: Pursuing Excellence

As a graduating senior, one of the most frightening questions you are faced with is “What comes next?” While you know that the past four years have prepared you for the journey ahead, a little healthy stress may find its way into your  thought process. I had the good fortune of securing what my next step […]


Tau Alpha Pi: Theatre Honorary Revitalization

The fall of my sophomore year at Grove City I was inducted into Tau Alpha Pi, or TAP, the theatre honorary on campus. In order to qualify for the honorary, you need to participate in two areas of theatre production, be it acting, directing, crew work, or management, and show a dedication to the department […]

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