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Faculty Led Study Trips (Part 2)

As a sophomore, I have had the privilege to partake in one of the faculty led study trips abroad during the May 2018 intersession. I signed up to take the three-credit humanities course, Western Civilization. With Dr. James Bibza and Dr. Paul Schaeffer as the professors teaching this course and leading us in our travels, the trip was guaranteed to be a success. These two professors had experience with the travel route that we would be taking, and had worked closely with a tour company to ensure we would have smooth travels. The objectives they had set for our class to accomplish seemed reasonable. It included some readings from a text book, and attending lectures while we were on our trip. However, they ultimately hoped that we would immerse ourselves in the new cultures that we would be experiencing.

Our studies began in London, England for four days. Following a day trip to Oxford, our group headed for Dover. At this point, we took a ferry across the English Channel to Calais, France. Once we were 0n the continent, our stops included Paris, Geneva, Zurich, Innsbruck, and Heidelberg. In total, our trip visited six European countries in a 14 day period.

Once we had safely returned to the United States, our final task was writing a paper that discussed any of the topics that we discussed in lectures. The paper may have been a requirement of the course, but I know that many of my fellow travelers felt that it helped them to thoughtfully compose the incredible experience that we shared.

The trip itself was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I will always cherish the memories that I made through it. However, I was also lucky enough to also make lasting bonds with people that I may not have had the chance to meet without this course. My experience with faculty led study trips was incredible, and in the future I will absolutely look to do more of them.

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Reel Life at Grove City College: A Chat with Dr. Schaefer, Religion Professor

In this episode of Reel Life, I got to meet and speak with a professor widely known and beloved here at Grove City College Dr. Paul Schaefer.

Dr. Shaefer is a religion professor. He teaches everything from required humanities classes like Christianity and Civilization to upper level courses like Systematic Theology. Schaefer is known for being witty, energetic, knowledgeable, and most of all passionate about the subjects he teaches.

Today, I asked him four questions:

  1. What do you like most about students here at Grove City College?
  2. What is the most challenging part of your job?
  3. What inspires you to do what you do?
  4. What is your favorite part of your job?

Dr. Schaefer is truly a wonderful professor who cares about the students here and about his work. This episode of Reel Life shows you a bit of that. Enjoy!

Check out an interview I did with one of his students here.

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Reel Life at Grove City College: Music Resources for All Majors

When I was looking at colleges, I expected to be either a business major or a computer science major. Now, I am an entrepreneurship major with a computer science minor – a perfect fit for me. But one thing plagued me about both options: I love music, and neither business nor computer science have much to say about music technique or theory.

In two ways, Grove City College made it possible for me to work with music in my daily life without needing to major or minor in any musical field.

First, it requires all students to take a certain number of humanities classes, and in multiple of mine, I have gotten to work with and listen to music.

Second – and the topic I want to talk about in today’s video – Grove City provides a whole host of music resources to all students in its building called PEW (J. Howard Pew Fine Arts Center).

In this episode of Reel Life, I vlog about a few stand-out resources PEW has to offer for non-music majors.


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China Intersession Abroad: A Terrible beginning Turns Into The Trip of a Lifetime

In the fall, Professor Sweet taught a class endearingly called Internet Content Marketing. In this course, students learned the importance of tailoring content to particular audiences in order to make a profit or showcase credibility. Towards the end of the semester, Professor Sweet asked the students to put their lessons into practice and write articles for this blog. As the editor of this site, I had the awesome opportunity to read all of these articles and choose the ones that I thought our readers would find most interesting. This particular piece is by David Cheung, he describes his trip to China for class credit. Enjoy!

This past summer I had the amazing opportunity to go to China for class credit. We got to go to the cities of Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Xian, and Beijing. This trip was led by Dr. Hogsette and Dr. Ayers, who could not have been better chaperones. Also, nine other Grove City students were part of the trip. Almost all of the students took the Civ Lit Class that could be completed on the trip. My friend Gabe and I were the only students who chose the other option, a Chinese Culture class. This was due to Gabe and I being Chinese minors. We left for China May 21st and returned on June 2nd, so we spent a total of about 10 days, spending two days in each city.

Despite my high opinion of the trip, it ironically started out very poorly. This was not a failure on the College’s part or the professors. In fact, it was completely my fault that the trip had such a difficult start. It was early in the morning on May 21st. I was on my way to Pittsburgh to fly out from the airport there with the rest of the group. Once I arrived with all my luggage and met up with my fellow students, I reached into my pocket to get my passport. That is when my heart rate shot through the roof, because I realized I had forgotten my passport and visa! Turns out, I left it at my house which was two hours away. The speed with which I sprinted to my car could have shattered any sprinting record in PA. I was able to get ahold of my uncle who went to my house, grabbed my passport, and met me halfway back to my house. At this point the time was around 6 a.m. and my flight was scheduled to leave at 7 a.m. I reached the airport at about 6:50 a.m., turning an hour drive into a 50-minute one. At the airport, everything was a blur. I remember everyone in the line for screening, allowing me to cut past them in order to make my flight, and sprinting down the long corridor leading to all the different flights. Of course, my flight was one of the farthest possible, which made me completely out of breath when I reached the front desk. The man giving me my luggage tag and scanning my ticket seemed a bit irritated at how close I cut it. I checked my phone for the time which was 6:58 a.m. Once on the plane, everyone clapped and I sank into my seat with both embarrassment and relief.

Thankfully, this was the worst part of the trip by a very large margin. After enduring a 14-hour flight, we reached our first destination, the city of Shanghai. The sites we got to see were beautiful. The Jade temple we visited was a famous Buddhist temple and people were constantly walking around praying to these statues that are set up all over the place. Particularly the white jade Buddha is the one that is famous. They hold it in such high regard that no pictures are allowed to be taken of it. It was a little off putting, being a Christian inside a temple dedicated to the worship of these statues, and with monks chanting all over the place. I was intrigued by how much the Chinese people hope in and have reverence for these Buddhas. It showed a lot of us on the trip how blind we are to the world outside the US, and even just outside of our little college. The experience was a powerful one, and we gained insight into the cultural values of China. We also visited other more typical tourist destinations in China, such as the Great Wall. This vast and seemingly unending wall was beautiful on the mountainous landscape of eastern China.

It was a tiring, but rewarding climb up the large steps to get to the higher points of the wall. We also saw the world famous Terra Cotta Warriors museum, which had many different statues who were buried in the giant Tomb of Emperor Qin. Our tour guide told us that they protect the Emperor in the after-life. The Emperor believed that every clay item that was buried with him would go with him to heaven, so there were clay animals, bowls, pots, servants, and many other things.

Even though these sights were very grand and beautiful, my personal favorite place we visited was the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We were able to talk to Chinese college students that were our age. It was so cool to compare our experiences with theirs. They would attempt to practice their English with us, and we would do the same with Chinese. They had many different demonstrations ready, to show us their medical practices and beliefs. They placed a high importance on using herbs to heal illness rather than turning to medication. Also, they view the body as all being connected through energy pathways. This energy is called “chi.” It is easy to disregard this idea, but there has been some amazing feats performed by the Chinese people as a result of this concept. We also got to see their beautiful garden that they grow all their herbs in. It was breathtaking when we laid eyes on it.

A professor from the college led us through the garden describing all the plants as we continued along. When the time came to say good-bye to everyone at the university, they gave us all gifts to take back with us. They were such gracious hosts, and a lot of us quickly became friends and exchanged numbers. I kept in contact with them for a while after the trip and I now have lots of friends to practice my Chinese with.

Everywhere we went, our meals were all so delicious. No matter where our location, there were always vegetables cooked perfectly with a dark sauce of some sort, many kinds of chicken dishes, and of course endless amounts of tea. Also, all meals required us to eat with chopsticks, and to eat “family-style.” This means that all of the food is in the center of the table, and people grab small portions of it at a time to put on their individual plates. This is very different from in the US where we all get our own dish. I personally loved “family-style” eating because it allowed me to try everything. There are also a lot of very unusual dishes we ate while in China. A few such foods were jellyfish, sea slugs, sea cucumbers, and cow stomach. Some of these dishes were completely different from what you would expect, such as the jellyfish being crunchy. On the other hand, some were exactly what was expected like the sea slugs have a slimy texture. Most of these dishes I thoroughly enjoyed (with the exception of the jellyfish) and am so glad that I was able to try this cuisine. I was hesitant to eat all of this crazy food at first, but by the end, I was eating duck eyes and not thinking twice about it. The fact we all got to try these new things together helped all of us students get closer as we marveled at these unique foods. Furthermore, the Chinese culture also believes in long meals that you leave only when you cannot take another bite. This made it so we spent a lot of time getting to know each other within the group.

Everyone in the group really got along well with each other. There was not a single person that I had any complaints about on this trip. Each person was included, no matter what we did. I largely contribute it to the fact that we all had to watch out for each other when we had free time, because we did not have a tour guide to take care of us. None of us were fluent in Chinese which made it very difficult and dangerous to be alone. However, as a result, everyone got to know each other very well. The friendships we formed continued even when we returned back to the States. We still try to grab a lunch as group every once in a while, and we have an ongoing group chat. I became closer with everyone on this trip, but much more so with the two other men that went. There were only three male students on this trip: Travis, Gabe, and myself. I was acquainted with these guys before the trip, but did not know them all that well. Gaining all these new experiences together really bonded us. We had to experience jet-lag together, eat all our meals together, sleep in the same room, shop with each other, and hangout during our free time. Every night we would re-hash everything that happened and talk about how excited we were for the next day. Nothing was ever boring with these guys, and yet I always felt relaxed around them as well. Us three still get tea together every week and are even better friends since the trip. Without going on this trip, I would have never had the great opportunity of getting to know these individuals.

I highly recommend the trip for anyone. There were so many benefits to going. I completed a class, got exposure to a different culture, got to know professors, tried new foods, and formed so many amazing friendships. I had been to China two other times prior to this Intersession trip. They do not compare to the experience I had while in China with this group. I doubt I will ever have quite the same experience again, unless I go on another trip with Grove City. If you are able to go, do not miss out on this opportunity. In looking back at it, I know it was no doubt worth every penny. 

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Freshmen Fitness Class: What is It?

The new Fitwell uniforms.

Entering my freshmen year at Grove City College, I knew that there was a required fitness course, but I had no idea what to expect. I figured it would be some sort of unorganized mess of putting students in a gym and having us play various sports for the required 50 minutes, twice a week. However, my expectations were wrong. The required fitness course is called “Fitwell” and is very organized.

According to the Department of Physical Education, “The required Fitness and Wellness courses for both men and women are designed to give each incoming student an awareness of personal fitness and wellness. The evaluation process for each student is comprised of written examinations, skill tests, special projects, swimming evaluations, and fitness appraisals. The ultimate goal is to provide an opportunity for each student to develop a personal responsibility for his/her own lifestyle.”

Fitwell is a one-credit course which freshmen will take both their fall and spring semester. The first section of the course covers about half of the fall semester. It is lecture based, and men and women are split up. In the lecture section, I learned about nutrition, injuries, living a healthy lifestyle, and health disorders. I also had to complete a weekly meal log and recorded all of my meals for a week. Then I looked at the nutrition breakdown charts and compared them to the suggested calories for my specific height, weight, and activity level. It made me more aware of what I was eating and how it is a choice of whether to eat healthy.

The second half of the first semester, and the rest of the spring semester is lab based. Students will pick their top lab choices and then will go to work-out during the allotted time for Fitwell. There are many choices which include: circuit training, swimming, aerobic conditioning, walk/jog/run, weightlifting, and more.

The first lab I chose was circuit training. This involved high-intensity workouts for about 60 second intervals. Some of the stations included: step ups, jump rope, and planks. Circuit training is used to increase endurance and stamina. For the end of the lab, we had to come up with our own circuit training program. We had to take pictures of the various exercises and decide how many reps to complete. I enjoyed this lab because it was a great workout and changing stations made the workouts interesting.

The second lab I did was called aerobic conditioning. It involved longer workout sessions. One of the workouts we did were kickboxing, we watched a video and followed along. At the end of every workout, we measured our heartrate to see if we were in the target range for our specific age group. I also enjoyed this lab because of the wide variety of workouts and the longer workout sessions.

The last lab I did was walk/jog/run. This was a more individualized course because we went at our own pace and counted how many laps we completed in a certain amount of time. We also ran the mile at the beginning of the course, and then tried to improve on that time by the end of the course. I enjoyed this lab because it was so individualized, and inside the gym there is a track which made it easy to know how far I had run.

Overall, Fitwell is a great way to meet new people in the freshman class and get a break from the lecture atmosphere!

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Do Not Fear The Humanities Core

Do Not Fear The Humanities Core

Grove City College requires all students to complete a Humanities Core as part of their general education requirements. These have been updated and changed since my start here in 2014, but they still serve the same purposes and cover similar course material. Thanks to these courses I have been exposed to history, music and the arts, literature, study of worldviews, and academic study of the Bible.

One of my biggest fears when it came to these humanities classes was that they would be a waste of time, but that was a fear that proved to be unfounded. As an Entrepreneurship/English dual major I was afraid that Civilization and Literature especially, one of these core classes, would overlap with my English coursework, but it did not. We read classic novels like The Aeneid and Paradise Lost, and my English professors (many of whom teach Civilization and Literature along with their English department courses) have not spent time re-teaching us these books.

The books I read in Civilization and Literature (affectionately known on campus as “Civ Lit”) shaped the way that I view the world, and Paradise Lost and Dante’s Inferno led me to think deeply about my faith and difficult theological questions pertaining to Heaven, Hell, and sin. After reading these books I am convinced that all Christians and questioners alike should be exposed to them.

The Humanities Core class that has shaped me most, though, has been Speculative Mind (Now changed slightly and called “Christianity and Civilization”). For the first half of this class we discussed various world views and how each one views prime reality, external reality, man, death, knowledge, ethics, and history. We then transitioned in the course to talk about various Biblical topics and modern culture topics and how we engage with the world as Christians. It was this latter portion that affected me the most.

My professor led discussions on current hot-button topics in a way that allowed us to engage in conversation, analyze various facets and point of view, but did not devolve into arguing and hard-headedness the way that many conversations of the like do. This led me to see the world through the lenses of my classmates, all of whom have had different experiences in their lives that myself, at least for a class period.

There was one class period that changed me in particular, though – the day that we discussed the Sabbath. My professor laid out the concept of the Sabbath in a way that I had never heard before, and argued that despite many people seeing it as an optional practice in modern times, it is still a very important doctrine to follow. The following semester, I decided to observe a weekly Sabbath after being convicted in Speculative Mind, and it was life-giving. Observing the Sabbath has brought me closer to God and has brought more peace into my life overall.

So did I learn a lot academically in my Humanities Core classes? Absolutely. This learning, though, is not what was the most important to me. I learned so much more about living life as a Christian and engaging with the modern world. Do not fear the Humanities Core, because it will bring you out of the comfort zone of your discipline and into an area of extreme growth.

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Student Spotlight: Studying Abroad with Sarah Kuhn

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson, with this quote, thoroughly explains the intrigue, adventure and excitement that accompanies most students that decide to pursue a study abroad program. One such student is junior Accounting and Finance major and Spanish minor Sarah Kuhn. She currently studying abroad in Granada, Spain through the opportunities offered to each student and major through the Grove City College Office of International Education (OIE). I was fortunate enough to have a conversation with her in between her international adventures to ask her a few questions about her experiences so far, her international insights, as well as her advice to those looking to pursue a study abroad program.

How was the planning process of choosing and applying for a program? Do you have any advice after your successful planning experience?

“Planning to study abroad is not a difficult experience. As long as you have the required packets and paperwork and some organizational skills, you will be able to figure it out. If studying abroad is important to you, then that is enough motivation to be able to make it happen. Also, the OIE is more than willing to help you with any problems or questions. I would advise that those wanting to study abroad do some research about classes and credits both at Grove City and in their desired program to make sure that they will transfer. It also helps to take Humanities courses earlier rather than later, because those classes will not transfer from abroad. It may help to plan out your courses ahead of time so that you are prepared.”

How has studying abroad changed your perspective on things like life, education, etc.?

Junior Sarah Kuhn and I discussing her study abroad experience to Grenada, Spain over a lovely video call.
Junior Sarah Kuhn and I discussing her study abroad experience to Grenada, Spain over a lovely video call.

“It had really shown be how big the world is. It has been such an eye-opening experience to be surrounded by so many students who are not Christian and to observe how they approach the world, art, travel, education, and the beauty of Creation. It makes me think of my understanding and learning through classes like Speculative Mind and Civ Arts.”

What has been the best part about studying abroad so far?

“The best part overall has been the opportunity to see things in person that I never imagined really existed. It’s been so amazing to see vague and intangible things that I’ve only learned about becoming real, like Europe itself and works of art. I recently traveled to the beach and was able to experience the Mediterranean Sea for the first time, which was pretty special.”

What is your favorite thing about living in Spain?

“I’ve really enjoyed the opportunities to practice and learn more Spanish. That was really important to me, and a big part of why I decided to study abroad. I’ve loved being in Spanish classes, conversing with professors and asking questions that I was able to apply to my life directly outside of the classroom in a real-life setting. I’ve loved learning about the culture and the different dialects within Spain. The culture is so diverse and there’s so much I still don’t know, and I think that is really cool.”

What are the biggest differences that you have seen between Europe and America?

“Mostly, I have noticed how much more secular Europe is in comparison to the United States. Many times over the months I’ve been here, I have been able to share and explain the gospel with people who really didn’t have any idea what Christianity is all about. I’ve noticed that Americans tend to have such a small scope of perspective, and that studying abroad highlights the range of that scope in different ways. People in Europe are much more culturally aware than Americans, and speak more language and have a better understanding of more cultures outside their own.”

Anything else you’d like to share?

“I am surprised how few people studied abroad from Grove City this semester, only 13! If you choose the right program and plan it right, studying abroad (flights included) can cost less than a semester at the College. Also, studying abroad has made me so thankful for Grove City College’s community, their strong Christian education, and formative classes. I am so lucky to have a Grove City College education as a base so that I can succeed wherever I am in the world, and to be able to use what I learn as well.”

Sarah Kuhn is forging her own path abroad, and surely Emerson would be proud. Her experiences and insights will add so much diversity and culture to Grove City College, as does every student that studies abroad. Choosing the path abroad can lead to a discovery of culture, faith, self and so much more, and the OIE helps make those dreams a reality for Grove City College students. So it has been said, and can be applied to those seeking an abroad adventure, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

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Using an Independent Study as a Resume Builder

            The hardest part about applying for a job is having to fill out the dreaded “experience” section. Whether you have a ton of past work experience or no past work experience, it is difficult to sum up your skills in a readable and practical way. One of the great opportunities offered at Grove City College is creating an independent study. An independent study is a great experience you can put on your resume. The study is similar to an internship where you design a project or complete a task that displays and highlights your skills within a semester. 

Independent Study While Abroad

France Group

             When I was a junior, I was able to be a part of the European Study Center program in Nantes, France. This program was unique because it offered courses taken directly through Grove City College instead of an outside university like most study abroad programs. I worked with professors from Grove City while in France in order to create a independent study that was focused around my major, communications. One of the best parts about having an independent study while in another country was the fact that I was able to communicate with students from all over the world. With the guidance of communication professors in America, I conducted a series of interviews of American and French students where I asked about how cultural differences affect communication styles. This was an amazing experience that I was very passionate about, and used to increase my experience in independent research and design.

How to Create an Independent Study

             Independent studies are not only for students who study abroad, but also for students on campus as well. In order to create an independent study, there are a few steps to complete to gain course credits. Any independent study must be approved by your academic advisor, as well as the chair of the department in which you study. Just like any other course, an independent has to have a syllabus and a timeline of course work that gets turned in and graded. This also includes necessary readings and outside projects or assignments relevant to the study. For my study, I interviewed French and American students to see how cultural differences affect social and educational perspectives. I consulted various books about cultural competence, communication styles, and body language, as well as kept a video blog where I would post about research and experiences. This blog, as well as interview assignments were turned in and evaluated throughout the semester.  Not every independent study is alike, and some can have different guidelines for grading upon discussion with your academic advisor. For some independent studies, a final project might be a research paper, a machine, or a public presentation. These can often times count as senior capstone projects, and can fill between 1 and 3 credit hours.

Independent Study as a Resume Builder

            Independent studies allow just that – independence in using the ideas you have as a student to create something meaningful and relevant to what you are studying. If you have an idea you are passionate about, an independent study is the perfect excuse to pursue it. Not only can you get credit for it, but you can research and gain experience to help in future job searches. Having research experience can be beneficial in a job looking for someone who can be reliable for deadlines, and work independently. Below is an example of one of the video blogs I created for my independent study of our experiences as abroad students in a different culture. This study is an experience I will always cherish.

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Oh, the Humanities!

Dr. Thompson Writing

Grove City College is a liberal arts school therefore there are certain academic requirements that must be met before graduation. At this school, that means a humanities core requirements for every student in every major. However, I have come to realize the value of the whole-person education offered here.

The humanities core requirements stretches across almost every area of academia. Course requirements include natural sciences, social sciences, physical education, foreign languages, and biblical & historical studies. Each category is chosen to target a specific zone of education.

Dr. Jewell, a former College president, remarked at every graduation ceremony that he knew he was shaking hands with a “well-educated person.”

Whether a student in the Calderwood (Liberal Arts) School or Hopeman (STEM) School, every student is expected to fulfill these requirements. Some might read this and have cause for concern because of a general anxiety for anything outside of a general comfort zone, but I have found that there are a considerable number of benefits to this system:

Mix of Majors in Each Class

Sometimes, the only chance I would have as an Entrepreneurship major to have class with an Engineering major is in my humanities classes. As I continue to progress in my classes, I noticed they become focused on major-specific classes. That limits the variety of students I would get to interact with in a classroom setting. However, there is so much value to be had from collaborating with people who think in different ways. I enjoy the opportunity to work with people of all academic backgrounds in these classes. Plus, I like having an in for starting a conversation with someone–this gives everyone a common ground throughout campus.

Helpful when Studying Abroad

In the spring of my sophomore year, I studied abroad in Florence, Italy. It was a dream trip for me. The culture that I experienced blew my mind. However, what made that cultural exposure so much more valuable was the Civilization & the Arts class I had taken the semester prior. In that class, I learned how to analyze and appreciate artwork of all genres. Later on, when I was in Italy I visited some of the most prestigious museums and got to apply those concepts that I learned. It was so satisfying knowing how to interpret that art. I went abroad and felt prepared to walk into any museum and not feel like a fool.

Well-Rounded Education

Overall, the classes that I will take at this school will become a reflection of who I am after graduation. The opportunity to expose myself to so many different types of classes is an extremely valuable trait as I enter the workforce. As a current student, I can without a doubt vouch for the benefit of a humanities core.